How are thyroid nodules graded? After what grade is cancer?

After the thyroid examination, everyone will find out what grade of thyroid nodule is shown on the examination result, but many people do not understand, how much is the thyroid nodule? Is the grade of cancer? Let’s learn about the grade of thyroid nodules today!

The thyroid nodules are classified into several grades. The unified report conclusion system TI-RADS is divided into five levels.

Usually in the case of grade five thyroid nodules, the risk of malignancy is more than 95%, and it can almost be judged as a malignant thyroid nodule. Festival, which is what everyone calls cancer.

This does not mean that thyroid nodules of other grades are not cancerous, they are actually cancerous It is only possible that the probability is different, and it can only be judged after regular review or other inspection methods.

thyroid What are the grades of the nodule examination results?

thyroid nodule color Doppler ultrasound TI-RADS grading As follows:

Class 1

For a normal thyroid, the risk of malignancy without lesions is 0.

Class 2

< p data-track="11"> Diagnosable benign thyroid nodules with 0 malignancy risk.

3 categories

< p data-track="13"> Benign and possibly large thyroid nodules with a malignancy risk ≤3%.

Class 4A

< p data-track="15"> Thyroid nodules with a certain possibility of malignancy, the risk of malignancy is between 3% and 30%.

Class 4B

< p data-track="17"> For thyroid nodules with a high possibility of malignancy, the risk of malignancy is between 30% and 60%, and fine needle aspiration biopsy is recommended in clinical practice.

Category 4C

< p data-track="19"> For thyroid nodules with a high possibility of malignancy, the risk of malignancy is between 60% and 95%, and surgical treatment is recommended in clinical practice.

5 ​​categories

< p data-track="21"> Malignant thyroid nodules that can be diagnosed with a risk of malignancy >95% are recommended for immediate surgical treatment.

6 categories

< p data-track="23">Malignant thyroid nodules that have been pathologically confirmed.

thyroid How to judge whether a nodule is benign or malignant

imaging examination, b-ultrasound is The most important inspection

can be graded according to the performance of b-ultrasound to determine the risk of malignancy, An experienced b-ultrasound physician can detect thyroid cancers as small as 1-2mm. Of course, CT and MRI examinations will also be added if necessary.


Fine needle aspiration can obtain part of the nodule tissue, which is the highest level of evidence that can be obtained before surgery, and is an effective and reliable method to identify benign and malignant thyroid nodules. Through the efforts of experienced operators and cytopathology experts, the diagnostic accuracy of FNA can reach 95%. in cytology specimensSome molecular pathological indicators can also be used for auxiliary diagnosis, such as the detection of BRAF gene, which can help to provide more tumor-related information and help diagnosis.

Clinician’s Judgment

The clinical examinations have individual characteristics, and any examination also has defects such as the possibility of false positives and false negatives. Check Synthetic Discrimination. Our hospital is very fortunate to have hired an expert in “cancer identification with naked eyes in Henan Province”, Professor Xie Hua. Experienced and capable physicians will undoubtedly help us escort us.

thyroid How are nodules treated?

With the development of science and technology, the treatment of thyroid nodules has also experienced a transition from “knife” to “needle”, From “face” to “point”, trauma is a process from big to small. Now, microwave ablation of thyroid nodules has become the most advanced surgical treatment for thyroid nodules in the new era.

The currently used microwave ablation technology for thyroid nodules has been successfully verified in thousands of operations. B-ultrasound positioning is accurate and intuitive, and the “needle” is used instead of the “knife” to accurately inactivate the primary lesion without damaging the normal thyroid tissue. Completely safe! Beauty without scars! There is no intraoperative bleeding, and the postoperative recurrence rate is low, which relieves the pain and economic burden of traditional surgery patients who need to take medicine for a long time! Use today’s most cutting-edge minimally invasive diagnosis and treatment technology to better benefit patients!