TCM professor’s experience in treating premature ejaculation

Heart-kidney disjointness—connecting heart-kidney, nourishing heart and soothing the mind

The relationship between rapid ejaculation and the heart and kidneys can be roughly divided into two situations.

First, heart fire and kidney qi Imbalance; the other is the imbalance of heart fire and kidney water, which is the so-called heart-kidney discord.

Professor Li believes that the kidney qi is connected to the heart qi, if the heart and kidney do not communicate, the heart fire will go up and the kidney will lose its seal; Lead to premature ejaculation, so the heart plays an important role in the pathogenesis of premature ejaculation. The heart is lost, the gods have nowhere to rely on, and the vent is impermanent. During intercourse, the spirit is extremely excited, too nervous, or the negative emotions such as sadness and anxiety will directly affect the mind, which can lead to reduced brain control, resulting in premature ejaculation.

In clinical practice, Professor Li often chooses Qingxin Lotus Seed Drink as the main prescription< span class="data-color--tt-darkmode-979797">, clears the heart and removes dampness, nourishes qi and nourishes yin. Often compatibleAcorus, Polygala, Acanthopanax Ning the mind and soothe the nerves, it is effective for the treatment of excessive desire, restlessness, insomnia and anorexia, and for patients with premature ejaculation accompanied by anxiety and fear. Also served with Fu Shen, Lily, Suan Zao RenAnd other products to enhance the power of tranquilizing the mind and soothing the mind, and communicating the heart and kidney.

Liver stagnation and qi stagnation – soothe the liver and relieve stagnation and regulate the qi machine

The kidney controls the storage of essence, and the liver controls the discharge. It is all about the mind of the heart. Therefore, when emotional depression, anger damages the liver, overthinking, and desires are not fulfilled, when the liver’s dredging function is damaged, it is easy to cause stagnation of the mind, which affects the normal opening and closing of Jingguan, which is premature ejaculation. Young people have a shallow experience in the world, their understanding of premature ejaculation is not comprehensive enough, and they are easily affected by the negative emotions caused by the disease. Therefore,Emotional anxiety and depression are also premature ejaculation. Important Features.

Professor Li pointed out that the kidneys are strong Officials, the benefits of their organs require the cooperation of the liver to control the flow and the help of the gods of the heart. For example,If the liver fails to disperse, the mind will be closed and the door will be opened, and the essence will be easily discharged.

Professor Li commonly used< span class="data-color--tt-darkmode-007aaa">Xiaoyao San is the main ingredient, soothes the liver and relieves depression Liver Qi. Commonly usedBupleurum, Paeonia lactiflora, Angelica, Citrus aurantium, Tribulus terrestris, Hypericum perforatumand other products, such as stagnation and heat can also be addedPeony bark, gardenia, skullcap< /span>Remove liver fire.

Hanging fire in phase – nourishing yin and reducing fire, solidifying fineness

The cause of premature ejaculation is roughly attributed to fire and emptiness, and fire is mainly phase fire , The liver and gallbladder send phase fire, and a very important part of the lower Jiao damp-heat syndrome is the combination of phase fire and dampness. Disconnection between the heart and kidneys is also called water and fire failure, and the abnormal relationship between the king and the fire is one of its important connotations. The performance of deficiency is also related to phase fire. From the perspective of symptoms, many dreams and insomnia are mostly responsible for the mind. When the mind is disturbed by phase fire, it becomes troublesome, and when the kidney essence is disturbed by phase fire, it becomes restless. Hyperactivity of fire, consumption of qi and damage to yin, lack of qi leads to fatigue, deficiency of kidney yin, and dystrophy of waist and knees, resulting in soreness and weakness of waist and knees, so the onset of premature ejaculation is closely related to the rash of phase fire.

Professor Li believes that excessive housework, bad habits of masturbation, or chronic illness can damage the kidneys, resulting in a loss of kidney yin, a strong phase fire, or a desire to move, and the loss of essence, which can lead to premature ejaculation.

