Five principles we must pay attention to when using antihypertensive drugs

Hypertension is a common condition. This is common for everyone. Some people feel that their blood pressure is high. Isn’t that what a blood pressure drug can do? If you can’t lower blood pressure by taking one pill, you take three pills, and the blood pressure is low, and you can lower the blood pressure. Isn’t it simple?

Of course not. If it was as simple as lowering your blood pressure, you wouldn’t need a doctor!

Let’s look at these five principles:

First, the initial dose:

Patients usually use the usual dose. Most regular doses start with one tablet. Of course, this depends on the specific value of high blood pressure. However, older adults and older adults should generally use smaller effective therapeutic doses for initial treatment. If necessary, a gradual increase to the full dose may be considered.

In other words, don’t worry when you start taking blood pressure medicine, because you are not taking blood pressure medicine, even if your blood pressure is 180, you don’t need to worry, take three blood pressure immediately medicine, because everyone responds to blood pressure medication differently, and someone may have normal blood pressure after taking one. If you take three tablets at a time, the low blood pressure will go away!

There are no special cases. It is safe to lower blood pressure slowly and steadily. Take one first, watch the reaction and watch for a few days!

Second, long-acting antihypertensive drugs

Priority use of long-acting antihypertensive drugs can effectively control 24-hour blood pressure and prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications more effectively. If the preparation is used for moderate effect, blood pressure should be controlled 2 to 3 times a day.

Most are now long-term, that is, once a day. Such antihypertensive drugs have two benefits: 1. Patients do not forget to take their medicines. 2. Blood pressure is more stable. If you’re thinking about short-term effects three times a day, you can’t guarantee a point-by-point medication. Secondly, three times a day, the concentration of the drug fluctuates greatly, resulting in large fluctuations in blood pressure and unstable blood pressure.

Third, combined therapy:

For hypertensive high-risk patients ≥ 160/100mmhg and 20/10mmhg above target blood pressure, or hypertensive patients who do not meet the standard of monotherapy, should be Combination antihypertensive therapy, including free combination or single combination preparations. It is suitable for patients with blood pressure ≥ 140/90mmHg, and low-dose combination therapy can also be started.

Simply put, if you take one, it doesn’t work well. At this time, you do not want to take this medicine. Replace with a good one. The correct way is to add another blood pressure medication.

Fourth, individual therapy:

According to the patient’s different complications, drug efficacy and tolerance, as well as the patient’s personal wishes or long-term tolerance, select the appropriate lowering dose for the patient. Compression substances.

Some people say that if you notice high blood pressure, make a diet. However, each individual has a different effect on each antihypertensive drug, different age, different comorbidities, and different natural selection. This does not mean that blood pressure will be normal after taking antihypertensive drugs, but it needs to be observed for a period of time until blood pressure reaches the standard. Therefore, antihypertensive treatment must be individualized!

Fifth, pharmacoeconomics:

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Most hypertension is lifelong treatment and costs/benefit needs to be considered; in other words, we must consider the cost of the drug. After all, everyone’s financial ability is different. Therefore, we should choose the one that suits us. First, we should make sure that it can lower blood pressure, and second, we should make sure that there are no side effects, and at the same time, we must be able to afford it. This is a blood pressure drug. Of course, this year domestic Many antihypertensive drugs are dropping in price, which is a good thing for ordinary people!

In short, lowering blood pressure is not that simple. When using blood pressure medication, we must follow these five principles!

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