Polycystic is not a devil, don’t be afraid, it’s not far from you to get pregnant!


Polycystic is a common endocrine disease in women of childbearing age, with common manifestations including obesity, acne, hirsutism, irregular menstruation, and infertility. Wait, many people worry about whether they can get pregnant normally if they have polycystic, will they not get pregnant naturally if they have polycystic?

Can polycystic pregnancy be natural

Polycystic can get pregnant naturally, but the chance of pregnancy is lower than normal women. Because women with polycystic disease do not ovulate every month.

Polycystic patients with fertility requirements, if the menstruation is mildly irregular, but there is no complete anovulation, there is a possibility of natural pregnancy, If you pay great attention to the adjustment of your lifestyle, the long-term health impact may be small; if you have obvious menstrual disorders, oligoovulation and anovulation, it is recommended to carry out related ovulation induction treatment.

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Have a balanced diet. Picky eating and dieting can cause malnutrition and reduce the body’s immunity. Eat less cold, spicy and other foods. Female friends with poor follicle growth can eat more beans and cereals in their daily life, which can have some auxiliary improvement effects during treatment.

Exercise appropriately

Exercising regularly, reducing passive smoking, enhancing physical fitness, can also help prevent premature ovarian failure. Appropriate exercise also helps to improve the endocrine imbalance of the body and has a positive effect on ovulation. You can choose to skip rope or jog, brisk walking and other sports.

Get enough sleep

Ensure adequate sleep and try not to stay up late. After a good rest, the body’s resistance can also become better, which is conducive to regulating hormone levels, and also has a certain improvement effect on poor ovulation.

under the guidance of a professional physician

Poor ovarian function or poor hormone levels may affect the growth of eggs. Then, if such a situation occurs, especially in the case of poor ovarian function, it is necessary to choose a professional and regular hospital for timely treatment.

Keeping the uterus warm

If the menstrual blood is dark purple or even black, and there are many clots, then there may be a cold in the palace. Do not let the uterus get cold during menstruation. It is recommended to take a warm bath, wear socks and slippers, and put a hot water bottle on the stomach to avoid cold.

Do a preconception checkup

Before women prepare for pregnancy, they should do pre-pregnancy examinations, such as various routine examinations, immune examinations, and thyroid function tests that cannot be ignored. If the test results show that the body is not suitable for pregnancy, it is recommended that the condition is relieved before trying to conceive.

ovulation intercourse

The same room should not be too frequent, and it should not be separated for too long, 2-3 once a day is appropriate. At the same time, it should help to detect the ovulation period, and increase the number of times appropriately during the ovulation period, which can improve the probability of conception.

What to watch out for after polycystic pregnancySpontaneous miscarriage of pregnancy

polycysticpatients with spontaneous abortion ratehigher, more frequently than First trimester. It may be related to factors such as high androgen levels, insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia, high luteinizing hormone secretion, and endometrial damage.

Reducing body mass index can improve adverse pregnancy outcomes, so pre-pregnancy counseling needs to be strengthened, and polycysticpatients are encouraged to adjust Diet structure, strengthening exercise before and during pregnancy.

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM)

GDM refers to diabetes mellitus with normal glucose metabolism or potential impaired glucose tolerance before pregnancy, which occurs or is discovered during pregnancy. GDMrisk factors are obesity first, insulin resistance second, and the two are causal relationship with each other.

Therefore, it is recommended to carry out strict antenatal care for pregnant women with polycystic disease, regular monitoring of blood pressure and urine protein, during pregnancy24~28 Routinely perform glucose screening every week. If there is abnormal glucose screening, further glucose tolerance test should be performed to diagnose pregnancy complications as soon as possible, deal with them in time, and reduce maternal and infant complications.

Pregnancy Hypertensive Disorder (PDH)< /strong>

Insulin resistance is one of the pathogenesis of gestational hypertension. Insulin resistance and subsequent hyperinsulinemia may increase blood pressure by activating the sympathetic nervous system, promoting water and sodium retention, vascular smooth muscle hypertrophy, and accelerated intracellular calcium exchange.

Complications of childbirth

Study finds thatPCOS patients are at increased risk of preterm birth and cesarean delivery. IfPCOSpatients feel contractions or develop a cervical infection during pregnancy, they should be wary of premature labor and immediately ask their doctor or go to the hospital.

Polycystic patients have a higher incidence of macrosomia

Impressed glucose tolerance in pregnant women and gestational diabetes mellitus are important risk factors for macrosomia. The main reason is that high blood sugar stimulates the proliferation of fetal pancreatic isletβ cells, promotes the conversion of glucose into glycogen, promotes protein synthesis, prevents lipolysis, and promotes fetal growth. Therefore, polycysticwomen should strengthen perinatal care after conception, control diet and weight, monitor blood sugar, and reduce the incidence of macrosomia.

The above content is for understanding and reference only. Please refer to the doctor’s guidance for specific treatment methods.

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