Chongming elderly service personnel take the initiative to support the “epidemic” line

“Elder Li Yufang Are you at home? The neighborhood committee called and said that you need to dispense medicine.” In the early morning of March 30, volunteers from Yingzhou Elderly Service Co., Ltd. knocked on the door of Grandma Li, a resident of a community in Bao Town, asking the old man what medicine he needed to prepare, and recorded it in detail. Then go to the hospital for prescription.

Since mid-March, the Fort Town area has been implemented Closure control management, shopping for vegetables and medicines have become the primary problems that plague village (resident) residents. At this time, Yingzhou Elderly Service Agency took the initiative to undertake social responsibilities, and sent its employees to various villages in Bao Town to run errands, buy on behalf of others, stand guards, and be “big whites”. Wherever there is demand, they will be there…< /span>
“This epidemic is raging, and every village will definitely be under manpower at this time. Village (residential) elderly service, they are also familiar with the situation of each village, so I decided to pay according to the salary, and let the company employees go to each village as volunteers.” Liu Zhihong, head of Yingzhou Elderly Service Agency, told reporters, The company has more than 200 employees in the Baozhen area. In order to cooperate with the local government to do a good job in epidemic prevention, he took the initiative to contact the relevant person in charge of the Baozhen town government in mid-March and shared his thoughts. After receiving the approval, Liu Zhihong was the first Time divides the employees in the Baozhen area into 29 volunteer teams, of which 27 volunteer teams reside in villages and 2 volunteer teams are mobile teams.

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According to reports, each of the 27 volunteer teams stationed in the village (residential) has about 5 people, and they mainly listen to where they are located. The village (residential) arrangement is responsible for standing guard in the village (residential), doing volunteer publicity, helping the nucleic acid testing staff, and providing door-to-door services for the lonely and widowed elderly in the village, such as psychological counseling, cleaning, insulin injection, etc. Two mobile teams are responsible for buying vegetables, medicines, and materials for the villagers (residents) in the Baozhen area.

In the interview, Liu Zhihong said that in the face of the epidemic, Yingzhou Aid Services for the Elderly will actively undertake corporate social responsibility to Practical actions to support epidemic prevention and control. It is understood that this epidemicDuring the prevention and control, Yingzhou Aid for the Elderly Service Cooperative has set up volunteer teams in Bao Town, Miao Town, Gangyan, Shuxin and other areas in Chongming to assist the local government in preventing and controlling the epidemic.

Reporter: Shen Jun

Edit: Chen Jinyuan