Early birth of Chinese hair, premature graying of beard and hair? Talk about two traditional Chinese medicines, nourishing kidney essence, nourishing liver blood, nourishing yin and nourishing yang

He Fa Tong Yan, referring to the elderlythe snow-white hair of crane feathers, but with the ruddy complexion of children. It is often used to describe the elderly looking good.

Yes, gray hair is one of the normal physiological phenomena.

However, some people have gray hair at a young age, and even more, they have gray hair overnight.

Don’t ask why,

You go and see how fast the pace of life is now for young people, how fast the work pressure is, the Busy with work, I have to take my baby when I go home at night, and when the baby falls asleep, I have to start my own work again.

996, 007’s working mode has long been unable to complain.

Let’s go and see how much pressure the students are under studying now. They need to be proficient in everything other than language skills, physical and chemical biology, politics, history, and geography.

Today, I want to talk to you about gray hair.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is the innate foundation, and it is developed in Huawei. There is a saying that what is inside, must be formed outside.

Imagine, everyone, the kidney is the innate foundation, with the daily operation, the kidney essence will eventually be depleted, and the hair is the external manifestation of the kidney, There is nothing wrong with the deficiency of kidney essence and the occurrence of whiteness.

Furthermore, according to traditional Chinese medicine, the liver stores blood, and the hair becomes blood. If the liver blood is sufficient, it will be able to nourish the beard and hair upwards.

Then why is there a lack of liver blood?

The five elements of the liver govern the wood, which is the yang in the yin, which is called the zang zang in traditional Chinese medicine.

With a simple example, you can understand that when you eat hot pot in winter, the fire underneath is always burning, and the water in the pot will slowly evaporate and vaporize. If it is not replenished in time, it will only become less and less. That is the reason.

In addition, the liver stores blood and the kidney stores essence, and the essence and blood are of the same origin. Therefore, the liver and kidney are also of the same origin, and Chinese medicine also calls it the homology of Yikui.

Therefore, the problem of premature hair growth and premature graying of beard and hair should be mainly to nourish the liver and kidney.

Today, I would like to introduce to you a recipe from The General Record of Saint Francis—Erjing Pill.

Erjing Pills: Polygonatum, wolfberry fruit.

Don’t look at a small prescription with only two herbs, of course, the medicine is simple and powerful.

Let’s talk about Huang Jing first,

“ Sweeping away the white-haired Huang Jing, you can see his icy and snowy appearance.”

Thousands of years ago, the poet Du Fu praised Huang Jing.

Huang Jing

Huangjing is sweet in taste and flat in nature. It enters the lung meridian above, the spleen meridian in the middle, and the kidney meridian below.

It can not only moisten lung dryness, but also nourish spleen yin, benefit spleen spleen, and nourish kidney yin.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is the innate foundation and the spleen is the acquired foundation.

Huangjing is good at tonifying all kinds of deficiency, and gong can benefit essence and fill the marrow, nourish the yin of the spleen and kidney, nourish the innate to benefit the acquired, and nourish the acquired to benefit the innate.

Traditional Chinese medicine also believes that the kidneys develop in Huawei, and the kidney yin is sufficient, and the kidneys must be nourished by themselves.

“Southern Yunnan Materia Medica”: “To supplement deficiency and add essence.”

“Compendium”: “Replenish all deficiency, stop cold and heat, and fill in the essence.”

“Materia Medica Renewal”: “Spleen Qi and blood and moisten.”

Huang Jing

After talking about Huangjing, let’s talk about wolfberry again.

Lycium berry is sweet and flat. The texture is moisturizing, enters the liver and kidney meridians, and is good for nourishing the liver and kidney, nourishing the essence and blood, and is a good medicine for nourishing the liver and kidney essence and blood.

All the syndromes of liver and kidney yin deficiency can be used.

“Ben Cao Zheng”: “Lycium barbarum has a strong and pure taste, so it can nourish yin, and there is yang in yin, so it can Nourishes yin without causing yin to decline, and helps yang to make yang prosper.”

Simply put, wolfberry Zi is good at nourishing yin and can also help yang. Therefore, nourishing yin does not harm yang.


The article is written here first, and some people may complain. Since Chinese medicine is so effective, why are all those old Chinese medicine doctors with gray hair?

First of all, I want to say that sickness comes like a mountain down, and sickness goes like a thread. The physical condition is mostly caused by bad living habits day after day, freezing three feet is not a day’s cold! The treatment of traditional Chinese medicine is more about adjusting the state of the body from the whole.

Here I still want to say that learning Chinese medicine well is to keep our bodies away from diseases and hardships, so that we can spend the rest of our lives in peace and stability, you say, right? !