Professor Li commonly usedZhibai Dihuang Wan is the addition and subtraction of the main ingredient, invigorating kidney yin and reducing fire. In clinical practice, it is often combined with Anemarrhena, Treats, Cornus, Alisma, Cortex MoutanAnd other products that nourish yin and reduce fire, make the fine gate open and close to a certain degree, and often produce good effects from medicine to disease.

Insufficiency of kidney qi – invigorating kidney and filling essence, strengthening spleen and stomach

When a young man is unmarried, he masturbates excessively, which damages the kidney qi and makes the Loss of the division, the semen gate loses its fixed capture, and cannot be opened and closed at will; or old age and frailty, the body wears too much, the kidney qi is deficient, the lower energy is exhausted, and the essence and blood cannot be captured, which can cause ejaculation weakness and premature ejaculation. Therefore, premature ejaculation has a virtual factor.

Professor Li pointed out that the kidney is the innate foundation, and the spleen and stomach is the acquired foundation. Premature ejaculation is the process of expelling visible sperm from the body, the control of the visible essence is not only in the sealing of the kidneys, but also in the control of the essence of the qi.

Professor Li often uses Synoyang Gujing Pill as the main prescription< span class="data-color--tt-darkmode-979797">, invigorating the kidney and strengthening the essence, accompanied by insufficiency of spleen qi, can be used in combination Zhongyiqi Pills, invigorating Zhongyiqi. Often usedSchisandra, Golden Cherry, Ginkgo The main medicine is to nourish the kidney and astringe the essence. It is effective for treating premature ejaculation due to deficiency of kidney qi and insufficiency of the essence. It can also be used in combination withAstragalus, Codonopsis, mulberry octopus, Siberian dogwood, Yizhiren, Cistanche, Dodder< span class="data-color--tt-darkmode-979797">The other products benefit the kidney and spleen, nourish the liver and kidney to enhance the power of harvest.

Example of Case Testing

Zhang, male, 39 years old. Chief Complaint: Sexual intercourse and ejaculation for more than 1 year. Visited on September 5, 2016. The patient ejaculates about 2 minutes after the penis is inserted into the vagina, and has sex 1 to 2 times a week.

Engraved syndrome: emotional depression, boredom, hot hands and feet, sore waist and knees. Red tongue, Shaojin, thin white fur, thin pulse. No history of hypertension or diabetes. Diagnosis of TCM: premature ejaculation, syndrome differentiation is liver stagnation and kidney deficiency, and deficiency of essence and blood.

Therapeutic principles: nourishing liver and kidney, nourishing yin and clearing fire.

squared byLiuwei Dihuang Wan and Danzhi Xiaoyao Powder.

Prescription: raw land 30g, dogwood meat 18g, raw oyster 30g, Bupleurum 15g, white peony root 12g, peony bark 9g, gardenia 6g, mint 6g, golden cherry seed 12g, raw keel 18g, astragalus 18g, atractylodes 12g, Fushen 9g, licorice 6g, nocturnal vine 12g. Decoction in water, 1 dose per day.

After taking 14 doses, the patient’s quality of sexual life improved significantly, the ejaculation latency was extended to 4-7min .

Press:The patient is restless due to the liver and kidney yin deficiency and rash movement. The fine shut is easy to open, resulting in premature ejaculation.

Insufficiency of kidney yin can show heat in the hands, feet and heart , The waist and knees are sore and weak; if the liver yin is insufficient, the liver fails to reach the balance, and the liver qi is stagnant and not smooth, which shows emotional depression and annoyance. A red tongue with little fluid, thin white fur, and a thin pulse are signs of Yin deficiency turning into fire.

fangzhongshengdi, dogwood meat, raw oysters, and white peony nourish the yin of liver and kidney; Bupleurum, peony bark, gardenia, mint clear liver fire and relieve liver stagnation; raw keel with oyster Calming the liver and subduing the yang, astringent and solidifying essence; Jinyingzi gathers astringent and solidifying essence; On this basis, supplemented with Astragalus, Atractylodes, Zhigancao, invigorating the spleen and nourishing Qi to absorb the essence, enhanced the control of the visible essence, and thus achieved a good curative effect.

