This part of the hand swells up in “Watching Hands and Identifying Diseases”! Indicates that you are calling for help

People often use “fingers to heart” to describe the closeness between the fingers and the heart


Heart health,

Sometimes you can really tell from your fingers.

Some abnormal behavior of fingers,

May be a heart attack warning!

Trembling fingers, bulging ends

It may be a “warning” from the heart

Professor Zheng Junmeng, Director of Cardiovascular Surgery, Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, introduced that, When heart disease occurs, some unusual symptoms can appear in the fingers, including: finger tremors, abnormal nails, and clubbing.

1. Finger tremors

The heart is the lifeblood of the human body. If the heart is not beating, people are also approaching the end of life. If the heart is relatively fragile, then the fingers will often tremble and not obey the command, especially when holding something in the hand. Some people with very serious heart disease have almost never stopped shaking their fingers.

2. Nail abnormalities

Some people’s fingers are significantly different from other people’s fingers. Generally speaking, the nails on normal fingers are round and full, while those with People with heart disease have bumpy nails.

The crescent of a normal person’s finger remains unchanged, and the crescent can be used to indicate a person’s health It does not mean that the more crescents the better, but if the number or shape of the crescents changes over a period of time, it means that there is a certain disease in itself.

3. Clubbing Fingers

Clubing refers to the hyperplasia, hypertrophy, widening, and thickening of the ends of the fingers or toes, and the distal knuckles are clubbed from the root to the end. .

This symptom usually occurs symmetrically on both hands and feet, and the angle at which the nail extends from the end of the finger is called the upper nail angle, which is normal. Human superior nail angle≤160°, clubbing finger when this angle≥180°, and the soft tissue of the terminal knuckle is spherical, like a drumstick.

Suronychiometry (normal finger on the left, clubbing on the right)

Professor Zheng Junmeng introduced that there is a relatively simple self-assessment method for clubbing fingers – Schamroth’s sign test, put your hands on the same finger The nail face of the distal nail (usually the middle finger) is attached to the back of the distal knuckle. Under normal circumstances, a diamond-shaped window is formed at the base of the two nails, and if the gap becomes smaller and disappears, it is a clubbing finger.

Schamroth’s sign (normal finger on the left, clubbing on the right)

Doctor Alert:strong>

If you find any abnormality in your finger, be sure to seek medical attention in time

Professor Zheng Junmeng reminded that if you have the above symptoms in your fingers, you may suffer from these heart diseases, including: Congenital heart disease (such as tetralogy of Fallot, triad of Fallot) disease, dislocation of the heart and great vessels, etc.), infectious heart disease (subacute bacterial endocarditis, rheumatic heart disease, infective myocarditis), and other cardiovascular diseases.

especially cyanotic types such as tetralogy of Fallot, Eisenmenger syndrome, and dislocation of large vessels Congenital heart disease is usually accompanied by cyanosis and clubbing, and the severity of clubbing is often in parallel with the severity and duration of cyanosis. However, neonatal and severe anemia were excluded, the former only had cyanosis without clubbing, and the latter had obvious clubbing and mild cyanosis.

“Once an abnormality of the finger is found, it is necessary to seek medical treatment as soon as possible to avoid delaying the treatment time.” Professor Zheng Junmeng said that the doctor will provide further assistance for the patient. Examination, such as physical examination, blood routine, blood gas analysis, electrocardiogram, imaging examination, etc., to identify the cause and symptomatic treatment.

In addition, abnormal fingers may be a sign of heart problems, but also problems in these parts-

①Club-shaped fingers may indicate lung disease

< p data-track="42">If you find yourself with clubbing, it may be a sign of other diseases besides cardiovascular disease.

Generally speaking, clubbing is mostly related to hypoxia, because after hypoxia, the farthest from the body is the finger And toes, hypoxia will stimulate the proliferation of these soft tissues and fibrous tissues, so the tips of the fingers will bulge.

Among them,patients with COPD, emphysema, tuberculosis, chronic lung abscess, and interstitial pulmonary fibrosis , Some lung cancer patients may have the performance of clubbing.

In addition, clubbing can also be seen in inflammatory bowel disease, liver cirrhosis, and gastrointestinal tumors. disease.

If it is just a simple clubbing, you can go to a dermatologist and an orthopedic doctor for investigation first. If it is accompanied by certain symptoms, or there is a primary disease, you can choose the corresponding department to see a doctor according to the symptoms, such as cardiovascular medicine, respiratory medicine, gastroenterology or oncology.

②Tumbling hands? There are many incentives to be investigated

As mentioned earlier, if the heart is relatively fragile, the fingers often tremble , Disobedience to the command. However, there are many reasons that lead to numbness and tremors, and it is impossible to generalize.

For example, people tend to shake their hands when they are stressed and tired. This is a normal phenomenon. A normal life requires attention.

The tremor in young and middle-aged people is often essential tremor , may suggest hyperthyroidism, such as shaking hands when picking vegetables with chopsticks or writing, it is recommended to perform thyroid function tests.

Hand tremor in older adults may indicate central nervous system impairment ,There is a risk of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. It is recommended to perform electrocardiogram, brain CT, blood cerebrospinal fluid and other tests.

Be careful if your hands are numb. If the hand numbness persists for a long time, the numbness will develop from the hands to the legs, back, etc. for a long time, and the numbness will develop from the hands to the legs and back. Pay attention to check whether there is cervical spondylosis or herniated intervertebral disc. For middle-aged and elderly people, frequent hand numbness in the short term may be a precursor to stroke. It is recommended to perform brain CT and carotid artery ultrasound examinations.

Source of content:Traditional Chinese Medicine WeChat Public Account

Editor: Journal of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Nursing

Correspondent: Li Yuxin Qin Shasha Sun Lei