General anesthesia is equivalent to dying once. What happens to the body during anesthesia?

What does it feel like to be anesthetized? With the advancement of medicine, various physical problems that humans may have have been discovered. In view of the impact of various diseases on human health, people have also researched various solutions. These include conservative medication and surgery. In recent years, medicine has gradually developed, although some operations still have risks, but the mortality rate is getting smaller and smaller.
Although surgery can cure many diseases and restore many people to health, there are also many risks. Some people will never wake up because of the risks in the operation, but some people will suffer because of the success of the operation. reborn. Since the development of medicine, there is a drug that has become a necessity in surgery, because its existence has greatly improved the success rate of surgery, which is anesthesia.

Medical surgery can be big or small. Involving various incurable diseases, some operations, and even need to disembowel, childbirth is a typical example. Many people vividly compare childbirth to entering the gate of hell, which is not an exaggeration at all. The medical conditions in ancient times were backward, and many women would die of hemorrhagic metrorrhagia. Nowadays, women are dying from childbirth less frequently.
Departure is undoubtedly a very painful process. In order to alleviate the pain of the producer, general anesthesia or semi-anesthesia is often selected according to specific conditions. Some people say that general anesthesia is equivalent to one death. What happens to the body after anesthesia?

I. What is general anesthesia

General anesthesia, as the name suggests, General anesthesia is the most common form of medical treatment. Many diseases are very painful in the process of treatment, and the degree of pain is even unbearable. In order to ensure that the patient can actively cooperate with the treatment and not make the treatment more difficult, the doctor will use anesthesia in advance.
General anesthesia makes patients feel no pain during treatment or surgery, mainly by inhibiting the central nervous system and cutting off the process of pain formation. Before surgery, the doctor can anesthetize the patient by intravenous injection, inhalation, etc. The duration of anesthesia depends on the amount of the drug.

2. What happens after general anesthesia

After general anesthesia, people do not completely fall asleep, but they are confused and feel no pain, but their heartbeat is still normal. Some scholars have shown that after general anesthesia, the human body will experience three states, induction, maintenance and recovery. What does the body experience in these three states?
Induction period, usually a quarter of an hour after the injection of anesthesia, the doctor will ask the patient’s status to ensure that the anesthetic is fully functioning, until the patient is completely unconscious and goes to sleep, and then the doctor will establish an oxygen delivery channel for the patient , wear an oxygen mask to prevent hypoxia during anesthesia, and observe the patient’s electrocardiogram at all times. The operation can start only after stabilization.

Once the preparations are complete, the surgery will begin. Anesthesia plays a role in the entire operation, and the patient usually does not feel anything at this time.However, the duration of the operation varies. The doctor should increase the anesthesia dose according to their own prediction time to keep the patient from waking up during the operation.
Into the waking period, when the operation is usually completed, the doctor will always observe the patient’s heart rate and wait for the patient to wake up. According to different people’s constitution, the time of waking up is different. Generally, after waking up, the consciousness gradually becomes clear, and the pain after the operation is still felt. This is a normal phenomenon.

Generally, the doctor will recommend to stay in the hospital for observation for a period of time after surgery, mainly to see if the patient has improved after surgery, or if there are other complications. There are also some cases where the pain is unbearable after major operations, don’t hold back and say nothing at this time, to report to the doctor in time, because this may be caused by wound infection.

III. Effects of anesthesia on the body

Anesthesia is only for It is very normal for the patient to feel pain after the operation, which is necessary for the operation. Once the anesthesia is over, people will still feel the pain of the wound, but this kind of pain is usually tolerable, so the anesthesia How does the drug affect the human body?

There are generally no sequelae after general anesthesia. But along with the patient’s nervousness, there may be a brief headache and hoarseness, which usually disappears after a period of recuperation, so there is no need to worry about it.

IV. Medical Malpractice

The use of anesthetics during surgery does add a layer of protection, but There is still no certainty that the operation will be successful. According to people’s different constitutions, some surgeries still have unexpected situations, which constitutes a medical malpractice. During the operation, even under general anesthesia, some patients still wake up during the operation, resulting in the failure of the operation.

Why does the patient wake up early? In fact, there are several reasons to note. One is that the patient has a special physique and has this antibody in his body, which is immune to the effects of anesthesia. At first, he will be confused due to the anesthesia, but the effect of the anesthetic will soon disappear, so the patient wakes up during the operation.
The second is because the patient’s own physical fitness is better and the metabolism is faster.
The anesthetic drug enters the body and is metabolized after a period of action, which will also cause the patient to wake up early. But after waking up, you will clearly feel the pain of the operation, which is not conducive to the operation.

The third is the doctor’s error, the anesthetic dose is not enough. If the initial dose of the drug is not enough and the intravenous injection is repeated during the operation, the patient is likely to wake up briefly before the anesthetic works, and then go back to sleep.
Although anaesthetics can relieve the pain of people’s treatment, they also need to be used with caution. After all, everyone’s physical fitness is different, some people are allergic to anesthesia, and some people are not suitable for anesthesia due to various conditions. For example, when a cold has a fever, the human body cannot breathe well. At this time, anesthesia can easily lead to shock and suffocation.

In addition, there are some diseases that are not suitable for surgery. For example, high blood pressure, heart disease, high blood sugar, etc., high blood pressure is not conducive to surgery, If anesthesia is used, it will increase the risk of death. Therefore, anesthesia should be used with caution, follow the doctor’s advice, and do not go it alone.


Disease is the biggest challenge facing human health. In order to overcome the disease, human beings have studied many methods, among which surgery is the most painful one. But there are some diseases where drug treatment alone doesn’t do anything at all. For complete relief, many people still choose surgery.

The surgical procedure will be extremely painful. In the age of medical backwardness, the number of deaths due to unbearable surgical pain is no longer rare. The emergence of anesthesia has eliminated most of the pain caused by surgery for patients, cured people’s fear of surgery, and truly realized painless surgery.
However, some people still question the safety of anesthesia and worry about the sequelae of the chemicals left by the anesthetic in the human body.
In fact, it is not necessary. The emergence of anesthesia is a kind of medical progress. Although excessive doses can cause damage to people’s brain and nerves, doctors will naturally consider the doses during the treatment process. You should fully trust the doctors.