The blood vessel was ruptured, and it took more than 3 hours for emergency treatment to turn the corner! Expert: People with high blood pressure should not do this

The 48-year-old Mr. Hu walked around the line of life and death a few days ago, and he still sighs. The matter has to start from a week ago. I drank wine for a few days, but my chest felt stuffy and my back hurt. I told my wife that morning: This project is finally coming to an end. I can’t stay up late when I’m old. , I’ve only been boiling for a week now, and it’s uncomfortable, that’s uncomfortable.

In the afternoon of the same day, Mr. Hu had severe pain in his chest, like being cut by a knife. When he fell to the ground, his colleague quickly dialed 120 and sent him to the hospital. His wife received a call and rushed to the hospital. The doctor told the patient that he had aortic dissection and needed immediate surgery. Be mentally prepared. The wife who signed the letter was blank at the time. Mr. Hu’s rescue of more than 3 hours was the longest 3 hours his wife had spent. When the doctor informed the operation that the operation was successful, the wife was exhausted and broke down and cried.

Mr. Hu asked the doctor later that he was still young, how could he get this disease?

Doctors say: The most important cause of aortic dissection is chronic uncontrolled blood pressure, and ask them if they know they have high blood pressure.

Mr. Hu said: The company organizes a physical examination every year. He knew that he had high blood pressure 7-8 years ago, but his body did not have any symptoms. I feel that I don’t take medicine, and I pay more attention to my usual diet. I think there is nothing wrong with it. Why is it so severe when I get sick?

Doctors say: Aortic dissection, also known as aortic dissection, or aortic dissection hematoma, is a tear in the lining of the aorta and blood Entering from the tear to form a dissection hematoma, the intima is continuously impacted, and the intima is gradually peeled off and expanded, forming a true lumen and a false lumen in the artery, which leads to a series of tear-like pain symptoms. The disease has a very high mortality rate, about 25% at 24 hours, 50% at 48 hours, and nearly 100% at 7 days.

The causes of aortic dissection are very complex, but clinical statistics show that more than 80% of patients with aortic dissection suffer from hypertension, and the mechanism of aortic dissection caused by hypertension is not clear. The current mainstream opinion is that high blood pressure will lead to hemodynamic changes, change the stress of the blood vessel wall, increase the hardness of the blood vessel wall, make the intima of the blood vessel easy to tear, and also make the intima of the blood vessel thickened, fibrosis and Calcification, degeneration and apoptosis of wall cells, eventually lead to rupture of the intima, and aortic dissection occurs.

Hypertensive patients want to prevent aortic dissection, 3 things are best not to do!

1. Do not take antihypertensive drugs

Many hypertensive patients believe that as long as the body If you don’t feel unwell, you don’t need to take antihypertensive drugs, especially young people. Some people even say proudly: “What’s the matter with high blood pressure? My blood pressure often exceeds 180 (mmHg), and I live well!” However, if you carefully observe the hypertensive patients around you, you will find a rule. Once the young people have hypertension complications, such as cerebral infarction, myocardial infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, aortic dissection, etc., the symptoms will be very dangerous, but these complications occur in the elderly. Symptoms, relatively speaking, will be much better. The main reason is that in the long-term evolution process, elderly patients will evolve multiple collateral circulations. Even if the main blood vessel is blocked, the collateral blood vessels can relieve the pressure to a certain extent without excessive symptoms.

If you want to avoid complications, you must take medicines on time. You can choose long-acting antihypertensive drugs and take them once a day, but it is absolutely not recommended to take antihypertensive drugs and stop them. large, also greatly increases the risk of complications. To be clear: there is currently no drug that can cure high blood pressure, and antihypertensive drugs must be taken long-term.

2. Let the weight gain

Be fat when living conditions were bad It would be said to be blessed, but with the improvement of living standards, more and more people are overweight or obese. At present, the overweight or obesity rate of people over the age of 18 in my country is close to 50%, making it one of the countries with the largest number of overweight and obesity.

In obese people, the subcutaneous fat is thickened. For every 1cm increase, the blood vessels are extended by 5cm, which increases the blood volume in the blood vessels, thereby increasing the burden on the heart, causing high blood pressure, and obesity. It will also lead to hyperfunction of the adrenal cortex, and the ability of renal tubular sodium absorption to increase, which will lead to a sustained increase in blood pressure in the long run. Therefore, whether you are hypertensive or not, it is best to keep your BMI between 18.5-24.

3. Staying up all night< /strong>

With the advent of short videos and smart phones, young people’s work and rest are becoming more and more irregular. According to clinical surveys, nearly 57.4% of the population at night 11 Fall asleep after midnight, and 23.7% of the population fall asleep after the early morning or have irregular sleep for a long time. Long-term staying up late has a great relationship with high blood pressure, because long-term staying up late will disturb the secretion of hormones, especially the abnormal secretion of catechol hormones. , and eventually lead to the emergence of hypertension.

After being diagnosed with hypertension, it is necessary to intervene. If blood pressure is not too high, it can be intervened by improving lifestyle, such as balanced Diet, moderate exercise, weight control within the normal range, smoking cessation and alcohol cessation, etc. If the lifestyle intervention is ineffective, it can only be controlled by taking long-term drugs, but it should be noted that no matter what method is used, the most It’s important to monitor your blood pressure to make sure it’s within the normal range!