What is the latest age to quit smoking, can the lungs return to health? Doctor: It is better not to exceed this age

Smoking is harmful to health. This has always been a problem that we have repeatedly emphasized, and it is also one of the most troublesome problems in the country. #Xiafang Health Guide#

In life, more and more people use smoking to relieve stress. During the combustion process, more than 200 kinds of harmful substances will be released. Once these harmful substances enter the respiratory tract, the lungs will be damaged first, causing the cilia in the lungs to become darker and darker.

The damage of cigarettes to the lungs is not irreversible. If you can quit smoking as soon as possible, it may be possible to restore the lung function to normal and make the changes Black lungs turn pink again, reducing the chance of lung disease.

World Health Organization statistics show that in 2018, the number of deaths due to tobacco in the world was as high as 6 million, an average of every 6 seconds One person died because of smoking, and the life expectancy of smokers was 10 years shorter than that of non-smokers.

More than one-third of adult males who die prematurely are due to smoking. Experts predict that more than 8 million people will die from smoking in 2030.


Cigarettes on the lungs How big is the danger?

Under a microscope, the fibrous particles of tar in cigarettes resemble anthills, and when smoked, these particles accumulate in the lungs. At the bottom, it builds nests in the alveoli and some thinner branches, and slowly destroys the lung cilia. In the central part, some undamaged cell lines can be seen, but the surrounding cilia have been damaged by harmful substances in tobacco. Destruction ceases to exist.

After research by foreign scientists, they found that if you smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, an average of 150 extra mutations will accumulate in each lung cell every year, except for the lung organs. In addition to victimization, a pack of cigarettes a day also resulted in an average of 97 mutations per cell per year in the larynx and 39 mutations per cell per year in the pharynx.

The damage to the lungs from smoking is additive. The longer and more frequent smoking, the greater the damage to the lungs. If more than 200 cigarettes are smoked each year, it will cause damage to the airway epithelium.


The latest age Quit smoking, can the lungs return to health? Doctor: It is best not to exceed this age

Director of Respiratory Department: The latest smoking cessation age, preferably no more than 35 age.

With the gradual increase of age, degenerative changes occur in various organs of the body, especially lung function declines. People are always unable to make up their minds to quit smoking, resulting in significant damage to the lungs.

Once a person reaches the age of 35, lung function will decline rapidly. If smokers can successfully quit smoking before the age of 35, it may help to restore the lungs. function and also give you a healthy lung.


quit smoking for 1-30 days and your What magical changes occur in the body?

On the first day after quitting smoking, your blood nicotine levels will drop and your carbon monoxide levels will drop to normal , the oxygen content increased and returned to normal.

On the second day after quitting smoking, quitting smoking will cause emotional fluctuations, such as restlessness, Anger and anxiety. But the sense of taste and smell began to recover.

On the 3rd day after quitting, most of the nicotine in the blood is excreted from the kidneys through the urine; however your mood changes will increase, but your lung function will gradually increase and allow breathing Smoother.

About 7-10 days after quitting smoking, you will miss cigarettes more and feel that the time has become longer

10 to 15 days after quitting smoking, your desire to smoke will gradually decrease.< /span>

30 days after quitting smoking, you are basically no longer affected by nicotine, and your inattention, anxiety, irritability and other emotions will basically be affected. disappear.

90 days after quitting smoking, you will gain weight, improve lung function, and be insulin resistant Lighten up

Smoking is burning life

About one year after quitting smoking, the risk of various chronic diseases, such as coronary heart disease and stroke, is reduced by half.

10 years of quitting smoking, cancer caused by smoking ( Lung cancer, oral cancer, esophagus cancer, pancreatic cancer) were all reduced.


Learn these tips to quit smoking, or be more successful

1. Behavioral Therapy

A professionally trained therapist can help you successfully quit smoking , help you identify the triggering factors in your life, and teach you how to effectively avoid and overcome these triggering factors. This method can last from a few weeks to a few years, and it can help you completely quit the habit of smoking.

2. Nicotine replacement therapy

Some people have also discovered nicotine replacement therapy, which is said to have been successful, such as nicotine patches or nicotine gum, these products can help you slowly reduce nicotine intake and can effectively prevent people from quitting smoking Symptoms of discomfort during the process.

3. Snack substitution method

During quitting smoking, I often prepare some chewing gum or other small snacks in my pocket. If you want to smoke, you can use these small snacks instead to relieve the loneliness in your mouth and reduce the desire to smoke.

4. Apply air essence on the filter

If you want to smoke, apply balsamic oil to the filter when smoking, it will have a cool feeling, and the cigarette will be slightly bitter in the mouth. This method makes oneself hate smoking and gradually stay away from smoking. This withdrawal method is more effective.


—Healthy Gas Station

Nutrition experts: 1 food each for clearing the lungs, moisturizing the lungs, and nourishing the lungs, don’t miss it!

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the lobes of the lungs are delicate and intolerant of cold, heat and dryness, so they are known as “delicate” .

In the terminology of traditional Chinese medicine, there has always been a theory of clearing the lung, moisturizing the lung and nourishing the lung. Lung and lung qi deficiency disorders. According to the experience of predecessors, there are many foods in our daily life that are good for the lungs.

Food for clearing lungs – pears

Pears have the functions of clearing away heat and detoxification, moisturizing the lungs, producing body fluid, relieving cough and resolving phlegm. When there is a lot of heat in the lungs and phlegm, you can try to drink stewed Sydney pears with rock sugar, which has the effect of relieving cough and resolving phlegm. Whether it is eaten raw or cooked, it is good for the lungs.

Lung-moistening food – sugarcane

Sugarcane is flat and sweet, and has the effects of clearing heat, promoting body fluid, moisturizing dryness and detoxifying in traditional Chinese medicine. It is often brewed into herbal tea in the southern region, which can relieve cough and reduce phlegm, moisten the lungs and neutralize heat and detoxify.

Food for nourishing lungs – yam

Yam is a commonly used herbal medicine in traditional Chinese medicine. It has the effect of strengthening the spleen, nourishing the stomach, and promoting digestion. In fact, yam also has the effect of nourishing the lungs and relieving cough, and it is also a good product for nourishing the lungs.

In addition to the above-mentioned natural foods, in fact, many fruits and vegetables in daily life can clear the lungs and moisten dryness. The reason is that they are rich in water and vitamins, which are beneficial to human nutrition. balanced.

The last thing to remind is that the lungs are most afraid of air pollution, so quitting smoking and avoiding second-hand smoke inhalation, and staying away from harmful gases and smog are important The most important measure to protect the lungs, at the same time, pay attention to eating less food such as frying, barbecue, etc. that can easily cause lung heat to get angry, otherwise, no matter what you eat, it will not help.
