Women with plump skin, 4 kinds of foods advise you to eat less, otherwise you will have poor complexion and more wrinkles

Different women have different skin sensitivity. Many women often consider skin sensitivity when choosing skin care products. However, in real life, in addition to external skin care, skin sensitivity needs to be considered. Diet also needs to vary from person to person, and some women with sensitive skin also need to pay special attention to diet.

Women with plump skin, 4 kinds of foods are advised to eat less, otherwise the complexion will be poor and wrinkles will appear

The first food: seafood food

Including octopus, inland fish, shrimp, crab and other aquatic products, because seafood contains excessive histamine, which can cause physical discomfort, red blood skin is very sensitive skin, and seafood is a common allergen. Some red blood skin patients, after eating seafood, will cause skin allergies, further aggravating red blood. At the same time, due to excessive damage to skin cells, it will accelerate the aging of the skin and induce the formation of wrinkles.

Second food: stimulating food

Some spicy, cold or spicy foods, if you eat too much, are easy to produce damage to skin cells Clearly irritating. For some people with sensitive skin, it is more likely to cause skin allergies, damage skin cells, and also aggravate or deepen the appearance of wrinkles.

Third Food: Fatty and Thick Food

If you eat too much of this high-fat and high-sugar food, on the one hand, it will cause skin cells The self-glycosylation speed of the skin is accelerated, which is easy to accelerate the appearance of wrinkles and skin aging. On the other hand, it is also easy to promote the secretion of oil glands. The thick oil is attached to the face, which is undoubtedly like a scene for some women with sensitive skin. “Nightmare”.

Fourth Food: Processed Products

Especially for some processed meat products, in order to better prolong their storage period, some preservatives are often added. Not only are these ingredients bad for your health, they are also not good for your skin condition. If you take it regularly, it will cause damage to the dermal cells of the skin, and wrinkles will creep up on your face unknowingly. For some women with sensitive skin, this effect tends to be more pronounced.

At the same time, in daily life, I advise you to pay attention to do 2 more things:

1. Do a good job of hydrating and moisturizing

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Optional with hyaluronic acid, vitamin B5 and other high-quality moisturizing The essence of the ingredients provides long-lasting hydration to the skin, these ingredients also increase the skin’s moisture capacity and improve the skin’s barrier function.

2. Maintain regular work and rest

Under the condition of regular work and rest, skin cells can get better adjustment and recovery space, which helps to obtain smooth and firm skin conditions, and also helps In the stable operation of the skin’s own metabolism and circulation, it can take away excess pigments and toxins to avoid adverse stimulation to skin cells.