An ancient recipe, to digest food, adjust the stomach, and those who have breast nodules and thyroid nodules should see it

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Speaking of Simo Soup, I believe everyone must have heard However, there was an advertisement for it on TV a long time ago, and everyone is familiar with it. However, if you ask you what disease Simo Tang can cure, it is estimated that everyone may be confused, and they will not remember it for a while. effect.

Someone said that the advertisement said that Simo Tang can cure and do not want to eat.

Someone said it, I remember the advertisement saying that Simo Decoction can cure constipation.

Some people say, how do I remember that Simo Decoction can cure stomach bloating and stomach pain?

It is estimated that some people have said it. I remember that the advertisement said that Simo Decoction can treat cough and cough. phlegm. . .

You see, the effects of Simo Soup are also varied, many of which are difficult to remember. Unlike Liuwei Dihuang Wan, it is said that , We all know that it is for kidney deficiency. . .

Why does Simo Soup have so many effects? What exactly is its mechanism? Can you connect all the above questions, so that everyone can remember the core of Simo Soup, and then understand its purpose?

Of course it can, in fact, the problems of traditional Chinese medicine are inseparable from the same root. strong>Spleen and stomach qi stagnation.

We all know that spleen qi rises, stomach qi falls, and the spleen and stomach cooperate, which are the pivots of the rise and fall of human qi. The so-called hub is the key.

Only when the qi of the spleen and stomach is normal, the food we eat can be digested normally, and nutrients and dregs can go their separate ways and complete life activities. metabolism. Among them, the extraction of nutrients depends on the rise of spleen, and the discharge of dross depends on the decrease of stomach qi.

When the temper rises, the nutrients can be absorbed and utilized by the human body, and the stomach qi falls, and the dregs (stool) can be excreted, and the rise and fall is normal. Talent will be comfortable and safe.

If the spleen and stomach qi is stagnant, then what should rise will not rise, and what should fall will not fall. Go, won’t people feel uncomfortable?

Therefore, the so-called stagnation of qi actually means that the qi cannot run normally and smoothly, and it is blocked and stuck together.

The consequence of qi stagnation is bloating and stuffiness. If the qi stagnation is severe, it will cause pain and various nodules. It was so swollen, it was painful.

Just talking about the theory may not be enough for everyone, let’s take an example.

Let’s talk about bowel movements. If constipation cannot be removed for a long time, people will definitely feel bloated. I even get a stomach ache. And once it is pulled down, the whole body will be peaceful and unspeakable happiness, why, because the qi stagnation is lifted.

To go a little deeper, we normal people can live comfortably, all relying on the normal circulation of qi, the movement of qi is the movement of blood, and the movement of qi Then the body moves, the body fluid flows smoothly and unobstructed, and our bodies live happily. In turn, look at cancer patients, they have endless pain, why?

Because their bodies have been blocked for a long time, the qi, blood and body fluids cannot flow normally due to the blockage for years and months. Gotta die. Including intestinal obstruction, gallbladder stones are painful, must be caused by serious qi stagnation.

After talking about spleen and stomach qi stagnation, let’s analyze the function of Simo Decoction in combination with Simo Decoction.

Everyone should ask, the temperament is really bad, it will make us suffer, but why does the temper stagnate?

In general, there are two reasons, one is the dysfunction of the viscera, and the other is the violation of external factors /span>, the two often interact.

First, let’s talk about the dysfunction of the zang-fu organs.

Take the spleen and stomach as an example.The order of ascending and descending, all of which must be built on the basis of a strong spleen and stomach. If the spleen and stomach are deficient, they will not be able to raise the clear and lower the turbid.

Therefore, deficiency of the viscera often leads to stagnation of Qi.

The other is external aggression.

For example, cold pathogens invade the spleen and stomach, eat cold food, and the cold will condense, which will lead to stagnation of Qi. If you get angry again, you are so angry that you can’t eat, which is also a stagnation of qi. People often say that the mind has thousands of knots, and the burden on the mind is also a key factor that causes qi stagnation.

Therefore, organs are weakened, evil qi invades, causing qi stagnation, qi stagnation, From light to not wanting to eat, to severe pain, including stomach bloating, abdominal distension, and even pain in the heart and mouth, these are the consequences of qi stagnation.

In addition, the stagnation of the qi machine to a certain extent will cause more serious conditions, such as the stomach qi should have decreased, and the way of defecation It has been excreted, but it can’t go down now, and if it accumulates to a certain extent, it has to find a way out, which may cause vomiting. If the qi is reversed, the lung qi will be disturbed, and it will also cause shortness of breath.

Therefore, Simo Decoction is aimed at the stagnation of the spleen and stomach qi machine to solve the above problems question.

6 grams of ginseng, 6 grams of betel nut, 6 grams of agarwood, 6 grams of black medicine, 10 grams of black medicine, simmer in water.

1. Ginseng< /strong>

Ginseng is the first medicine to invigorate the spleen and stomach. The function of invigorating qi is unparalleled. Through tonifying qi, the spleen and stomach will be strong, and the lifting and lowering will be powerful. This is designed to strengthen the viscera.

2. Agarwood

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Agarwood, Grown in southern provinces such as Guangdong and Guangxi, it is warm in nature and can warm the yang and dispel cold. It is especially good at entering the spleen and stomach meridians, which can warm the spleen and stomach and treat stomach cold pain.

In addition, agarwood is fragrant, and the aroma can move and disperse, so agarwood can move qi. It has a very good effect, which can not only dispel cold and relieve pain, but also invigorate qi and eliminate bloating.

3. Wuyao

wu The medicine also has the effect of move Qi, and the black medicine is warm in nature and can dispel cold. Warm and open, help the gas machine to achieve circulation.

Many people in the south grow black medicine. They drink black medicine in water, which often has an immediate effect on stomach bloating and stomach pain.

4. The last medicine is betel nut

The ancients said that betel nut can break the stagnation, that is, to open the place where the stagnation is blocked, its power should not be underestimated.

The above is the solution of Simo Tang.

In addition to Simo Soup, there is also Liu Mo Soup, which is in Simo Based on the soup add rhubarb and citrus aurantiumspan>. These two herbs can promote qi and laxatives, such as rhubarb, which is the most commonly used laxative.

So patients with bloating, bloating and constipation are most suitable for Liumo Decoction.

Finally, let’s talk about why this recipe is called Simo Tang and Liu Mo Tang? Because according to the original records, these medicines need to be ground into powder, then boiled with water and ground into powder, which is conducive to rapid decomposition and quick effect.

And now, if the situation is not urgent, decoction can also be used. After all, grinding the above herbs into powder is also time-consuming and labor-intensive. thing.