Why can’t you sleep with your feet facing west and your head facing east? Tell you why, not superstition

Sleeping is the best way to build energy and energy, and everyone sleeps differently and has their own habits.

Most Chinese place beds indoors, often in east-west orientation, which means that people sleep in the direction not the head Facing east with feet facing west means head facing west and feet facing east.

The older generation is very particular about the direction of sleep. East, so why exactly? Next, let’s find out together.

Why can’t you sleep with your feet facing west and head facing east? It’s not superstition to tell you why

You can’t sleep with your head facing east and your feet facing west. The reason for this argument is that the human body’s own magnetic field is weak, and people sleep in the direction of the geomagnetic field in the north and south.

Especially for the growth and development of young people and the elderly, it is extremely beneficial, which is the magnetization effect of the human body. Although there is no special induction when sleeping in the east-west direction, it has a certain impact on the cells and physiological functions of the human body. Some people will feel restless and difficult to sleep when sleeping in the east-west direction. Therefore, it is believed that it is best to sleep in the north and south.

But it should be noted that the north and south magnetic poles of the earth are not true south and true north. , so the so-called sleep orientation is not due south or due north in a strict sense.

Life individuals will gradually adapt to the environment since they come to this world and establish a certain balance suitable for the local magnetic field. Sometimes This magnetic field balance will break.

For example, when the external magnetic field changes suddenly, such as the vigorous activity of the sun, a large number of sunspot flares are generated, and a magnetic storm is caused. Changes in skin potential will affect the human nervous system, the tension of the autonomic nervous system and sympathetic nerves has increased, and patients with mental disorders are prone to disease fluctuations.

Traveling across time zones, moving houses, etc., can also easily cause sleep disturbances. However, the exact relationship between geomagnetism and sleep is still under study, and there is no conclusion, so it is difficult to conclude whether the orientation will affect sleep. Instead of worrying too much about the orientation, it is better to adjust the most comfortable sleeping position or consider other effects on sleep. factor.

How can I improve sleep quality?

First, coffee and strong tea should be prohibited before going to bed to avoid stress on the central nervous system. produce stimuli and cause insomnia.

Second, patients should go to bed and get up early, avoid staying up late, and avoid drinking a lot of water before going to bed, which may cause Frequent urination at night can interfere with sleep.

Thirdly, you can drink a large glass of hot milk before going to bed to promote sleep.

Fourth, do some aerobic exercise at least five days a week to improve sleep, such as playing badminton, brisk walking, etc. .

Fifth, pay attention to the ventilation of the living environment, maintain a suitable temperature, the room temperature is controlled at about 20 ℃, and the humidity Control it at about 60%, change the sheets and bedding frequently, and keep the size and comfort of the pillow.

Sixth, the lights must be turned off before going to bed, because only in a dark environment is beneficial The production of melatonin helps people fall asleep. If you sleep with the light on, it will destroy melatonin and cause people’s psychological and physiological disorders.

Extended Reading – How Much Sleep Is Good Every Day?

How long to sleep every day is often different from person to person, and the reasonable sleep time is also different at different ages. It is recommended that you feel energetic and comfortable, and do not pursue the so-called optimal sleep time.

General The fluctuation is about 5-8 hours, depending on different sleeping habits, the sleep time is different, although most people sleep time may be 7-8 hours, but some people sleep a lot, maybe more than 8-9 hours before they feel enough sleep , Some people sleep less, about 4-5 hours of sleep is enough, you should look at the situation the next day.

If you feel refreshed, energetic, full of energy, don’t feel sleepy and can concentrate on something, your brain and body are well rested, and you have enough sleep the night before.

People’s sleep time varies throughout their lives. It may be longer when you are young, and may be shorter when you are old. From this point of view, sleep quality is not directly related to sleep duration to a large extent.

Try to fall asleep before 11-12 o’clock in the evening, which will help you be full of energy the next day. At the same time, you should pay attention to the quality of sleep. If you can take a lunch break, try to keep a lunch break of about 0.5-1 hour. p>