Premature ejaculation (also Called chicken essence, or premature ejaculation syndrome) refers to a very short intercourse time, even ejaculate before the penis is inserted into the vagina, and can not self-control, so that it can not continue to have sexual intercourse, is a relatively common sexual dysfunction. .

Clinical manifestations

1. Quality definition: Taking the response of the sexual partner as the standard, that is, in 50% of the times of sexual intercourse, the male cannot control the ejaculation for the sexual partner so that the latter can achieve orgasm;< /p>

2. Definition of time: From initial sexual intercourse, ejaculation often or always occurs before or within about 1 minute of vaginal penetration (original or idiopathic premature ejaculation); or the ejaculation latency time is significantly shortened, usually less than 3 minutes (secondary premature ejaculation); Less than 10 twitches when the penis is inserted into the vagina;

Because the male’s sexual arousal is relatively high Fast, orgasm is easy to occur during sexual intercourse, so the time to complete sexual intercourse is also fast, while women’s sexual impulse and orgasm appear slower, so there is an obvious time difference between male and female sexual reactions, which often leads to disharmony in sexual life. However, this should not be confused with the disease of premature ejaculation. Because some patients cannot be treated in time, or due to one or two premature ejaculation, they cause mental fear, anxiety, and even think that it is sexual dysfunction, which further aggravates the disease, so that Impotence, low libido, etc.

A survey by foreign clinical experts in November 2008 showed that the sexual intercourse time between opposite sexes is generally 3-13 minutes, and 6-10 minutes is an acceptable time. The time is 10-13 minutes. As the saying goes, “a moment of spring night is worth a thousand dollars”, with 15 minutes as the standard. 10 is moderate, 10-15 is mild.

Predisposing Factors

Psychological factors are often the main reason for premature ejaculation. It also includes organic diseases, various infections of the genitourinary system, and diseases of the nervous system.

Happy people

< p data-track="70">patients with chronic prostatitis, prepuce, foreskin, urethritis.

Premature Ejaculation Classification

1. Primary Premature Ejaculation: Premature ejaculation has continued since the first sexual experience, almost every intercourse and with every sexual partner. ; Traditional Chinese medicine mostly belongs to the lack of congenital endowment, kidney deficiency and Jingguan is not solid.

2.Secondary premature ejaculation: Once the sexual function was normal for a period of time, it gradually appeared or suddenly appeared premature ejaculation, and it was considered secondary to urinary Systemic disease, thyroid disease or mental illness.

3. ​​Situational premature ejaculation: The ejaculation time of such patients varies, and premature ejaculation occurs from time to time, which is related to the personal circumstances of the scene.

Nocturnal emission over time is the cause of premature ejaculation, and deficiency of both heart and kidney is its pathogenesis . TCM believes that premature ejaculation is mainly caused by damp heat or reckless action with fire, or It is caused by deficiency of kidney qi, loss of semen qi, and dereliction of semen storage. Tension, fear, and anxiety during sexual intercourse are the main causes of premature ejaculation, especially if the first sexual intercourse is carried out in an environment where there is fear of being discovered (such as premarital intercourse)It became a habit to ejaculate quickly. Yuan Zhu Danxi said: “The kidney is the one that closes storage, and the liver is responsible for dredging. The two internal organs have phase fire, and they are connected to the heart.” Premature ejaculation patients have a low stimulation threshold for ejaculation, and during sexual intercourse A little sexual stimulation, it is easy to achieve orgasm and ejaculation phenomenon, and can not self-control.

