Most of the spleen deficiency is eaten, and 3 kinds of food are easy to damage the spleen and stomach, so try to serve as little as possible on the table

There are still many patients with spleen deficiency in China. There may be a lot of them around in life. Some people will express their incomprehension. Why are there so many people with spleen deficiency? What’s the matter with spleen deficiency? Some people always hear about spleen deficiency, but they don’t know exactly what the situation is, and they don’t know how to prevent it.

The problem of spleen deficiency still needs to be paid more attention. The damage it causes to the human body is relatively large, and the organs and systems involved are also relatively large. If there are too many, it is easy to bring more problems to people. Therefore, after the spleen is deficient, the problems should be dealt with in time. How is spleen deficiency caused? To be honest, it has a lot to do with the daily diet. It is recommended that the 4 kinds of food should not be ingested too frequently, which is very detrimental to the health of the spleen and stomach.

There is a question that makes many people wonder why there are few foreigners with spleen deficiency, but many domestic ones?

First of all, there are differences in medical diagnosis, spleen deficiency has always been a Chinese medicine statement, rarely Western medicine says spleen deficiency, and Chinese medicine is a treasure of Chinese culture, which is different from the Western medicine theory of foreigners. In short, in the category of western medicine, there is no such a statement as spleen deficiency span>, and spleen deficiency is a relatively general term in Chinese medicine. It does not refer to the spleen as one viscera, but refers to the damage of multiple systems, which is ultimately attributed to spleen deficiency.

The diagnosis of diseases by Western medicine will be more accurate, that is to say, it will be subdivided. Wherever there is a problem, it will be diagnosed and then divided. Treat accordingly. Traditional Chinese medicine, on the other hand, looks at the whole, and will find the root cause of the disease from the source, and then solve the problem in detail.

Secondly, living and eating habits are different, compared to living abroad, Some Chinese people’s lifestyles and eating habits will have problems, such asstaying up late, sedentary, greedy for cold, and diet , always like to eatheavy flavorsfood andgreasy The food will increase the burden on the spleen and stomach, causing the problem of spleen deficiency.

In addition, there is another point that cannot be ignored, that is, Chinese people are under great pressureall kinds of pressures are relatively large , many people don’t know how to decompress in time, and they can’t adjust their negative emotions as soon as possible, which makes it easier to increase the pressure. Under the pressure, the function of the viscera and the system circulation will be affected, and the spleen deficiency will be a problem. will also appear.

So, what foods are related to spleen deficiency?

Fried Foods

Modern Diets In China, there are still many fried foods. Whether it is all kinds of snacks or cooking at home, there will be some fried foods more or less, and the ones that are often eaten will be Fried chicken, fried dough sticks, fried buns, meatballs, in addition to these, there are also some fried packaged foods, French fries, peanuts, broad beans , everyone loves to eat.

The fried food does taste more crispy, and if you add some seasoning, it will be more delicious, but it is delicious, eat more It will increase the burden on the spleen and stomach, increase the content of fat, and there will be problems in the transportation and transformation of the spleen and stomach, and the moisture in the body will increase, which will aggravate spleen deficiency.

Foods High in Sugar

< span>Foods with high sugar content can improve people’s mood, and sweets can promote the secretion of hormones, which can also regulate negative emotions. Coupled with foods with a high sugar content, it is tempting in itself, such asdesserts, cakes, chocolates, all of which are loved by everyone Few people can refuse to eat.

However, eating too much food with high sugar content will also increase the fat content, which will burden the spleen and stomach, thereby aggravating the damage of the spleen and stomach. Cause spleen deficiency.

Cool Foods

In our daily diet, many food attributes are cold. The body attracts more cold-damp qi, and the cold-damp enters the spleen and stomach, or enters the body with blood, which will cause greater damage to the body. If there is some damage, the problem of spleen deficiency will follow one after another.

The most popular cold foods include cold drinks, ice cream, watermelon, crab , and some raw and cold foods, such as salmon, are also loved by modern people, It is recommended to eat less, and to ensure a reasonable diet.

Conditioning spleen deficiency, you can press two more acupoints

< span>It is Pishu and Zusanli points respectively.

Pishu points are directly related to the spleen. To improve the problem of spleen deficiency, you can stimulate the Pishu points more to improve the function of the spleen. The functions of the spleen will improve, and the various systems and viscera associated with it will gradually improve, which can change the problem of spleen deficiency.

Stimulation can be massage or moxibustion and cupping , it is recommended to select the stimulation time at around 8:00 pm, which is the period when the spleen meridian is prosperous, which is more conducive to conditioning Spleen deficiency can also help improve sleep quality.

Zusanli acupoint can also help regulate spleen deficiency and bring other benefits to the body. It also has a regulating effect on other viscera. Massage every night before going to bed, if you want better effect, you can massage two acupoints alternately, Persist for about 20 minutes each time is better.

Spleen deficiency has a relatively large impact on the entire body. It is also necessary to find the cause of spleen deficiency and correct the problem in a targeted manner, in order to avoid damage to the spleen and stomach again, and it will be easier to regulate.


1. “Obesity is more “wet weight”, The root is in spleen deficiency; the three types of “removing dampness and spleen tonifying method” save countless people with dampness!” · Popular Science China · 2020.5.21

2. “Invigorating spleen deficiency, spleen shu, Zusanli is the best”·Health Times·2014.2.24