How long after hair transplant can I go hiking and climbing?

Spring is here, we started hiking, climbing, and playing, but many hair transplant friends began to wonder, after hair transplant How long can I exercise? Does the shadow affect gameplay?

Then today I will show you the precautions and exercise after hair transplantation Time planning is convenient for everyone to reasonably arrange the time of spring outing, so as to facilitate better recovery after surgery.

I. Precautions for exercise after hair transplantation

1. Lie down for 1 to 2 days after hair transplantation, and lower your head less. For 5 days after the operation, it is not possible to lift heavy objects, which will help reduce swelling and recovery after the operation.

2, 10 days after hair transplantation, you can do some exercise, such as jogging , but we need to remind everyone to try not to sweat, otherwise it will accelerate blood circulation, stimulate hair follicles, and affect postoperative recovery.

3. Violent physical collisions should not be performed within 3 weeks after hair transplantation. For example, playing basketball, boxing, swimming, etc., that is to say, you can’t do moderate to high-intensity sports. At this time, although you can climb the mountain, you should do it according to your own situation. Because the hair follicles at this stage are still reorganizing the blood circulation system.

4. One month after hair transplantation, there is no restriction on exercise. Everyone adjusts according to their own situation. However, it should be noted that the hair follicles planted at this time will undergo a replacement period, which is commonly known as “stubble change”, which means that part of the hair will fall off. If this happens, don’t worry, it will last for 2-3 months, after which the hair will grow back.

Second, other precautions after hair transplantation

In addition to the precautions for exercise, here are some common precautions after hair transplantation.

1. Lie down on the day after surgery and at night on the second day. Do not bow your head, and take or use postoperative medications as directed by your doctor.

2. Wash your hair with warm water 4 days after surgery to avoid excessive water temperature , The water pressure is too high, you can simply wash the greasy hair.

3. Clear the blood scab 7 days after the operation. It is recommended to go to the hospital for professional Your doctor will clean it up for you.

4. You can wear a hat after 7 to 10 days after surgery, such as a soft Line caps, but no ponytails.

5. Avoid spicy, greasy and other irritating foods within 1 month after surgery , Tobacco and alcohol are temporarily unavailable. If there are special circumstances, please consult your doctor at any time or visit the hospital for review.

6. You can get a haircut 1 month after surgery, but be careful not to stick to it Scalp haircuts can easily damage the scalp and hair follicles.

7. About 1 month after the operation, the transplanted hair will be replaced During the period, some parts of the planted hair will fall off, some people are not obvious, some people are obvious, and it has a lot to do with personal constitution. Don’t worry at this point, it’s a normal process, and the hair will grow back.

8. You cannot perm and dye your hair within half a year after surgery, but you can dye it after half a year. Perm, but pay attention to choose a perm hair dye that does less damage to the hair, and every perm is at least half a year apart.