Pigs have a good thing, lower blood pressure, blood lipids, blood sugar, usually eat more, don’t miss it

Pork is the most popular meat for Chinese people. The relevant data survey shows that the annual pork consumption in my country accounts for 50% of the world’s total pork consumption. %~55%, it can be seen how much Chinese people love to eat pork! ############################################################################# It is mouth-watering, and modern people no longer have to worry about food and clothing. Almost every household has entered a well-off life, and eating meat has become a very common thing.

Pork contains more protein, fat, amino acids, minerals, calcium, iron, zinc and other trace amounts that are beneficial to the body Eating pork can enhance the body’s immunity and resistance, resist the invasion of bacteria and viruses, and maintain good health. The rich iron in pork can also effectively prevent iron-deficiency anemia, nourish qi and blood, and beautify the face.

Three high diseases, as the primary killers threatening the health of middle-aged and elderly people, more and more people are The reason, unfortunately, was diagnosed with three high diseases. The occurrence of three high diseases is closely related to bad eating habits. It is said that there is such a good thing in pigs. I can lower blood pressure, blood lipids, and blood sugar. Which part is it? Let’s take a look together.


the pig has a Good things, lower blood pressure, blood lipids, blood sugar, usually eat more, don’t miss it

【pork skin】< /strong>

Pig skin is a food with high protein content, carbohydrates, fats, amino acids, minerals, vitamins, etc. Substances are essential nutrients to maintain human health. Eating pork rinds often may gain the following benefits:

(1 ) Improve immunity

Eating pig skin can replenish energy and nutrition for the body, improve immunity, and resist the invasion of bacteria and viruses , The nutrients contained in pig skin can activate immune factors after entering the body, improve the activity of immune cells, and make the body healthier.

(2) Beauty and beauty

Pig skin contains a lot of collagen, which can improve the physiological function of the body, enhance the water content of the skin, delay the process of skin aging, firm the skin, and beautify the skin.

Beauty-loving women might as well eat a little pig skin every day to nourish qi and blood, and at the same time effectively eliminate melanin accumulated under the skin, lighten pigmentation, delay senescence.

(3) Lowering blood pressure, blood lipids, and blood sugar

Expert research has found that the protein content of pig skin is 2.5 grams of that of pork. Eating pig skin can promote blood flow and contain glycogen protein, which can effectively clean up impurities and garbage in blood vessels. , dilute blood, reduce blood consistency, improve blood vessel elasticity, activate insulin secretion, achieve the effect of balancing blood pressure, lowering blood sugar, and stabilizing blood lipids.

Patients with three high diseases can eat a little pig skin properly under the advice and guidance of doctors. It should be noted that due to the Pig skin contains a small amount of fat. When eating pig skin, you must control the intake and pay attention to the cooking method to avoid excessive intake of fat, which is not conducive to the stability of the body value.

(4) Nourishing Yin and Qi

< span>Pig skin is a cool food, which can nourish yin and qi. Eating pig skin often can replenish complexion and regulate blood. The iron contained in pig skin is easy to be digested and absorbed by the human body.

In addition to replenishing qi and blood, it can also regulate blood flow in the body, restore physical health, and prevent iron deficiency anemia.

(5) Clear the lungs and moisten the lungs

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that pig skin is a cool ingredient. Eating pig skin can effectively improve the accumulation of qi and blood in the body and the symptoms of vigorous liver fire, nourish qi and blood, promote blood flow throughout the body, and remove toxins and waste residues in the lungs. , relieve the swelling of the throat and the accumulation of qi and blood in the lungs, reduce the burden on the body, and achieve the purpose of clearing the lungs and moistening the lungs.

Long-term smokers often have cough and phlegm, throat discomfort, breathing and chest tightness. You might as well eat more pork skin to improve this symptom.


Who should not eat pork rind?

1. Obese people

The fat content per 100 grams of pork skin is as high as 363 calories, the protein content is 27.4 grams, and the fat content is 28.1 grams. The normal pork tenderloin, 100 grams contains 155 calories and protein. The content is 20.2 grams and the fat content is 7.9 grams. After comparison, it can be seen that pork skin is a high-calorie and high-fat food.

Those who are overweight or are in the process of losing weight, it is best not to eat pig skin, otherwise it will affect the weight loss. Increase the residual amount of body fat and increase the body obesity rate.

2. Patients with liver and kidney disease

Liver and kidney are important organs for metabolism and detoxification in the body. People with severe liver and kidney disease or chronic metabolic disease should not eat pork skin, otherwise it will block the blood circulation in the body and increase the burden of liver and kidney detoxification Not conducive to the recovery of the body.

3. People with cold constitution

Pig skin itself is a kind of cold food. For those with cold constitution, ingesting a large amount of pig skin will cause excessive accumulation of cold and moisture in the body, aggravate the problems of dysmenorrhea and uterine cold in women, and affect men. Kidney health.

4. Allergic

People who are seriously allergic to pig skin are not suitable to eat it, otherwise it will induce severe allergic reactions, and even a series of dangerous accidents such as anaphylactic shock in critical cases.

5. Atherosclerosis

Pork skin contains a lot of fat. Excessive intake will thicken the blood, slow down the flow, and easily induce thrombosis and atherosclerosis.

If you have chronic cardiovascular disease, such as atherosclerosis, it is best not to eat pig skin, so as not to aggravate the disease development of.


Which parts of the pig Not suitable for human consumption?

[Pig Neck]

Whether it is a pig neck or a human neck, there are more lymphoid tissues. Lymph nodes belong to the immune system and contain a lot of heavy metals and toxins.

Before eating the pig neck, the disease has been boiled with high temperature, and the impurities on the surface of the pig neck are cleaned, but the lymph nodes and viruses and bacteria in the neck still cannot be removed. All removal, eating pig neck often will increase the amount of heavy metal residues in the body, which will seriously affect health.

【Pork Liver】

Chinese people have always had a diet concept of “what you eat to make up for what you eat”. As a kind of animal internal organs, pig liver contains more cholesterol. Excessive intake of pig liver will increase the deposition of cholesterol and triglycerides in blood vessels, which is not conducive to the stability of blood lipids.

Eating pork liver cannot achieve the effect of maintaining the liver. As an important organ for metabolism and detoxification, the liver contains many harmful substances, often Eating pork liver will aggravate toxin residues in the body. Please stay away from middle-aged and elderly people suffering from three high diseases.

[Pork Large Intestine]

The main function of the large intestine is to transport feces and expel feces. Expert research has found that every 0.1 gram of feces contains 10,000 bacteria and eggs, 10,000 fungi and parasites. The large intestine is cleaned, but it cannot remove all the poisons.

The fat content in pig large intestine is too high, and eating pig large intestine often will increase body fat, increase the deposition of cholesterol and triglycerides, and affect liver and kidney function. normal function and induce cardiovascular disease.