Typical premature ejaculation, i.e. ejaculation before the penis is inserted into the vagina, or ejaculation immediately after insertion. Except for those typical severe premature ejaculation, many so-called premature ejaculation patients in clinical practice have no abnormality, but they think that the time of sexual intercourse is not long enough.

Clinical Treatment

1. Behavioral therapy: Change the habitual sexual position to increase the freshness of sexual life; appropriately increase the frequency of sexual life, reduce penis sensitivity, and improve penile tolerance.

2. Medication: clomipramine, 5 – Serotonin reuptake inhibitors (paroxetine), alpha-blockers, psychostimulants.

Such as commonly used dapoxetine hydrochloride, is indicated for premature ejaculation in men between the ages of 18 and 64 before, during or during vaginal penetration. Persistent or repeated ejaculation due to minimal sexual stimulation shortly after, and before gratification; and significant personal distress or interpersonal disturbance due to premature ejaculation; and poor ejaculation control.

3. Special prescription medicines: use Asarum, 15g of cloves each, immersed in 100ml of 95% alcohol, 15 days later, apply the extract to the glans of the penis 3 minutes before sexual intercourse. Such as lidocaine-prilocaine cream, the use of local anesthetic ointment can reduce the sensitivity of the glans penis, which is beneficial to prolong the ejaculation latency of patients with premature ejaculation, but Large doses may make the penis unable to get an erection.

4. Chinese medicine treatment: individualized treatment is required, according to Individuals with different symptoms and conditions to target the treatment. In clinical practice, traditional Chinese medicine or external treatment methods combined with acupuncture and moxibustion are also used in combination. First of all, we must start with syndrome differentiation and treatment. You can take traditional Chinese medicine decoction, Chinese patent medicine, combined with acupuncture, massage, and moxibustion physiotherapy. Relatively speaking, traditional Chinese medicine treatment takes the first place. Use the most, and the effect is also possible.

For young and middle-aged impotence, it affects the family Harmony will affect male fertility, so the problem of impotence in young and middle-aged people has always attracted the attention of industry insiders in scientific research and clinical research. In recent years, the incidence of senile impotence has been increasing, and it has also received extensive attention. Compared with young and middle-aged impotence, its characteristics are more obvious, and the incidence is closely related to the increase of age.

Impotence, known in Western medicine as erectile dysfunction (ED), is a common disease in andrology One of them refers to the disease syndrome that affects the normal sexual life due to the atrophy and softness of the penis during sexual intercourse, or the erection but not firmness, or the firmness and shortness of time.

In 1995, there were more than 152 million ED patients in the world, and by 2025, the number of ED patients is expected to reach 322 million. ED has become one of the important diseases that plague men all over the world. ED affects not only a patient’s physical health, but also mental health , developed depression, decreased self-confidence and other symptoms, which seriously affected their Quality of Life, Sexual Partnership and Family stability. The etiology of ED is complex and usually caused by multiple factors, including nerve damage, vascular endothelial damage, metabolic abnormalities, nutrition, drugs, and psychological factors.

For young and middle-aged impotence, it affects family harmony at light level, and male fertility at worst. Therefore, the problem of impotence in young and middle-aged people has always attracted the attention of industry insiders in scientific research and clinical research. In recent years, the incidence of senile impotence has been increasing, and it has also received extensive attention. Compared with young and middle-aged impotence, its characteristics are more obvious. The incidence is closely related to the increase of age. Stage can also lead to impotence, coupled with advanced age, other diseases accompany, drugs that need to be taken for a long time and Long-term living and eating habits and many other factors lead to impotence in older men.

There are data showing the prevalence of impotence: 65~70 Age is about 70%, and over 75 years old is as high as 85%. A harmonious and moderate sexual life is conducive to improving the quality of life of the elderly in their later years, so senile impotence is not simply regarded as a disease, but also has a direct impact.More and more researches have begun to pay attention to the etiology and prevention of impotence in the elderly.

