Swollen gums? To solve problems from a TCM perspective, these methods can also be used at home

Introduction: Many people are prone to repeated anger, swelling and pain when the seasons change in spring and autumn. Because in spring, our body functions are relatively strong. Besides, just after the Spring Festival, many people eat more omnivores during the Spring Festival, so they can easily get angry.

Once you get angry, a lot of complicated things can happen. Some people have a sour stomach and can’t eat and digest anything when angry, while others have swollen, bleeding gums. Either way, no matter what kind of pain, it’s going to be uncomfortable.

Some people take painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs after swollen and painful gums, but they don’t Don’t take them to heart. In the minds of many people, toothache will not affect their life, so they will not go to the hospital, but will endure it forever.

1. Toothache is not a trivial matter

When many people When there are problems like bleeding gums, they don’t take it seriously. They think they may be eating too much these days, or brushing badly. However, if this continues, it is likely to turn into periodontitis.

Periodontitis is not a small problem either. Taking a few pills is not a cure. If periodontitis is severe, it can cause their teeth to fall out one by one. Not only is it painful, but there will be a lot of taboos in the future. Cold and hard things cannot be touched.

2. How should teeth be maintained?

Usually, if we eat too greasy, it is easy to get angry. At this point, our gums will have some problems. Usually you can gargle with salt water, or you can take some anti-inflammatory drugs, which can play an anti-inflammatory effect. Or we can drink some light salt water at ordinary times.

If we want to prevent dental problems, we should also pay attention not to eat spicy food in our daily life or greasy food. In fact, eating more vegetables or fruits can go a long way towards dental health. Always pay more attention to gargle after meals to wash away the remaining dirt.

There is a saying that brushing your teeth at night is more important than brushing your teeth in the morning. Because brushing your teeth in the morning is just to brush away the stains that have built up in your mouth overnight, while brushing at night is to brush away the stains and bacteria that you ate today. Therefore, we must brush our teeth carefully at night and use the correct brushing method carefully to protect our teeth.

In fact, traditional Chinese medicine can also be used to brush your teeth. Because from the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, dental problems actually have a lot to do with kidney qi. When a person reaches the age of 40, there is a syndrome of kidney qi deficiency. At this time, various problems will occur in the teeth. Therefore, Chinese medicine blames the root problem on the kidney qi.

As long as tonifying the kidney and nourishing qi, it can fundamentally eliminate dental problems. It is also recorded in the “Ancient Books of Traditional Chinese Medicine” that brushing teeth with tooth powder made of traditional Chinese medicine in the Song Dynasty can not only nourish the kidneys and reduce fire, but also protect the oral health.

Traditional Western medicine is too complex to treat dental problems, sometimes only temporarily rather than permanently. When a person’s physical function reaches a certain age, it will gradually weaken. At this time, the loss of kidney qi can lead to many diseases. Thousands of years of accumulated experience in traditional Chinese medicine and the practice of predecessors have proved that the effect of traditional Chinese medicine tooth powder is very good.

At age 40, kidney qi deficiency and heartburn can cause various problems with teeth . After a tooth problem, whatever you eat will be restricted, your appetite will be poor, and your food will be dull. It is recommended that you brush your teeth with Chinese herbal tooth powder, which is a good method.

Brush your teeth with Chinese herbal medicine instead of ordinary toothpaste. The small and dexterous formula can effectively solve tooth fire, gum inflammation, swelling pain and Symptoms of loose teeth. Without the process and pain of taking Chinese medicine, this is a simple and convenient method of effective brushing. Oral cleaning is a must every day.

In addition, the materials used in the tooth powder are very healthy Chinese herbal medicines that can be eaten. In essence, Chinese medicine is different from Western medicine. Western medicine is the symptom, and Chinese medicine is the root cause.

If you’ve been bothered by your teeth for a long time, You should try to solve this problem from the perspective of TCM.

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