One of the best ways to treat chronic diseases and sub-healthy people (rubbing the abdomen)

In the clinical treatment of many chronic diseases and sub-healthy people, in addition to the commonly used back-opening and expelling qi and improving people’s yang qi, the second step I like to do is the dirty abdomen of the fingers. Pointing acupoints, also commonly known as rubbing the abdomen, connects the front and rear meridians. As long as the patient is not extremely deficient, after such conditioning, the condition will be reduced by at least three points to half.

Why, As the saying goes:“The stomach is hard and sick; the stomach is soft, and the sick is too lazy”. Let’s first take a look at the various problems caused by the stomach:

1. The stomach must be soft:Hard stomach, sleepless; stomach hard, bad temper; stomach hard, face spots; stomach hard, face acne.

2. The temperature of the stomach must be: The stomach is cold, the hands and feet are cold; the stomach is cold , many diseases; cold stomach, pain everywhere; stomach pain, yellow and black spots.

3. A woman’s stomach temperature is one degree higher, and the incidence of gynecological diseases is reduced by half;

4. Rub the stomach before menstruation, persist for one year, the United States is two years old; persist for three years, no disease.

5. Show your shoulders, show your chest, don’t show your belly, show your belly and have less life expectancy.

6. Pressing around the umbilicus often, there is no shortage of vitality; the umbilical area is always warm, and the disease is not entangled.

7. If you are hungry on a regular basis, the burden on the stomach will be reduced; eat less for dinner to reduce the burden on the stomach; rub it before menstruation to reduce the burden on the stomach.

8. The face is the flower, the chest is the leaf, and the uterus is the root.

9. During menstruation, eating cold food will cause stomach pain; if menstrual period is not warm, hands and feet will be cold; if menstrual period is not warm, the face will be spotty.

The “belly” here mainly refers to the area around the navel. Around the navel, there are important meridians such as the Ren, Stomach, Kidney, Liver and Spleen, as well as the Chong and Tai channels. Around the navel, it is very important to be the transportation hub of the human body! From the throat to the external genitalia, this center is inseparable.

The stomach is hard and the meridians are blocked, which will inevitably affect the flow of qi and blood, resulting in physical diseases. Such as cold limbs, throat discomfort, weak spleen and stomach, female gynecological diseases, severe cases lead to cold uterus, infertility, male infertility. and disharmony between husband and wife.

There is a saying in medicine “to treat a disease but to seek its root”. As long as the root cause of the disease is found, no matter how the disease changes, it will remain the same and be under control.

Why is my stomach hard? These are all endogenous things – “turbid air, turbid water, and stools”.

Where does the turbid air come from? When we quarrel, sullen, suffocated… it will produce turbid qi; in spring, when the liver qi is too strong, and the body is not well-discharged, qi will also be generated. Because there is no normal way to release this turbid qi, it rampages in the body, and the qi rises up. In the end, you will have a headache, and when the cold is rushing to the limbs, it will become rheumatism, and when it enters the stomach, it will become an ulcer.

This kind of qi stops and does not go away, which hinders the normal operation of qi and blood, slows down blood circulation, and is easy to stagnate and form lumps in the body, or form Tumor, because qi stagnation must be blood stasis! Blood stasis will inevitably show various symptoms, which is what Western medicine calls various diseases, such as hepatobiliary disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, heart disease, menstrual disease and tumor. That’s what it means.

The easiest way is actuallymassage, rubbing and pushing the stomach , after a few times, my belly has become smaller, and it is very soft and not so loose!

Simple navel rubbing method can help you eliminate the three turbidities:

Wake up in the morning clockwise and Counterclockwise 36 times each, clockwise and counterclockwise 36 times when sleeping at night, usually walking, when watching TV, you can use your hollow fist to beat the belly, blia, and buttocks, and knock out the meridians in other parts, which is good for dredging the stomach. Sedimentation is also very beneficial.

Methods:Standing, sitting or supine can be used, the body is relaxed, the hands are stacked, the boy’s left hand is down, and the palm of the right hand is naturally placed on the back of the left hand, Women do the opposite. With the navel as the center of the circle, knead with both hands in a clockwise direction 36 times, with deep and gentle force, focusing on the feeling of the abdomen. Knead again 36 times counterclockwise. 1 time in the morning and evening for a long time.

Some people burp and fart as soon as they rub it, which means that the clear air rises and the turbid air decreases, and the effect is the best; insist on expelling the turbid air every day to prevent illness. top policy.

Three easy ways to help get rid of tummy lumps

A healthy abdomen should be free of any lumps. Therefore, it is said in “The Great Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion”: “A large number of lumps in the abdomen, regardless of whether men or women accumulate or collapse, are all malignant diseases, and should not be regarded as normal.”

There is a lump in the abdomen, whether it is stool or stasis, the first treatment is to prevent the disease.

1. Umbilical Therapy: This exercise is simple and easy to learn, and does not require any basic practice. It has obvious effects on maintaining health, improving various physical diseases, adjusting emotions, enhancing awareness, and assisting meditation.

When a person lies flat on the bed and presses the belly button with a little force with his fingers, he can feel a constant upward, balanced and powerful pulsation—that is, pulsation. The pulsation is affected by various factors, leaving the center of the navel and shifting to the surrounding, will produce various diseases, emotional problems, interpersonal problems, etc. corresponding to the direction of the acquired gossip. Through manipulation, we can gradually heal.

Methods: When lying down or sitting quietly, start from the kidney position, use your fingers from the proximal edge of the navel to the distal edge, and press a little bit to find the deep beating point Or hard lumps (the farther the beating point or hard lump is from the navel, the more the energy of this organ deviates from the source, and the greater the disease, corresponding emotions, and interpersonal problems of this part of the organ).

Then use five fingertips to grab hard lumps or beating points, and rub them in position. Each point is 100-500 strokes, and the number can be gradually increased. The key is to insist on pressing and kneading every day. Then, draw a circle with the navel as the center of the palm, and do the above navel rubbing method, rubbing the entire abdomen as a closing exercise.

2. Moxibustion at Zusanli, Yinlingquan, Tianshu and Rangu, and moxibustion at the points with obvious moxibustion sensation for a while, so that the gas can reach the abdomen.

3. Daily attention should be paid to let one’s breath touch the dantian, so that the aerodynamics of the abdomen will be aroused, and the blood stasis will be gradually dispelled and self-healing. Practice abdominal breathing more often.

Abdominal breathing simply means expanding and deflating the belly.

If you don’t know abdominal breathing, practice this:

< strong>Method: Lie down or sit upright with your hands folded. Cover your belly button with your palms. Inhale slowly through your nose – feel your belly slowly rise until you can no longer breathe, hold your breath and feel the tension above your belly. Exhale and feel the tension loosen.

Do this a few times and you’ll find your rhythm.

Breathing Tips

Breathe should be even, deep and long. When breathing, relax your mind and don’t think about your mouth. Nose, mind is placed on the lower dantian, which is the position of the lower abdomen.

The slower the breathing, the better, the more even the better, the deeper and longer the better, when you inhale, it seems to smell the fragrance of flowers, and when you spit, it seems like a geese falling to the ground , without force.

Consciously practice abdominal breathing for half an hour every day, or consciously breathe 100 times in the morning and evening respectively. After a long time, it is a daily breathing habit.