4 types of people are prone to calcium deficiency! Which foods are high in calcium? Common questions about calcium supplementation are all in this popular science!

One, these 4 types of people are more prone to calcium deficiency than others

1, Seniors 65+

As we age, our ability to absorb calcium decreases and our body loses calcium.

Older people who are calcium deficient increase their risk of osteoporosis!

Statistics show that the incidence of osteoporosis in the elderly over 60 years old in my country is close to 40% due to calcium deficiency. After osteoporosis, the elderly may experience low back pain, hunchback, Spine curvature, bloating, constipation, etc. discomfort.

2. Postmenopausal Lady

After menopause, women are prone to calcium deficiency due to the sudden drop in estrogen levels. Therefore, relatively speaking, men gradually appear calcium deficiency with increasing age, while women after menopause often experience a cliff-like calcium deficiency with increasing age.

3. Teenager

Juveniles aged 7-18 are prone to calcium deficiency due to the rapid growth of their bones.

4. Pregnant and lactating girls

Whether pregnant or breastfeeding women are prone to calcium deficiency. The reason is relatively simple. You think that the expectant mother or mother is responsible for the calcium amount of two people, so relatively speaking, this actual girl is prone to calcium deficiency.

Calcium supplement is of course the food of choice, but which foods are good ingredients for calcium supplement?

Is it the bone broth that everyone imagines? Of course not. Bone soup can’t replenish much calcium. During the process of boiling bone soup, very little calcium dissolves in the soup, almost the same as the calcium in boiled water. Therefore, drinking bone soup can’t replenish calcium at all.

2. Foods rich in calcium

1. Milk

Milk contains high calcium and vitamin D, which is good for calcium absorption, so milk is a good choice for calcium supplementation.

Some people do not like to drink milk, or feel uncomfortable after drinking milk, so in fact, yogurt and milk powder can also supplement calcium, which is also an option.

2, beans

Some people say that I just can’t drink milk and don’t want to drink milk. So beans or soy products such as tofu, dried bean curd, yuba, tofu skin, etc. are actually calcium-rich ingredients, and you can choose.

So with the same weight of soy milk and milk, from the perspective of calcium supplementation, which is better?

That should be milk. Relatively speaking, if you drink a glass of milk and soy milk, milk can supply 10 parts of calcium, and soy milk can only supply 1 part of calcium.

Of course, we’re only talking about calcium alone here.

Soy products and dairy products themselves cannot be replaced by each other, so the “Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents” recommends that we can drink 300g of milk every day, and we need to eat soy foods regularly.

3. Dish

Some people must not know that vegetables can also provide calcium, and yes, vegetables can also provide calcium.

Many people think that vegetables are not mainly used to prevent the three highs and protect the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular. Some vegetables, such as cabbage, rape, etc., also include some dried vegetables: dried kelp, dried fungus, seaweed, etc. It is also a calcium-rich vegetable, which everyone needs to understand.

4. Nuts

Some people say that nut oil is big. This oil is unsaturated fat. Moderate intake will not increase blood lipids, and even help blood lipid metabolism.

At the same time, nuts are also a good source of calcium. A handful a day is good for cardiovascular health and calcium supplementation.

5. Seafood

A variety of marine fish, or small shrimp, seaweed, clams, oysters, etc. are also rich in calcium. Especially fish, not only calcium, but also rich in omega 3 fatty acids.

6. Other

In addition to the above 4 ingredients that can supplement calcium, the daily diet should also be paid attention to

1. Low salt and low oil 2. High-quality protein needs to be supplemented 3. Stay away from tobacco and alcohol, weak tea or plain water 4. Diverse food, don’t be picky eaters

Three, common questions about calcium supplementation

1. Calcium supplementation without sun exposure, or without vitamin D supplementation

Eat the incoming calcium, it must be absorbed in the intestinal tract. The absorption capacity of the intestinal tract is limited. Most of the calcium is finally excreted with the stool. After vitamin D binds to the receptor, it opens the Some calcium ion channels in the intestines are blocked, and more calcium can be absorbed. Simply put, vitamin D is a key that opens the door for the body to absorb calcium.

Sun exposure is a great way to supplement vitamin D, so we often hear about sun exposure for calcium. In fact, sun exposure is to supplement vitamin D, which is conducive to calcium absorption, rather than directly supplementing calcium.

Common foods rich in vitamin D include: sea fish, cheese, egg yolks, etc. If you eat less of these foods, you still need to get more sunlight, and remember that you must not wear clothes in the sun. , such as exposing your arms and legs to the sun to synthesize more vitamin D.

If the sun is not enough, then direct vitamin D supplementation is needed.

2. Poor calcium absorption in the elderly

This is true, but it cannot be said that the elderly should not take calcium supplements due to poor absorption. Instead, it should be supplemented.

Small holes will turn into big holes if they are not filled.

3. Can you absorb calcium before going to bed?

There is currently no evidence in this regard. Some people take calcium before going to bed, which also affects sleep. It is currently recommended to take calcium supplements with or after meals. Because some people take calcium tablets, it will affect their appetite, so it is recommended to take them with or after meals.

4. What should I do with calcium supplementation for constipation?

Some people have constipation after calcium supplementation, which is also a common phenomenon. It is recommended to drink more water, exercise more, and eat more crude fiber food, which will help improve constipation.

In short, the above four groups of people should pay more attention to whether they are calcium deficient, usually add the above five kinds of ingredients to their diet, and take calcium tablets under the guidance of a doctor when necessary. Forget calcium’s golden partner, vitamin D.