Why are cerebral infarction increasing year by year? These 3 kinds of food, advise you to eat less

Cerebral infarction is a disease with a high degree of danger, and many signals are sent after the disease. If it is not paid attention to and treated as soon as possible, will be threaten the life of the patient.

Some people experience sudden headaches, decreased language skills, hemiplegia, and vomiting, all because of the emergence of the disease, it is necessary to understand which adverse factors will accelerate its arrival, and take preventive measures.. In addition, some people make mistakes in diet, consuming foods that increase the incidence of cerebral infarction, and the consequences are unbearable.

1. High-fat foods

cerebral infarction The occurrence is mainly related to the blockage and stenosis of blood vessels in the brain.People who have developed chronic diseases should be vigilant. Damage to the blood vessels in the brain can lead to cerebral infarction.

A high intake of high-fat foods has the potential to induce disease, because most meats are rich in fat, and of course, nuts also contain Oil, if you don’t control your intake, excessive energy supply will not only make you fat, but also increase blood viscosity.

Some people have an uncontrolled diet, and when they provide too much energy, they will have excess nutrients, which will lead to high blood lipids, serum cholesterol, and triglycerides. If the level exceeds the standard and the circulation cannot be maintained well, it will accelerate the appearance of cerebral infarction. For the sake of health, the intake of fatty substances should be strictly controlled.

2, sweets

a lot People are dependent on sweets and feel that eating something sweet can provide energy and make them feel good.

Many office workers eat biscuits during work breaks, or choose desserts as afternoon tea, But I don’t know that too sweet things have health risks. Too much intake not only increases blood sugar, but also affects the changes of other indicators. Some people’s blood becomes sticky because of the abundance of sweet things.

For the sake of health, the daily sugar intake should be well controlled when protecting blood vessels and controlling blood sugar.Don’t drink milk tea often, eat desserts, multiple indicators are stable, the brain function can be improved, thereby reducing the incidence of cerebral infarction.

3. Foods with high cholesterol

To prevent brain There are certain types of foods you should stay away from, especially cholesterol-rich foods. Cholesterol is mostly found in animal viscera. Some people think that eating more animal viscera corresponds to the organs of the body to improve its function and naturally prevent diseases.In fact, it has no effect in this regard.

Although animal offal can also provide nutrition,but not too much span>, rich in cholesterol will increase blood viscosity, and excessive intake of these bad cholesterol will change the blood state. The blood vessels or the blood vessels of the brain are blocked, and serious diseases come to the door. Those who like to eat pig brains and livers should be in moderation.

It can be seen that the sudden cerebral infarctionVery dangerous, some people are not treated in time, may die in addition to sequelae, it is necessary to reduce the prevalence of the disease, in addition to dietary methods Appropriate, in daily life should strengthen exercise, quit smoking and drinking.