A post-90s meat-selling beauty used these three tricks to kill six peers around

A meat-selling beauty easily killed six peers around her with just three moves.

The first trick is to put out an advertisement. Anyone with the surname Zhang can come to her for free with their ID card. Do you know why your surname is Zhang? Because her surname is Zhang, you just have to take your ID card to see, oh, it’s you, and her surname is Zhang, then I’ll give you half a catty of meat. The results of it? These nearby residents all ran over to line up.

Second move, tell all customers, we have an event here today, buy meat for 30 yuan, and give you eggs for 30 yuan. Many customers are very curious, alas, these 30 yuan meat, 30 yuan eggs, this is not a big profit? You can take this meat right away. There are 60 eggs for 30 yuan in total, which can be taken away in two months, three eggs can be received every three days, and two consecutive months can be received. These people thought, “Oh, anyway, I’m shopping at the vegetable market, so every time I come here, I can’t get it.” Do you see that many people pay another 30 yuan to buy meat?

The third trick is the most powerful one, that is, when the customer comes to pick up the egg, is he going to pick up the egg for three dollars, alas, and then he tells the customer Ah, if you don’t get eggs today, your egg card can be used as meat for 3 yuan, which means that if you don’t collect the three eggs, you can be used as meat for 3 yuan. Hey, let me ask you, are you your eggs or are you buying meat? Did you just buy meat?

You see, in this way, it can not only attract traffic, but also lock it, and also allow customers to come here repeatedly to consume. This simple, rude and effective method makes good use of the customer model to attract traffic, and then uses the method of buying gifts to make transactions, and splitting gifts to lock customers for long-term continuous consumption.