Why “the older you get, the more you need to save some money?” 74-year-old man: money is the confidence and dignity of old age

In old age, with children and pensions, do you still need to save some money for yourself?

Although we often say that money is not a panacea, in the face of this society with vertical interests, it seems that it will not be too good to have no money in hand. When working, you will be looked down upon without money; in interpersonal relationships, you will be embarrassed without money; when you are old, you will have a hard life without money. Therefore, while making money, people must save some money for themselves tomorrow, so that they can keep money in their hands at all times, so as not to embarrass themselves.

However, for some elderly people who have pensions or whose children pay for support every month, but have no awareness of saving money, they feel that the pensions will not stop every month anyway, and Children’s alimony will also be paid on time, so there is a stable source of income every month, and there is no fear that one day there will be no money to spend.

Actually, when the old man has this kind of idea, his old age is destined to be miserable. A 74-year-old Uncle Zeng said frankly: “No matter how much pension you have, or how filial your children are, as an old man, the older you get, the more you have to learn to save some money for your future. Money is our life in old age. The confidence and dignity!”

Why does Uncle Zeng say this? Let me tell you the meaning of it through the story of Uncle Zeng in his later years.

A story from Uncle Zeng:

I am 74 years old and my wife is 69 years old. We retired in the same year. After retirement, each of us has a pension of about 3,000 yuan, and we have two houses in our name, and we live very well.

Although our two husband and wife have high pensions, we have a surplus every month, and an only son is also very promising, but the two of us, since we retired, have I’ve been living my life with an abacus. Only take out more than 2,000 per month to live, and the remaining 4,000 will be deposited in the bank on time. No matter what you buy, you will be careful, you will spend less on what you should spend, and you will never spend on what you shouldn’t.

Many old colleagues, relatives and friends around us do not understand us, and they all say that we have a stable pension every month, and our son is also very successful. Want to pick up and save the money? Even they think it’s okay for retirees like us to eat up and use up their pensions, and there’s no need to save money at all. But I feel like I’m doing the right thing, because we save money for nothing but to make sure we have money to spend tomorrow!

Actually, my wife and I had a habit of saving money for a long time. In the year of retirement, we saved more than 400,000 yuan in savings. At that time, my wife and I also felt that the money saved was enough for retirement. , I want to spend my pension after retirement, but in the second year of retirement, I spent all of it in order to marry my son and buy a new house. This is also the experience that many parents have experienced, “saving money for half a lifetime, and spending money just once.”

After investing in a son, we don’t have much money, so we This worry: If the future encounters an emergency, how will we face it? And when you are old and need to spend a lot of money, what should you do?

And an old colleague next to me said to me: Why do you worry about money? When you are old, you should live with your son and let him take care of you. Isn’t it fun? For example, I won’t worry about having money or not, and I won’t feel panic when I spend my pension every month, because I have two sons, and I will rely on them to support them when they are old and have no money. I have to support me so I don’t starve to death!

That said, people can rely on their children to support them when they are old, but when the two of us really went to our son’s house to support them, we found that relying on our sons to support them in our later years is not at all. will be happy and joyful.

When I was 64 years old, my son took me and my wife to live with me. At that time, we thought that my son was very filial and would be happy in his later years. But it is a disaster for the elderly and their children to live together for a long time.

My wife and I just went to my son’s house, and we were quite happy. My son would give us 3,000 yuan for food every month, and my wife and I were responsible for taking care of them. food, clothing, and daily life, and help pick up grandchildren to and from school. I often travel as a family, visit relatives together, and have a big meal every festival, and I am extremely happy and happy.

But after living together for 3 months, the filial piety of my son and daughter-in-law has become an old man. Because my son is typically afraid of his wife, my daughter-in-law has become the head of this small family, and she has to listen to everything. At that time, my daughter-in-law watched us spend every day at home, eat their food, use theirs, she will be unbalanced, and she will start looking for various excuses to ask the couple for money.

First of all, for the future of my grandson, we asked us to sign up for a training class for my grandson, and we paid the cost of 2,800 yuan per month; then the food cost was gradually borne by us. More than 3,000 a month, almost took away more than half of our couple’s pension.

