My father passed away and my stepmother wanted 50,000 yuan for the pension. I went to send the money and she gave me a passbook, and I gave her the pension.

I am a girl who grew up in the countryside, and my family is not only poor, but also very unfortunate. When I was eighteen years old, my mother died, and then my father found me a stepmother. The relationship between the two of them is very good. It can be seen that the stepmother is very virtuous and treats me more like a biological girl.

But I have always been disgusted with this stepmother. I remember that during the years when my stepmother lived in my house, I never gave her a good face, but my father loved her very much. She, whenever I heard bad things about my stepmother, my father would scold me severely, and he would often teach me to be sensible and not always treat my stepmother as an outsider.

The stepmother was also married for the second time, and was forced to divorce in the first marriage because she was unable to conceive due to physical reasons. After the divorce, I lived by myself for a few years. I met my father by chance, and the two of them had a good impression of each other and got together.

In the beginning, I always felt that my stepmother was attracted to my father because of my family property. Although my family has no money, after all, the old house in my family has been demolished. It is through this that I have never had a good impression of my stepmother.

My stepmother is really generous with my attitude. She has never been angry because of my bad attitude. Instead, she treats me and my father very well. So every time I see my father, he always praises my stepmother and reprimands me for not being grateful.

My father worked hard all his life and was in poor physical condition. Later, he was hit in the leg by a steel bar while working, and he has been paralyzed since then. At that time, the place where I was working was hundreds of kilometers away from my hometown. When I took a leave from the company and drove home, my father had completed the operation, and my stepmother was taking good care of him beside him.

In order to accompany my father at home, I took half a month’s leave. I want to stay for a while, but I will face unemployment if I don’t go back to work. Once again by car across a few hundred kilometers to the city. Before leaving, my stepmother repeatedly told me not to worry, she would take good care of my father.

At this time, I suddenly had a different feeling for my stepmother. Maybe I misunderstood her before. She is really a good person, at least treating my father And I she paid a lot.

After 8 years, my father died, and my stepmother took care of my father for 8 years. During these 8 years, she never asked me to help, although I used to I have great opinions on my stepmother, but my stepmother is indeed very kind to my family.

After my father passed away, the house that the family had been demolished naturally belonged to my stepmother. This alone made me very unhappy, and I always had the idea of ​​bringing the house over. .

Not long after, I suddenly received a phone call from my stepmother. During the call, she said she wanted 50,000 yuan for pension. After all She took care of my father in his later years, and also mentioned that after taking the 50,000 yuan, she would not be concerned about her.

I complied with my stepmother’s request, but only on the condition that I repossess the house. I thought it was impossible for my stepmother to give me the house, but she agreed without thinking.

A few days later, I was going to send money to my stepmother, but she handed me a passbook as soon as I entered the house, and told me that the passbook contained My dad and he have all the savings. She has no children in her life, so she plans to leave this savings to me. She only needs the 50,000 yuan pension mentioned above, and she will move out immediately after getting the money. .

I was deeply moved when I heard what my stepmother said. Even though my father was gone, my stepmother was still so kind to me. Looking at my elderly stepmother, I asked her, “You gave me all the money and no place to live. How will you care for the future?”

The stepmother looked gloomy and sighed. He took a breath and said to me, “I’m going to go back to the countryside. There is a nephew over there. I’ll give him the 50,000 yuan pension, and he may be able to give me a pension. Even for money, he can provide me with a place to live.”

I cried after hearing what my stepmother said, thinking of how good my stepmother has been to me and my father over the years, I feel so sorry for her. I wiped away my tears and said to my stepmother, “Mom, if you don’t mind, you can move to the city and live with me, and my daughter will give you the care of the elderly. If you want, just help me take care of the children and clean up the housework. I’m busy at work, and I don’t have time to manage at home.”

This is the first time I called out my mother to my stepmother. The stepmother was surprised when she heard it, and then kept nodding her head. I said that of course she doesn’t dislike it. As long as I don’t dislike it, she is very happy. She is willing to live with me, and she is willing to help my father take care of me.My stepmother and I hugged tightly, weeping hard.

(The picture comes from the Internet)