Why is “uremia” increasing

Under the age of 40, there are old people and young people. It seems that life is getting better, but he was diagnosed with uremia. For Mr. Liu, this news can be said to be a bolt from the blue.

Heard the doctor said that if a suitable kidney source can be transplanted, Mr. Liu wanted to give it a try. After all, the children in the family are still young. If there is a chance, he hopes to see the children grow up and start a family.

In order to collect enough surgery fees and pay for conservative treatment, Mr. Liu had to go to work while taking treatment. Although the doctor suggested more rest, Mr. Liu thought about the expensive treatment costs and had to be strong. right.

I. More and more “uremia”? Most are “eat” out!

As a serious kidney disease, uremia has troubled many people. The scary thing is that there are more and more patients with uremia, and most of them are related to the patients’ eating habits and life. habit related.

Uremia refers to the failure of kidney function, which leads to the inability to excrete metabolites in the body in time, and people also have some symptoms of poisoning. The interaction of diseases such as metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and hypertension with kidney disease, urinary tract infections, genetics, and improper use of antibiotics may all induce uremia.

The occurrence of uremia is also related to unhealthy eating habits, such as high-sugar drinks, high-salt foods, and high-purine foods may induce uremia.

1. High-salt foods

The intake of high-salt foods will lead to excessive sodium ions in the body, resulting in increased blood pressure and burden on the kidneys Exacerbated, and then into a vicious circle, so try to eat a low-salt diet.

2.High purine food

After high purine food enters the human body, it will cause uric acid in the body If the amount of uric acid exceeds the standard for a long time, the burden on the kidneys will become heavier, and it may also cause hyperuricemia. Therefore, the intake of high-purine foods should be reduced.

3. High-sugar beverages

A variety of high-sugar beverages can be said to be the favorites of young people, but these beverages contain too much sugar , it is easy to increase the burden on the kidneys, and it may also lead to kidney diseases such as kidney stones.

Second, do not ignore these distress signals from the kidneys

There are not a few people who are targeted by uremia at a young age. If the following abnormal conditions occur, be careful of the distress signal sent by the kidneys.

1. Edema

Excludes edema caused by heart, liver, etc., be careful of edema caused by abnormal kidneys, because the body is overloaded with water caused by high.

2. Abnormal urination

If you find abnormal urine color, abnormal urine volume, or increased nocturia, you should also be careful about the distress signal sent by the kidneys. Go to the hospital for investigation as soon as possible.

3. Unknown high blood pressure

High blood pressure is closely related to kidney disease. Young people have unexplained high blood pressure. Be careful of renal hypertension. Must be treated with caution.

Third, how long can I live with uremia?

Once they are targeted by uremia, many people will be concerned about how long they can live. How long can they live after getting uremia?

Uremia is actually not a terminal disease. Through dialysis treatment or kidney transplantation, there are many people who have lived for 20 to 30 years. There are still uremia patients who have lived for decades in the world. Active treatment and a good state of mind are both important for patients with the disease.

Of course, the most important thing is to insist on receiving treatment. Generally, adhering to reasonable hemodialysis and kidney transplantation can greatly improve the survival rate of patients with uremia.

The increasing number of uremia is inseparable from people’s unhealthy eating habits. Usually, a low-salt and low-purine diet should be taken as much as possible. Observe some abnormal symptoms in the body, and be careful that it is the distress signal sent by kidney disease.


[1]Uremia may be “eat” out! If you keep your mouth shut, the kidneys will not be able to stand 3 types of food. Family Doctor Online. 2021-03-10

[2]Why do young people get uremia? Note: Do these things sparingly! .Health Times.2021-04-11

[3] Uremia is getting younger! Quickly change these 3 deadly habits….People’s Daily Online.2019-10-23