How to lose fat without losing muscle? Do these 4 things, let you harvest a good figure

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Why does weight loss mean fat loss (fat), not weight loss (weight)? Only understanding the difference between the two can improve the success rate of weight loss.

Fat molecules are bloated. Excessive fat will make you look obese, secrete harmful substances, increase the burden on the body, and easily induce a variety of health diseases.

Overweight people are prone to problems such as fatty liver, high cholesterol, and high blood lipids. Therefore, the purpose of losing weight is not only to gain a slim figure, but also It is to improve the health index and strengthen the body.

And muscle is a valuable tissue and an army of energy consumers, muscular People are more powerful, the basal metabolic value will be more vigorous, and they can consume more calories than others.

If in the process of losing weight, you lose muscle, not fat, although the weight will also drop, but you cannot really lose weight, but will reduce the body The basal metabolic value of the body is easy to become fatter than before.

To lose fat without losing muscle, we need to do the following:

1. In the process of losing weight, don’t over-diet, otherwise the body will fall into a state of starvation and muscle loss will accelerate. In order to reduce muscle loss, we need to control calorie intake in diet and avoid calorie intake below the basal metabolic value.

During weight loss, the daily calorie reduction should not exceed 30%. At the same time, pay attention to supplement some high-protein foods such as eggs, dairy products, meat, etc., in order to supplement the body with amino acids and reduce Lose muscle, lose weight more healthily.

2. Don’t ignore strength training, Although aerobic exercise can effectively improve fuel consumption Fat efficiency, but also causes muscle loss. In order to avoid muscle breakdown, we can add a set of strength training before aerobic exercise, and shorten the aerobic exercise time, which can effectively strengthen the body muscle group, improve the body’s basal metabolic value, and the body proportion will be better after losing weight. For beginners, strength training can start with push-ups and squats, and start training at home.

3. Choose low-calorie foods instead of a variety of high-calorie, over-processed foods

strong>, for example: choose low-fat chicken breast and lean meat instead of various fatty meats and beef, and use steaming instead of deep-fried braised pork, so that you can take in more within the same calorie range. Food, you can effectively control calorie intake without being hungry, reduce the chance of overeating, and improve the success rate of weight loss.

4. The content of exercise should be varied, and do not carry out the same exercise content for a long time Otherwise, as the body gradually adapts to the mode of exercise in the later stage, the fat-burning efficiency will gradually decrease.

In order to break through the bottleneck period and let you continue to lose weight, we have to choose 2-3 different sports, such as jogging, skipping rope, jumping, high leg lift, badminton Wait for exercise, and gradually increase the exercise intensity in order to maintain the efficiency of fat burning and improve the success rate of weight loss.