In spring, the humidity is heavy. Want to nourish the liver and remove dampness? Several kinds of food can be eaten regularly to dissipate dampness and nourish the liver

With the arrival of spring, the temperature will start to rise and the body’s metabolism will speed up. In this season of nourishing the liver and yang qi, we should not be careless, it is said that the plan of the year lies in the spring, The body also needs to maintain health at this time.

The first important thing after the beginning of spring is to remove dampness from the body. Too much, and then Liver fire will be strong, and the climate is humid, it will be prone to damp heat, So it is necessary to remove dampness, and then The health of the body throughout the year helps.

If you don’t remove dampness in spring, it will affect your body more or less

In fact, “wet” is the dirty things in our body. If the weather is humid in spring, plus the wetness in the body will make it easy to suffer from rheumatism, and the joints will suffer from rheumatism. Often uncomfortable and sore. This chronic disease is slow to cure. Moreover, our current people also like to stay up late, eat raw and cold food, and rarely exercise, will cause the body span>Dampness increases, resulting in more and more deficiency of the spleen and stomach.

If the dampness is not removed in time, often feel drowsy and tired. It’s heavy,like carrying something heavy. Not only that, but you also feel unwell. Heavy moisture in women’s body will lead to the occurrence of gynecological diseases, such as abnormal leucorrhea, odor and dysmenorrheasymptoms. In addition, heavy humidity will affect metabolism, and then lead to abnormal blood sugar and lipids in the body, Possibleinduced cardiovascular disease. When you find yourselfwith a thick tongue coating,frequentlyfeeling tight in your chest, short of breath, or have no appetite or have a bowel movement You should pay attention to the symptoms of forming, the moisture in your body needs to be removed.

It can be seen that it is necessary to remove dampness in spring!

A lot of people will be confused about “removing dampness” and have no idea what to do. Today, I will popularize a good method for removing dampness.

First and foremostDon’t stay in damp and cold environments all the time , because this kind of environment will cause the outside moisture to enter the human body, and over time, the moisture in the body will naturally become heavier. Therefore, some things in life that will be exposed to “external wetness” should be avoided.

①On cloudy or rainy days, try to go out as little as possible. If it rains, dry your hair and body immediately

②The laundry that is usually washed must be dried after drying, whether it is clothes or quilts.

③Do not sleep on the floor in summer, it will increase the body moisture< /p>

④Keep the bedroom dry and air circulation, and dry your body in time after taking a shower< /p>

In addition to paying attention to the environment, it can effectively prevent the invasion of “external wetness” to the human body, “internal wetness” should How to deal with it?

To get rid of internal dampness,more exercise< /strong>, you can choose sports such as running, brisk walking or badminton. When the body moves for half an hour to an hour, the blood flow of the body will increase, then Metabolism is enhanced, and moisture from the body is removed. Like people who don’t like exercise, the moisture in the body is not released in time, and excessive moisture is not good for the health of the spleen and stomachof.

andeat lightbecause we The water in the body needs to be metabolized and then excreted from the body. The metabolism of the body requires a good digestive system.The diet should facilitate digestion, with balanced nutrition and lightness. Prevent the stomach from being overburdened and then cause digestive system problems, make some cool foods such as bitter gourd or Chinese cabbagetime you can put it in itput apointginger, onion Or garlic, can reduce the coldness of a little dish.

If it’s raining on a rainy day, you canmake a night of ginger soup< span>, then warm up, evaporate the cold and dampness in the body,can prevent the occurrence of colds. Less salt in the diet is also helpful in removing dampness from the body.Cold food should be avoided, as it will not only damage the spleen but also aggravate dampness.

In addition to paying attention to the above items that will increase humidity, exercise more, and pay attention to the taste of food. There are also several “dampness-removing vegetables” to try.

What vegetables should I eat in early spring? Not only removes dampness, but also strengthens the spleen

When it comes to “removing dampness”, we have to think of yam, which is a kind of high-quality and inexpensive medicinal material, which is beneficial to the health of the spleen and stomach.Yam. And the inorganic salts contained in yam are beneficial to bone health. As the age increases, the calcium in the bones will be lost, And it will get faster and faster, so the yam is also quite Suitable for the elderly. In spring, you should eat more yam. You can put some yam in the fish soup to remove the body moisture.

Lentils are also “dampness-removing experts”, and the lentils mature in large quantities in the spring. It is rich in protein, calcium and various vitamins. helps the body’s metabolism, and also improves the body’s immunity< /strong>. If you want to lose weight, you can eat lentils in moderation.

Finally, fennel sprouts, fennel hasdampening the lungs and improving the spleen strong>‘s effect helps the bodyperistalsis of the stomach,promote metabolism, and the moisture in the body will be reduced accordingly . The elderly and children can eat it. Fennel is also a seasonal vegetable in spring, which is fresh and healthy.

In addition, spring is also suitable for drinking porridge

Because there will be more fire in spring Exuberant, it will have a bad effect on the spleen and stomach. If you have a bowl of porridge that has been boiled for a long time, it is good for digestion, and it also strengthens the stomach and spleen. But the premise of this kind of porridge is to choose choose rice, glutinous rice or corn to make, and then add a lot of water,Cook until it blooms,is a good porridge. Of course, if you want to make it more delicious, you can also cook it in stock, this kind of porridge is simply addicting. mung bean or buckwheateat less porridge made from this kind of cool food, for spring Wet is bad.

In summary, the plan of the year lies in spring, and it is indeed necessary to remove dampness in spring. According to the article’s popular science on removing dampness, it’s early spring, so you can take action!


< p data-track="29">1. “The humidity is soaring in spring, and there will be endless troubles without dehumidification!” – Yunnan Traditional Chinese Medicine 2019-03-21

2. ” Feeling sleepy in spring