How does eating an egg a day affect the lungs? If you want healthy lungs, you must stick to these 3 things

The lungs are very important respiratory organs in the human body, as well as blood-forming organs.

The lungs have multiple lobes, two on the left and three on the right, for a total of five; the lungs pass through the trachea, bronchi and The larynx and the nasal cavity are connected, so the larynx is also called the portal of the lungs.

The lungs play an important role in respiration, constantly attracting fresh air and expelling stagnant air from the body. The gas exchange between the body and the environment provides the necessary oxygen for the body to maintain life activities.

In 2020, the number of new cancer cases in my country is about 4.57 million, of which the number of lung cancer cases is about 820,000 .

According to the National Cancer Center’s “Guidelines for Lung Cancer Screening and Early Diagnosis and Treatment in China”, the incidence of lung cancer in China is The number of deaths and deaths accounted for 37% and 39.8% of the world respectively, far higher than the proportion of China’s population of 18% of the world’s population.

According to the statistics of the National Ministry of Health, the number one morbidity and mortality in China is cancer. Lung cancer is the first of all cancers, and is known as the “king of cancer”.

Once diagnosed with lung cancer, the 5-year survival rate is less than 15%, of which 85% are diagnosed at an advanced stage .

Faced with such a terrible lung cancer, everyone must always pay attention to lung health!

In life, some people say that eating eggs every day will help the lungs, is that true? May wish to know!

How does eating an egg a day affect the lungs?

As we all know, eggs are also called chicken eggs and chicken eggs, which are eggs laid by hens.

It has a hard shell on the outside and an air chamber, egg white and yolk inside. Rich in cholesterol and nutrient-rich, an egg weighs about 60g and contains 7-8g of protein.

The ratio of amino acids in protein is very suitable for human physiological needs, easily absorbed by the body, and the utilization rate can reach more than 98% , has high nutritional value and is one of the foods that humans often eat.

Egg custard is a dish made with eggs as the main ingredient. It is softer and less nutrient loss, so it is more suitable for the elderly It can be eaten with young children without chewing, and it is a good food for supplementing high-quality protein.

There is currently no scientific basis for the benefits of eating eggs for the lungs!

Eggs are indeed highly nutritious, but the nutrients in eggs are minerals that humans need And vitamins and protein, so eating an egg every day has certain benefits for the body, but it does not have the effect of nourishing the lungs.

3 things to keep in mind if you want healthy lungs


Many exercises are good for the lungs. The main function of this part of the exercise is to increase lung capacity and increase lung function, mainly including balloon blowing, pursed lip breathing, breathing Exercise, Baduanjin, Taijiquan and other sports.

Like running is definitely good for the lungs, it can improve lung function, improve immunity, Prevent further aggravation of lung disease.

However, different levels of pulmonary function should take different exercise methods, such as patients with mild pulmonary function abnormalities , can jog, improve lung function.

If the patient has severe Lung function is damaged, including hypoxemia and respiratory failure. This situation is not suitable for running, so as to avoid sudden drop in blood oxygen and cause physical discomfort and coma.

Therefore, it is necessary to deal with it appropriately according to the condition. It is not necessary to force running to improve lung function. If you are in a state that can withstand the intensity of running, you can consider running.

Intake foods that nourish the lungs:

In order to prevent the decline of lung function, we should start with the diet to recuperate the body. A healthy diet can also improve lung function.

Many foods in life have the effect of nourishing the lungs and nourishing the lungs. If you can nourish your body through a correct diet, Get foods that help improve lung function, which can help you live longer.

Therefore, those who want to nourish their lungs should pay attention to the development of good habits, starting from the aspect of diet. The body, nutrients are provided in time, the body maintains a healthy state, and naturally can live longer.


< p data-track="29">Pears can be eaten raw, boiled, or steamed. It has the effect of moistening the lungs and relieving cough. It has been proven that pears can also be mixed with rock sugar and boiled with water. Also good.

Tremella can be cooked or eaten with rock sugar, lily, etc. to moisten the lungs and resolve phlegm, nourish yin and promote fluid.

Radishes, especially white radishes, can treat fever, thirst, lung heat, cough, and Sugarcane, pear, etc. are squeezed into juice and eaten together, and the effect is good.

Improving your environment: p>

The main causes of lung cancer are related to long-term smoking and exposure to second-hand smoke. And car exhaust, the risk of developing lung cancer will be particularly high.

So, in daily life, we must pay attention to the improvement of the environment, and there must be no indoors. Smoke stimulation such as cigarettes, lampblack, etc., should also pay attention to opening the windows every day to ventilate to ensure the freshness of the indoor air.