But no matter how much money we pay, my daughter-in-law is still not satisfied. She always asks us for this and that money, often express delivery, or ask us to replace her shopping. There was even a time when her mother’s younger brother still needed 70,000 to 80,000 yuan to buy a house, so she pretended to be poor and asked us to sponsor her to show her affection.

I thought it was a good deal to spend money on the filial piety of my son and daughter-in-law. However, the more money was spent, the more unfortunate the daughter-in-law became, and even gradually became disrespectful to us. She knows that we love our son, and as long as the daughter-in-law wants what our old man pays, she will ask him to give us instructions, so that we are not only free babysitters at his son’s house, but also subsidize money every day for them to live.

The son’s salary pays off the mortgage and car loan, while the daughter-in-law’s is used by her to eat, drink, buy cosmetics, buy clothes, and even give it to her family. Almost all the expenses of the grandson are contracted by us as the elderly.

Gradually our pensions were used up before the end of the month, and when we said we had no money and wanted to ask our daughter-in-law for some money to live, the daughter-in-law was not Procrastination and non-payment means that while accusing us of not being able to spend money, he throws money at us, and sometimes even secretly complains to his husband, saying that we can’t be parents, and even asks his daughter-in-law for money when we have pensions.

We live in our son’s house every day. We seem to be very happy on the surface, and our family of five is happy, but only the three of them can feel this happiness, and my wife and I, Only suffering. Every day I work hard and pay for them to serve them, but I still don’t get a trace of respect and gratitude. So, after living in my son’s house for three years, my wife and I returned to our own house in disappointment, feeling a little more comfortable when we got home.

Unfortunately, however, my wife was paralyzed by a cerebral infarction 4 years ago, and I needed someone to take care of me. I am also old, and generally serving my wife is fine. , I can’t do it. Later, I wanted to take my wife to a nursing home for the elderly, because there are special nurses there to take care of my wife with me, which is a very good way.

But two people live in a nursing home. My average person is 4,000 yuan, and my wife needs special care, but it costs 5,500 yuan, so the pension for both of us is not enough at all. At this time, I wanted my son to pay some money, and my daughter-in-law told us that we were going to spend so much money to live in a nursing home, so she refused us. Why do you want two people to go to the elderly? It’s okay to go to one, and it’s good to have a nanny at home. One nanny is only 4-5,000 yuan, so much money!

It is true that it is very economical to hire a nanny, but I will also be old, and I will need someone to take care of me in the future, so hiring a nanny is not enough, and hiring two will cost more , So I want to hand over my old age and my wife to a nursing home, which saves worry and money, and I also said that going to a nursing home can also reduce the burden on the couple.

But my daughter-in-law thinks we are hypocritical and just don’t want to give us money to go to a nursing home. In the end, fortunately, my wife and I have rented out a house over the years, and the monthly rent has been deposited into a card by me, which has not been touched at all. At that time, although the card was only 240,000 yuan, plus the monthly pension, we could only stay in the nursing home for about ten years, but I still gritted my teeth and took my wife into the nursing home.

Now my wife and I have lived in a nursing home for more than three years, and every day is okay, including food and lodging. My wife is accompanied by a carer, and I am accompanied by a group of elderly people. Although he is not as comfortable and happy as he used to be when he was healthy, he is also more confident and dignified than relying on his son to support him. After all, there is no need to whisper to them next time to support them, let alone look at their faces to grow old. Therefore, the older a person is, the more he needs to save some money. For nothing else, he spends money for his own future, and in his old age, he can live with dignity and confidence.

Concluding remarks:

In fact, what Uncle Zeng said is true, the older one is, the more they must save Some money, only by keeping ourselves rich in our later years, we don’t have to rely on others for everything, and we can live well on our own. Although it is said that when we save money, our current life may be more difficult, but for the future of our old age, we must grit our teeth and firmly save some money in our hearts, so that when we need money in our old age, we will will live humbly. Relying on children and daughters is unreliable, and only relying on your own money is the most reliable!