When pancreatic cancer occurs, the body may have these 6 kinds of abnormalities, you need to be vigilant and check the pancreas as soon as possible

The “pancreas” is a small organ located in the deepest part of the abdominal cavity, but it plays an irreplaceable role in the human body. It is not only one of the most important digestive glands in the human body, it is responsible for cooperating with the intestinal tract to absorb various nutrients, and it is also the only one An organ with islet function, it is responsible for producing various insulins and balancing the blood sugar level in the body.

However, the pancreas itself is very fragile, it can be damaged by a variety of factors, and it also has the possibility of cancer.

For example, people who have had acute or chronic pancreatic diseases, family history of pancreatic cancer, years of diabetes, obesity, etc., are all at high risk of pancreatic cancer. The danger of cancer cannot be underestimated.

Because compared with the former cancer king “liver cancer”, the pancreatic Cancer is much more terrifying.

Because of the high degree of malignancy of pancreatic cancer, and due to special location and special function, early detection is quite difficult, and the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer has basically entered the advanced stage.

This type of cancer has a 5-year survival rate of less than 1%, and is the malignant tumor with the worst prognosis.

Then the question is, what are the symptoms of pancreatic cancer, and what are the abnormalities that deserve to be vigilant?

1, Abdominal pain: and others Similar to malignant tumors, pancreatic cancer can also cause pain, and this is the main symptom of pancreatic cancer. No matter where the specific part of pancreatic cancer is, pain will occur.

Thispain can be concentrated in the middle and upper abdomen, left and right upper abdomen, and sometimes in the lower abdomen, the whole abdomen or around the belly button, and even the pain can spread to the reproductive organs, easily and other Disease confusion.

When the cancer invades the visceral capsule, peritoneum and retroperitoneal tissue of the patient, it may also cause tenderness in the corresponding parts;

2. Abnormal digestion: exocrine secretion of pancreas The function is actuallysecreting pancreatic juice containing various digestive enzymes, which can help digest fat and protein.

Once the exocrine pancreas is damaged, it will affect the digestive system, especially when combined with obstructive inflammation, the patient will appear Symptoms such as loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation.

In advanced pancreatic cancer, because fatty substances cannot be completely absorbed, patients may also have steatorrhea;

3. Gastrointestinal bleeding: pancreatic cancer may be Complicated with gastrointestinal bleeding, the reason for this is that in the process of development, the cancer may invade the spleen vein and portal vein of the patient, and develop into embolism, portal vein high pressure.

Some pancreatic cancer patients may also complicated with varicose vein rupture, followed by hematemesis, black tarry stools and other symptoms;

4, Weight loss: Pancreatic cancer is different from other malignant tumors. Other malignant tumors show typical symptoms of cachexia, such as weight loss, fatigue and anemia blood, etc., mostly in the advanced stage.

Because of the special function of the pancreas and the rapid development of pancreatic cancer, patients may experience weight loss in the early stage, even within a few months. time, you will lose more than ten kilograms;

5, Symptoms of Jaundice:The pancreas does not produce and dischargeHowever, during the development of pancreatic cancer, symptoms such as hyperbilirubinemia and obstructive jaundice may also occur.

There are two main cases of pancreatic cancer complicated with jaundice:

The first is that the specific part of the patient’s canceration is in the head of the pancreas, and the canceration invades or oppresses the gallbladder. General Manager.

Second, pancreatic cancer has developed to an advanced stage, and the cancer cells have metastasized to the liver, resulting in jaundice. Symptoms such as staining, yellowing of sclera and mucous membranes, dark yellow urine, clay-colored stool;

6. Ascites: This symptom usually appears in the advanced stage of pancreatic cancer, due to the malnutrition combined with hypoalbuminemia in patients;

Alternatively, cancer cells infiltrate and spread to the peritoneum, resulting in the appearance of cancerous ascites. This ascites is mostly bloody or serous.

It is not difficult to see from the above symptoms that pancreatic cancer is indeed easy Confused with chronic stomach disease and liver disease, it does not have specific symptoms.

Therefore, people at high risk of pancreatic cancer should be vigilant and seek medical attention regularly for relevant cancer prevention screening. If you have similar symptoms recently, it is necessary to seek medical attention in time.