Normal blood lipids, statin can not be stopped? President Clinton’s Mistakes Can’t Be Repeated


What is the hardest thing to ask? It is estimated that many people will have countless answers! But when it comes to one thing, it is estimated that many people will agree, that is, insist on taking medicine!

Statins are powerful tools for lowering lipids and stabilizing plaques. For all patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, statins are lifelong Accompanying, because once diagnosed with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular atherosclerotic disease, statins almost need to be taken orally for life!

But even if this is the case, there will still be many people who are viewing After my own test report, I found that my blood lipids were very “good” and very “normal”, so I stopped the “lipid-lowering drug” statin without authorization!

There are probably not one or two people who do this! So, why can’t normal blood lipids still be discontinued?

1. Withholding the drug without authorization, Clinton has no choice but to bridge!

Former US President Clinton, after being diagnosed with coronary heart disease, insisted on taking statin and other drugs in accordance with the doctor’s advice, and finally reduced blood lipids. Significant reduction in level control. But he did not listen to the doctor’s advice and stopped statin on his own. After a few months of stopping the drug, he was hospitalized because of the recurrence of coronary heart disease. After angiography, he underwent bypass surgery because of the condition! Clinton’s story can be described as the best “negative teaching material” for doctors to discourage patients from taking their medicines on time!

Second, blood lipids are normal, why not Stop statin?

Examples like Clinton’s abound in reality. Why can’t statin be stopped even when blood lipids are normal? Because, for patients with atherosclerosis such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, the reason why statins need long-term oral administration is that long-term oral administration can effectively prevent the recurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases; Existing disease aggravated, new complications appeared. Therefore, patients with definite cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases cannot stop the drug even if their blood lipids are normal.

Third, the risk of death if the drug is discontinued without authorization greatly increase!

Studies have shown that discontinuation of statins in patients with coronary heart disease greatly increases the risk of recurrent coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction and The risk of death is greatly increased, even reaching 20%-30%. The longer the drug is stopped, the greater the risk of coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular disease. On the contrary, the earlier the timing of statin treatment, the longer the statin treatment time, and the greater the reduction in cholesterol, the greater the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular benefits.

This is really:

Heart and brain diseases are common, and

lipid-lowering therapy is the key;

Withdrawal without authorization is dangerous,

It’s safer to follow your doctor’s orders!