Strawberries are called the dirtiest fruit and are injected with leavening agents! Why experts recommend diabetics eat

In the last month, strawberries have slowly started to come on the market. Many people see red strawberries in supermarkets and fruit stalls, and they feel particularly attractive. Thinking of its sweet and sour taste, everyone can’t help but swallow, and want to buy some to try it.

But in the market, strawberries also have a black called “the dirtiest fruit”. It is because everyone said that fruit farmers have given a lot of medicine to strawberries, and they absolutely do not eat strawberries at home.

Many parents also quarrel at fruit stalls. Children want to eat strawberries, and mothers want to buy them when they feel bad for their children. Dad grabbed Mom’s hand that stretched out to scan the payment code, and scolded: These strawberries are all so big and weird. There must have been a bulking agent! Children can’t eat these, they will get sick!

Is this really the case? Strawberries are so dirty, they are full of pesticides and hormones, will they get sick after eating them?

The dirtiest fruit—strawberries?

Many people have a prejudice against strawberries, mainly focusing on two issues: pesticides and leavening agents.

Some people have tested pesticide residues on fruits, and the results show that there are many types of pesticide residues in strawberries. But does this mean that we will see strawberries as a scourge in the future?

Actually you don’t have to! There are some low-dose, micro-concentration pesticide residues in the fruits and vegetables we eat every day. But after eating, whether it affects health has a greater relationship with the intake.

Not only strawberries, when we usually wash fruits and vegetables, remember to wash them with running water. Generally speaking, washing with running water for more than 30 seconds will remove most of the pesticide residues.

As for leavening agents, there are indeed some strawberries on the market that use leavening agents. But one is that not all farmers use it, and the other is that the state allows the use of such plant regulators, which are harmless to the human body and have strong degradability.

Not all big strawberries are like this because of leavening agents. There are many influencing factors of deformed strawberry, such as low temperature and uneven pollination. If you mind eating, you can choose high-quality, good-looking strawberries.

Is it true that diabetics are advised to eat strawberries?

Strawberries not only look good, they taste good too. And it is also very rich in nutritional value and can bring many benefits to the body.

01 Supplemental VC

Strawberries are rich in vitamins, especially VC. Adults who eat 10 strawberries a day can fully meet their daily VC intake. Supplementing a sufficient amount of VC can prevent oral ulcers, osteoporosis and so on.

02 Heart Protection

Folic acid is extremely beneficial for human heart health and reduces the risk of high blood lipids. Low levels of folic acid in the body increase the risk of coronary heart disease.

Strawberries are rich in beneficial folic acid, which can help protect our hearts.

03 Helps people with diabetes delay complications

People with diabetes need to be very cautious about eating fruit. But you know what? Strawberries are a very suitable fruit for diabetics.

Because strawberries are low GI fruits, they will not cause large blood sugar fluctuations. And because of its high dietary fiber content, it can also help stabilize blood sugar levels. But remember, even though it’s good, don’t be greedy!

04 Preventing Brain Aging

The anthocyanins in strawberries can help the brain clear the attack of free radicals, delay brain aging, and prevent cognitive decline.

05 Preventing Night Blindness

Many people suffer from night blindness and poor night vision due to lack of carotene.

Strawberries are rich in carotene, which protects eyesight and is good for the skin.

06 Constipation Prevention

If you have a healthy stomach, but you have a certain constipation problem due to lack of dietary fiber in your diet, it is recommended that you eat strawberries.

Because strawberry seeds are insoluble fiber, they have a certain effect on preventing constipation.

Dr.X Says

A little advice for everyone, remove the strawberry stems last when washing strawberries. Because if you pick the stems when you come up, and then soak the strawberries in water, bacteria, etc. will easily contaminate the inside of the strawberries.