The misdiagnosis rate of cancer in my country is about 30%. Reminder: 3 types of cancer are easily misdiagnosed and should be paid attention to

The diagnosis of cancer must be determined by pathological examination, that is, by puncturing the blood cells or biopsy and post-operative pathology to determine the nature.

Other examinations including imaging examinations, enhanced CT, MRI, etc. It is combined with tumor markers. In some cases, a clinical diagnosis can be made, but there is no way to confirm the diagnosis. The diagnosis must be made by pathological examination.

Although the current medical level has developed by leaps and bounds, many cancers can be clinically cured as long as they are detected in time. However, the cancer diagnosis rate in my country is still relatively high, about 30%.

Some pre-cancers are easily confused with other diseases, and by the time the diagnosis is made, the disease has reached a very serious stage. 1 step, even has spread, thus missing the best treatment period.

Some people may be puzzled by this, why is the misdiagnosis rate still the same when medical devices are so developed now how high?


Why is cancer misdiagnosed so high today?

None of the tests detect cancer 100% strong>

In the diagnosis of tumors, medical instruments are not omnipotent, and even advanced instruments have certain limitations and In the blind spot, if a single inspection is used alone, it is easy to cause misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis. In clinical practice, inspection is generally used as a helper for doctors to diagnose. Only by combining inspection and first-hand diagnostic data can a correct diagnosis be made.

Incorrect item checked

At present, most cancers do not have specific symptoms in the early stage, and they often need specific examinations to be found. However, office workers like Xiao Wang are often Most of the physical examinations attended are arranged by the company, and most of them are relatively common routine physical examination items, which often do not include cancer screening examinations.

For example, gastric cancer and esophageal cancer need gastroscope for early detection. For example, early lung cancer cannot be detected by chest X-ray. It is necessary to do low-dose spiral CT.

Some cancers have atypical symptoms or hidden locations span>

pancreatic cancer, kidney cancer and other lesions, most of the lesions are located in the retroperitoneum, surrounded by various organs, plus Early symptoms are hidden and atypical, and the difficulty of diagnosis will be much higher.

Patients with these cancers often take many detours before being diagnosed, mistaking them for other diseases. After treatment and diagnosis, it was finally discovered that the cause of the uncomfortable symptoms turned out to be cancer.


Reminder: 3 types of cancer are easily misdiagnosed, pay attention

< span>1. Rectal cancer and hemorrhoids

Rectal cancer is the most common gastrointestinal tract Malignant tumors, if not treated in time, can be life-threatening. In the early stage of rectal cancer, it is easy to be misdiagnosed as hemorrhoids. Some of this misdiagnosis is the patient’s self-misdiagnosis, and some is the speculation of medical staff.

The reason for the high misdiagnosis rate is mainly because the clinical manifestations of rectal cancer and hemorrhoids are similar. In fact, as long as the patient is vigilant, early detection of rectal cancer is completely possible. If it can be detected early, the treatment effect of rectal cancer is very good.

Detecting rectal cancer early is not difficult as long as the patient is careful. The difference between hemorrhoids and rectal cancer can be achieved with simple clinical examinations, and the cost is not high.

2. Gastric cancer and gastric ulcers

Stomach ulcer is a common disease that may become cancerous. In terms of symptoms alone, gastric cancer and gastric ulcer It’s easy to get confused.

The early symptoms of gastric cancer are not obvious, and some patients will have symptoms of indigestion, pain, Symptoms such as nausea and hiccups are not unique to gastric cancer, but gastric ulcers are also common.

Therefore, early gastric cancer and gastric ulcer may be misdiagnosed. , must go to the hospital in time for diagnosis, good symptomatic treatment.

3. Breast Cancer and Fibroadenoma of the Breast p>

Breast cancer has similar symptoms to fibroadenomas and is likely to be misdiagnosed.

The biggest thing they have in common is that both patients will experience painless breasts after the disease. Sexual mass, fibroma mostly occurs in young women, the mass is oval, round, with a very clear boundary with the surrounding, relatively high activity, and the growth rate of the mass is relatively slow.

Precisely because breast cancer and fibroadenoma of the breast share many similarities, they are likely to be misdiagnosed , thus delaying the disease.

Write at the end:

Cancer is very scary, and it is very likely to endanger life. If you want to reduce the misdiagnosis rate of cancer, when you feel unwell, you must go to the hospital for a detailed examination, so as to be able to Early detection and early treatment.