Impotence, which was called “cannot afford” in the pre-Qin period, and was called in the “Nei Jing” For vaginal atrophy, the use of vaginal organs, and muscle atrophy. For example, “Plain Questions: Yin-Yang Yingxiang Great Theory” states: “In the sixtieth year, yin atrophy, the qi is greatly weakened, and the nine orifices are unfavorable. “Lingshu Jingjin” says: “The disease of the meridians is cold, and the tendons are reflexed and tense, and when the heat is hot, the tendons are slack and not retracted, and there is no need for Yin atrophy.” “data-color–tt-darkmode-005cff”>Thinking endlessly, not getting what you want, lusting outside, entering the house too much, squatting, muscle atrophy, and prostitution.”< /p>

Chen Shiduo, a famous doctor in the Qing Dynasty, established the “door of impotence” in the book “Syndrome Differentiation”. Treat this disease. However, at this time, vulva does not specifically refer to male erectile dysfunction, and the name of vulva can also be scattered in female families, which is prone to misunderstanding and confusion. Zhang Jingyue put forward “ Yang does not move up, Yang Dao is inactive” in “Jingyue Quanshu” Impotence Diseases, which is consistent with what some doctors said before. “Yin impotence” (female sexual dysfunction) is different, and then the naming is gradually unified.

One Dodder, Two Immortals and Sanhai Powder: Dodder Seed 90g, Curcuma 40g, Celestial Spirit Spleen 60g, Seal Kidney 100g, Sea Dragon, Hippocampus each 80g.

Preparation method: Pill making. 3 times a day, 6g each time, taken with light saline, 1 month is a course of treatment.

Efficacy: Warms Yang and promotes sperm. Treat impotence.

Clinical addition and subtraction: For kidney-yang deficiency, add deer antler , Supplementary Tablets; for kidney yin deficiency, add Shudi, Lycium barbarum, Cortex Phellodendri; for damp-heat betting, add Longdan Xiegan Decoction; for Qi and blood stasis stagnation, add Huoxue Tongyu Decoction; for liver stagnation, add Take Shugan Jieyu Decoction.

Clinical application: 36 cases in this group, Cure (impotence disappeared, sexual life basically returned to normal, and 21 cases were born within 1-2 years); improved (although sexual life has not completely returned to normal, but impotence has improved significantly) 9 cases; invalid 6 cases.

Experience: One Dodder, Two Immortals, Three Seas Powder is especially for The effect of kidney deficiency patients with impotence as the main symptom is better.

Dodder has the effect of warming the kidney and producing sperm. Curcuma currant and spleen are the herbs for warming the kidney and aphrodisiac. It has a good effect on the growth and development of sperm and the enhancement of activity. Sea dragon and hippocampus have the functions of removing blood stasis and promoting blood circulation, fitness and aphrodisiac. Seal kidney is a must-use product for patients with impotence and belongs to organ therapy. The combination of all the prescriptions is precise, and it is indeed a good prescription for the treatment of male infertility.

Strengthening Kidney Kangwei Powder: Rehmannia glutinosa, Actinidia, Morinda officinalis, Epimedium, Cistanche deserticola, raspberry each 90g, Raw astragalus, angelica, white peony root, Ophiopogon japonicus, wolfberry fruit, cypress kernel, calamus, deer biting grass, chicken Neijin each 80g, 3 sea dragons, leek seeds, nine incense insects, centipede, licorice each 30g.

Preparation method: First, use suet for Epimedium Roasted, washed with lukewarm water, calcined with actinolite, quenched and crushed with white wine, soaked the sea dragon in white wine for 1 to 2 hours, roasted on charcoal fire, and then dried or dried with other medicines. Grind to fine powder, pass through a 80-120 mesh sieve, refine the honey into pills the size of a sycamore seed, and store it in a bottle for later use. 3 times a day (in the morning, at noon and before dinner), 6g each time, with light saline.

Efficacy: Nourishes the kidney and fills the essence, strengthens yang and resists atrophy .

