A 28-year-old man ran to the spot with vitiligo on his face to scare away his blind date. How terrifying is vitiligo?

Ben now, how much love has died! 28-year-old Xiao Ding is a senior programmer. Due to the small number of girls in the working environment and his introverted personality, it is difficult for Xiao Ding to bear fruit in marriage. Through the introduction of relatives, the parents who urged the marriage finally gave Xiaoding a blind date with a girl he liked. As a result, the two said goodbye as soon as they met.

It happened like this, as soon as the two met, the girl noticed the white spots on Xiaoding’s face. Under questioning, Ding told the girl that it was because of vitiligo. In this regard, the girl joked to Xiao Ding: “God must be jealous of how good you are, so it made you sick! By the way, this vitiligo is not contagious, right?” WeChat also sinks into the sea.

So, what exactly is vitiligo? Can it be so terrifying to scare off the blind date?

Actually, vitiligo is not a terminal disease, nor is it scary. It is a disfiguring skin disease caused by depigmentation of melanin in which patients develop vitiligo. Vitiligo is painless, itchy, uncomfortable, and not contagious to others. Just because of the special appearance, it is often misunderstood.

Is vitiligo easy to treat?

Vitiligo has many causes, complex pathogenesis, and easy to spread and recur. Therefore, the treatment is not as easy as the common cold, but this does not mean that it cannot be cured. Okay. Especially in the early stage of vitiligo, the area of ​​vitiligo is small and the degree of melanin loss is relatively mild, so it is easy to cure. Therefore, vitiligo patients must achieve early detection and early treatment. In addition, the scientific, systematic and targeted comprehensive treatment of patients with middle and advanced vitiligo can also quickly restore the color and achieve the purpose of rehabilitation.

Reminder: The pathogenesis of vitiligo is complex and there are many incentives. In order to recover quickly, it is recommended that patients go to a regular professional hospital for treatment in time.