How did uremia come about? The doctor reminds: If there are 2 stinks, try to stick to 3 at night.

Introduction: Uremia is a very serious kidney disease. There is no cure for uremia, although uremia is neither hereditary nor contagious Sexuality, but the danger to physical health is very great.

uremia is also expensive to treat, strong>The damage to the body is also very large, especially in the late stage of uremia patients not only suffer from physical pain, but also have a particularly large psychological burden.

When uremia progresses to an advanced stage, The renal function of the patient will be greatly reduced, even lost, which will lead to the accumulation of toxins and wastes in the body due to excretion obstacles, at this time, hemodialysis or kidney transplantation is required for treatment, otherwise it will be life-threatening.


How did uremia come about?

1. Chronic urinary tract obstruction, Normal urine cannot be excreted from the body, which will easily lead to hydronephrosis. If not treated in time, the kidneys will be damaged and the problem of uremia will be induced.

2. Uremia caused by various metabolic diseases, such as diabetes, etc.

3. Uremia due to many kidney diseases , such as nephrotic syndrome, polycystic kidney disease and chronic nephritis.

4. Long-term urinary tract infection problems, This is also a major cause of uremia.

5. Some cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems can also easily lead to uremia problems, span>For example, long-term elevated blood pressure in high blood pressure will damage the glomerulus and fibrosis, which will damage kidney function and lead to uremia.


There are 4 symptoms in the body, or the “call for help” of uremia, don’t ignore it


The extent of anemia and renal failure is In direct proportion, the kidneys can secrete erythropoietin. When renal function is damaged, erythropoietin will decrease, and the production of red blood cells will also decrease. Anemia problem.

reduced urine output

The renal function of patients with toxoplasmosis will be affected, which will not only affect the normal detoxification and excretion function , and also affect urethral problems, reducing the patient’s urine output.


Our kidneys have the function of draining water, damage to the kidneys will easily lead to the inability to excrete waterGo, this will easily lead to edema problems.

Nervous System Performance

Drowsiness is a common problem in patients with uremia, even with adequate sleep Especially want to sleep.

and a subset of patients will experienceanxiety, self-talk, etc.,in severe cases, coma, convulsions, etc.< span>, these are all possible neurological manifestations in uremia patients.


Doctor Reminder: If there are 2 odors, try to stick to 3 at night

[2 stinks]

Oral odor

in the development of uremia strong>During the process, kidney function will be affected to a certain extent, so the body’s detoxification function will also decline, thus some urea nitrogen gas will appear in the body of uremia patients.

The production of urea nitrogen increases the production of ammonia,< /span>It will cause some unpleasant taste in the mouth, which will lead to bad breath.

Urine odor

Uremia can cause urine to smell like ammonia and smell like fertilizer, The smell is strong and the nose is easily choked.

This taste is due to elevated uric acid levels,The uremia problem that occurs in the end stage of kidney failure.

rebuilds the kidneysabsorption and excretion Get related damage, increase blood urea nitrogen content, the increase of urea nitrogen concentration in urine will accompany urine, with strong ammonia odor, < span>The uremia caused by diabetic nephropathy also has the smell of rotten apples.

[Insist on 3 Don’t] p>

Don’t stay up late

< span>Staying up late will not only increase the burden on the heart, but also affect the kidneys.

Staying up too late can lead to circulatory disturbances in the kidneys, and blood pressure Elevated, If you want your kidneys to get better, you must work and rest regularly at night, and don’t stay up late.

Don’t hold back

Nowadays, many people do not have time to go to the toilet due to their heavy workload, so they often hold back their urine. Urine cannot be excreted in time in the bladder, which will easily have a certain impact on the health of the body.

Urine has a lot of bacteria, which can affect the bacteria< /span>Severe kidney disease severe uremia can easily be induced.

So remind everyone that when people feel the urge to urinate, they must go to urinate as soon as possible. Don’t get into the bad habit of holding back.

< span>Don’t eat high-salt foods

Many people are heavy on their diets. If the food is not salty, they can’t eat at all, But such a high-salt diet can easily damage the body.

< p data-track="42">Long-term high-salt diet will not only affectblood pressure, but also easily damage various tissue cells in the body,< /strong>This leads to high blood pressure.

growing over time, it is very likely to affect the kidneys in the body and have abnormalityIt will also increase the risk of uremia, Therefore, everyone’s usual salt intake must be controlled within 6 grams per day.

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If you want to prevent uremia, you should also pay attention to the following 5 points strong>

Manage chronic kidney-damaging diseases p>

For example, if the blood is in an abnormal state such as diabetes and hypertension for a long time, it will easily damage the kidneys, and there are many tiny blood vessels in the kidneys.< /span>Kidney function can also be severely affected when blood vessels are damaged.

So if you want to prevent toxicosis, make sure you have it in your daily lifeBe sure to control your blood sugar and blood pressure reasonably in your life to avoid chronic diseases from damaging your kidneys.

Use less nephrotoxic drugs< /p>

We all know that medicine is a three-part poison. After the medicine enters the body, not only passes through The liver metabolizes and detoxifies and also easily affects the kidneys.

If you want to protect your kidneys from uremia , In daily life, it is necessary to use less nephrotoxic drugs, such as pain relievers, antibiotics, etc.

Change in eating habits

Everyone knows that smoking and drinking are harmful to health, not only will it induce lung disease, but also for strong>There is also a certain amount of damage to the kidneys.

In addition, you should also pay attention to a low-protein diet in your usual diet, This is the only way Can help protect kidneys and body health.

Infection prevention< /p>

For example, urinary tract infections are very common in the urinary system. In daily life, attention should be paid to preventing urinary tract infections, and personal hygiene should also be strengthened to avoid infection problems< /span>Question, damage to kidney health.

Keep away from chemicals that can damage your kidneys

Such as household cleaners, car exhaust, etc.

Conclusion: Uremia is A very terrifying disease, if the body has related discomfort, we must seek medical examination as soon as possible. For normal healthy people, we must maintain good living habits and eating habits in our daily life, so as to be more helpful. To promote kidney and body health.