Indications: Impotence (Western medicine belongs to neurasthenia), The evidence shows that the penis is atrophied and soft without erection, or incomplete erection, or erection is not large, large but not firm, or firm and short, ejaculation at the first intercourse, and the penis is rapidly atrophied and soft.

Add and subtract:

Clinical application: 120 cases in this group, recovered (persistent penile erection, normal sexual life, recovery of fertility, various 85 cases with no recurrence for more than 1 year; significantly effective (the penile erection can last for 10-20 minutes, and the sexual life is basically normal. , all symptoms improved significantly, and there was recurrence within 1 year) 28 cases; effective (penile erection less than 10 minutes, all symptoms improved) 5 cases; ineffective (impotence and other symptoms did not improve) 2 cases. The total effective rate was 98.3%. In this group of cases, 5 cases were cured or effective within 10 days of treatment, 7 cases were treated for 11-20 days, 15 cases were treated for 21-30 days, 18 cases were treated for 31-40 days, 15 cases were treated for 41-50 days, and 51-60 cases were treated There were 15 cases of days and 45 cases of more than 61 days. The shortest is 7 days, the longest is one and a half years, and the average is 55 days.

Experience: The cause of impotence, the ancients said it For details, as in “Classification of Syndrome and Treatment of Diagnosis”, it says: either congenital weakness, or acquired lack of food, and damp-heat betting, tendons relax and lead to impotence, and those who hurt sexual desire must distinguish between water and fire., those who are deficient in water are really deficient in yin, those who are deficient in fire are deficient and cold……”Jingyue Quanshu” says: However, there are seven or eight people who are weak in fire, and those who are hot are the only ears… Worrying too much… Frightened people also lead to impotence. It shows that there are many causes of impotence, and most of them are yang deficiency. The treatment of this disease should grasp the root of the disease, mainly to treat the kidneys, and then supplemented by soothing liver, clearing, promoting blood circulation, and reconciling agents according to the disease.

Zhuangshen Kangwei Powder, Rehmannia glutinosa nourishes the kidney and fills the essence, with white peony root Blood, sea dragon nourishes yin and dissipates blood stasis to enhance the function of nourishing kidney and filling essence. Zorba Morindatum, Epimedium, Cistanche, Raspberry, Actinite to warm the kidneys and strengthen yang to fight atrophy; add Astragalus to nourish qi; Angelica to promote blood and blood, Shichangpu, Boziren to nourish the heart and soothe the nerves to strengthen the yang; Centipede, Jiuxiang Insects and collaterals go the way of Xingyang; leek seeds are combined with chicken inner gold to warm the kidneys and solidify the essence to treat premature ejaculation; astragalus is combined with angelica to nourish blood and nourish the liver; deer bite grass dispels rheumatism and strengthens muscles and bones; licorice detoxifies to reconcile the properties of various medicines. The combination of various medicines has the effect of nourishing the kidney and filling the essence, strengthening the yang and resisting atrophy, and does not help the harm of the yin. A large number of clinical practice has proved that this prescription is indeed an effective prescription for the treatment of impotence. In general, only use this side, and insist on using as much as you can to get the best results.

Note: This recipe is the secret recipe of Cheng’s ancestry. The age and constitution of the patient should also be paid attention to. Generally speaking, young people with impotence, multiple responsibilities, loss of ambition (mental factors, liver depression, panic), damp heat, yin deficiency ; Impotence in the elderly, Multiple responsibilities of kidney deficiency, and Yang deficiency is the majority, but not always.

Practice has proved that young people also have yang deficiency, and the elderly also have liver stagnation. For secondary impotence, attention should be paid to the cause, such as vascular disease, hypothyroidism, prostatitis, urinary tract infection, or drug Impotence caused by /span>, etc., should be cured and the impotence should be eliminated. In the treatment of impotence, we should be good at psychological counseling while carrying out drug treatment, eliminate psychological obstacles, stimulate sexuality, and eliminate mental tension and fear, and do it calmly.

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