The more scratched, the more itchy, how to break the miserable neurodermatitis? Diet needs to pay attention to three eats and two not to eat


I wonder if you feel this way, sometimes the skin It’s like there is a switch, and it starts to itch in one place, scratch it, and then the whole body starts to itch, and the itching must be endless.

Xiao Chen is a programmer of a network company. It is common to stay up late and work overtime. If the work cannot be completed, his nerves are always in a tense state. It will be troubled by anxiety, tension and other negative emotions, and the quality of sleep will be significantly reduced.

Recently, he always felt that his arms, ankles, neck, and back would have an itching feeling from time to time, which he couldn’t control. I wanted to scratch it, but as soon as I scratched it, I found that other places started to itch like a chain reaction.

Xiao Chen thought at first that he didn’t wash himself clean, and he didn’t pay much attention to the itching that appeared on his body, until he found out that this The itching feeling continued to increase, and some small red bumps began to appear on his arms. The itching would affect his sleep and work. He scratched some places, and formed ditches, erosion and seepage. Seeing that the skin was scratched “horribly” by himself, he had to go to a dermatologist for a check.

The doctor diagnosed him as neurodermatitis, mostly due to excessive stress and poor mood for a period of time.

Xiao Chen was puzzled. He affected the nerves because of the stress, but why did he cause skin diseases? Could the nerves also get skin diseases?

Nerves can also get “skin disease”, why does stress cause skin disease?

Neurodermatitis, also known asLichen simplex chronicus, is a chronic skin disease , the main symptoms are paroxysmal severe itching and lichen-like changes in the skin, and repeated attacks.

In our consciousness, we always think that skin diseases are mostly skin tissue damage diseases caused by allergies and bacterial infections. In fact, it is not the case. Although allergic factors and infection factors are the main reasons, we cannot ignore the spiritual and psychological reasons.

If we are in a state of anxiety, tension, insomnia, etc. for a long time, it will lead to abnormal brain nerves, decreased immune function, and decreased endocrine function. Excessive release of local inflammatory substances results in erythema similar to dermatitis on the skin. In severe cases, moss-like patches will form. After scratching, polygonal flat papules may appear, and the skin will also appear light brown. , it feels thick and dry.

When neurodermatitis occurs, be careful not to scratch randomly, we will cause vasodilation after scratching , blood flow is accelerated, the skin is elevated, the more scratching and itching will occur, and the skin inflammation will become more serious, and the skin will gradually thicken and dry.

Therefore, remind everyone not to scratch when the skin is itchy and there are large pimples, our hands will come into contact with a lot of of bacteria, scratching with your hands may lead to increased inflammation of the skin, plunging into a kind of suicidal treatment.

However, it should also be noted that not all itching skin may be a skin disease, such as Diabetes, lymphoma, etc. may also cause itchy skin, no matter which one is, we should pay attention to avoid aggravating the condition.

Patients with neurodermatitis should pay more attention to their personal hygiene habits, and do not use some unguaranteed skin care products and detergents to irritate the skin , combine work and rest, don’t let yourself be overly fatigued, and adjust your emotions. In addition, patients with neurodermatitis should also pay more attention to their diet, ensuring a healthy diet can also improve the condition to a certain extent.

Patients with neurodermatitis should pay attention to “three meals and two no meals”

These three foods are suitable for patients with neurodermatitis:

< strong>Cucumber

yellowMelon is rich in vitamins and water-soluble cellulose, which can cool blood and detoxify and promote the recovery of neuritis after eating. It is recommended that patients with neurodermatitis eat 1–2 cucumbers per day, both cold and stir-fried.


Spinach is a very common green leafy vegetable in our life. It is rich in cellulose and is good for the repair of neurodermatitis. In fact, it has a certain relationship with vitamin B deficiency, so it is recommended that patients eat at least 300–400 grams of green leafy vegetables every day.


Apple is a fruit that many people like, and many people who lose weight use it to help lose weight. Apple contains a lot of vitamin pectin, which can play a role in promoting body fluid and detoxification, and also helps to regulate endocrine. It is helpful for the repair of neurodermatitis. It is recommended that patients eat 1-2 apples per day.

These two types of foods are not suitable for patients with neurodermatitis: p>

Fish, beef, etc.

We We all know that seafood is hair, which is not conducive to the recovery of the disease, so for patients with neurodermatitis, it is best not to eat fish, beef, shrimp and other irritating foods, so as not to aggravate the disease. Duck meat can be eaten properly. Duck meat is rich in nutrients, rich in protein, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, etc., which can not only supplement nutrition but also improve the body’s disease resistance energy. You can eat 50 grams of duck meat every day.

Spicy and spicy food

We We all know that the general patient diet should be mainly light, and spicy food should not be eaten. Such food will stimulate the cerebral cortex, make the spirit more excited, and aggravate the disease. Foods such as onion, ginger, garlic, pepper, pepper, star anise, cumin, etc. are best not to eat.

Warm reminder: Neurodermatitis is a chronic skin disease that is difficult to cure, so we need to pay more attention in our daily life and develop a good The most important thing is not to scratch with your hands, so as not to aggravate the disease.


1. The more itching, the more scratching, the more urgent it is In addition to treatment, you have to do these 3 points to get better faster”·Health Network·2021.1.27