Obviously already “menopausal”, why are some women still not old? or related to these 5 hobbies

Introduction: Every woman will enter the menopause. Once the menopause comes, the appearance and self-image will change, especially the changes in the face are particularly obvious. Women who enter the menopause , There will be wrinkles and pigmentation spots on the face, which are particularly troublesome for many women.

Between the age of 45 and 50, the collagen on the face is continuously lost, and the face is not as smooth as before. Elasticity, looks particularly old, but we can also find that some people of the same age have particularly good skin conditions in life, as if they have not left traces of time. Why is this?

Some women are clearly menopausal, but they are still not old, which may be related to these 5 hobbies in life , may wish to learn from it and see if you like it or not.

Some women are obviously “menopausal”, but still do not look old? May be related to these 5 hobbies

[1] Good attitude, rarely angry

If you want to maintain a young and good attitude, it is also the key. What you look like on your face means what your inner state is like.

Ifbe happy every day, no Will be troubled by troubles, then this person looks amiable, It can also be considered from the unique intellectual beauty of women,These types of people are also less likely to age.

[2] Care about maintenance

For those women who love beauty, skin care must be done well, especially in middle age, to do a good job of skin Maintenance, work creams, eye creams, essences, lotions and toners are also indispensable., many women even go to beauty hospitals for maintenance on time in order to delay aging.

With the increase of age, the metabolism level will also slow down, and the skin’s collagen will gradually lose. Talents are more prone to aging. In order to delay the speed of aging, many women will buy expensive skin care products or frequent beauty salons. , in order to achieve the best effect.

[3] Drink plenty of water p>

The human body’s mental metabolism and water are inseparable. Only with sufficient water can the body’s metabolic function be maintained. No one’s life is inseparable from water. Participate in, Water accounts for 70% of the human body. Lack of water in the body will cause skin problems and urinary tract infections.

If you think the taste of water is too bland, we might as well add some auxiliary to the water Ingredients to neutralize the taste of the water, You can add wolfberry, red dates and brown sugar to the water, yes The addition of these accessories can not only improve the taste, but also improve the nutritional level of water to a certain extent.

【4】Moderate exercise

Exercise is the best skin care product, Exercise can improve the body’s resistance, reduce the possibility of virus and bacterial invasion, and quickly excrete toxins and garbage from the body , to achieve the effect of delaying aging.

Women who keep exercising,not only look younger , the body will be slimmer, and it will also be envied by peers.

[5] Don’t mess around

< p data-track="18">Weak and small inflammations are slowed down, and more attention should be paid to the aging diet. Middle-aged female friends must focus on light diets and supplement natural phytoestrogens in time. , Promptly replenishing estrogen to the body can make the body stronger, maintain the stability of hormone levels in the body, and help to slow down the aging speed of the ovaries and uterus< span>, improve the metabolic function of the skin and organs, and look younger.

How to take care of postmenopausal women?

◆Regular Health Checks

Postmenopausal female friends must develop a good habit of regular physical examinations, try once a year, In particular, the breast examination is particularly important. If there is any discomfort in the body, you must seek medical attention as soon as possible, so as to achieve early detection and early success.

We can also livemassage the abdomen and chest properly< /span>,Promote blood circulation and relieve breast hyperplasia, The underwear should be made of pure cotton material as much as possible to prevent the appearance of streaks.

proper calcium supplementation

After menopause, women must replenish calcium to their bodies in time. They can supplement calcium by drinking more milk and eating more fish. Usually, they should also More sun exposure can effectively promote the absorption of calcium, which is also good for preventing osteoporosis ,not only strengthens bones, but also provides vitamin D for the body.

Balanced diet

Postmenopausal female friends must pay special attention to diet, try to eat less high-fat, high-sugar and High irritant food can avoid the occurrence of vascular diseases. It is recommended that everyone should eat a light diet to ensure adequate food intake, and then physical fitness can be enhanced.

Warm reminder: When women enter menopause, there will be various problems in the body. To learn some maintenance measures, especially for various organs of the body, such as breasts and ovaries. Don’t always think that there is no abnormality in the body and do not pay attention, this may seriously affect the physical and mental health in the long run.