The typical symptom of coronary heart disease is “angina pectoris”, or there are 3 manifestations, need to be vigilant

The heart is the most important organ of the human body. Its function is like a pump that never stops. Every beat of the heart is actually putting pressure on the blood vessels, so that the arteries will contain fresh oxygen and nutrients. Blood is transported throughout the body, while veins are responsible for allowing blood to be retrieved and used again.

This means that only when the heart is healthy In this case, the human body can maintain basic physiological activities.

However, in recent years, due to the aging of the population in my country, the increase in the number of smokers and alcohol abusers, changes in the social environment, diet and living habits, etc., the incidence of heart disease in my country is getting higher and higher. The most common one is coronary heart disease.

“Coronary Heart Disease” You should have heard that it is the clinical abbreviation for coronary heart disease.

Affected by various factors, the patient’s coronary artery gradually developed into atherosclerosis, the blood vessel became more and more narrow, and the myocardial blood supply was insufficient, and finally coronary heart disease occurred. From a clinical point of view, the most typical symptom of coronary heart disease is: angina pectoris!

The clinical manifestations of angina pectoris are diverse and can be divided into the following forms:

1. Typical chest pain: This type of chest pain usually occurs when the patient has performed strenuous physical activity and emotional agitation, and it appears suddenly Sexual precordial crunch-like, colic, or squeezing pain may also present as chest tightness.

Pain usually begins behind the sternum, or in the precordial area, and radiates to the patient’s left shoulder, left arm, fingers, etc. .

In the early stage of coronary heart disease, after the attack of angina pectoris, the patient can be relieved by appropriate rest, or by oral nitroglycerin;


2. Variant angina: this The condition mostly occurs in patients with coronary heart disease complicated with hyperglycemia, and its onset is directly related to large vasospasm.

The most direct difference from typical angina pectoris is that it attacks suddenly when quiet and has nothing to do with fatigue and mental stress, and the patient may even be asleep The next burst, it was found that the ST segment was significantly elevated at the time of inspection.

Compared with typical angina pectoris, variant angina pectoris is more worthy of vigilance, it can lead to serious harm such as myocardial infarction, severe arrhythmia and sudden death;

3. Unstable angina: If the nature of the patient’s chest pain has changed significantly, such as Recent progressive chest pain with progressively lower pain threshold onset with minimal physical activity, emotional agitation, and even at night.

And the pain gradually intensifies, the frequency becomes more frequent, the duration becomes longer, and the nitroglycerin is difficult to relieve, which often needs to consider atypical angina.

What needs to be emphasized here is that in my country’s clinical practice, there are many The symptoms of patients with coronary heart disease are not typical, but only occasionally have symptoms such as palpitations, fatigue, and precordial abnormalities.

Some patients developed systemic symptoms and concomitant heart failure. Even nearly 1/3 of the patients suffered sudden death for the first coronary heart attack.

If you have a sudden heart attack while playing sports recently or when you are overly emotional Uncomfortable symptoms in the anterior area, and repeated several times, this is likely to be a signal that the coronary artery has narrowed, or even the arrival of coronary heart disease.

In this case, the patient needs to be vigilant and Seek medical attention in time for relevant examinations, so as not to miss the best time for diagnosis and treatment of coronary heart disease.