There is a rare thing called understanding

Being a human being, walking in the world all your life,

the most rare thing is called Understand.

To anyone, anything,

All learn to understand each other,

Don’t be fussy about it ,

trying to understand others is equal to letting go of yourself,

When you understand others, you also help yourself.

Not understanding is the birthplace of contradiction,

Even a source of hatred.

Injuries due to mutual misunderstanding,

just disturbs the mood.

Human hearts are mutual, so is understanding,

People get along with each other, mutual understanding,

< p data-track="19"> can promote mutual feelings.

Understanding is a kind of empathy,

Understanding is a social harmony.

More understanding of each other,

There is more warmth in the relationship;

There are more friends An understanding,

a friendship is more close;

The more understanding between life, the more beautiful the society will be


Understand each other with parents,

So effort and filial piety blend with each other;

Understand each other with friends,

so friendship is stronger.

Because of understanding, society cares less;

Because of understanding, feelings are less complaining;

Because of understanding, More love for each other;

Because of understanding, life is getting better and better.

To understand others,

is to understand yourself ,

There is something rare in this life, which is called understanding.