Henan CDC issues important reminders!

It is April, the spring flowers are blooming, and the temperature in our province is gradually rising, but the temperature difference between morning and evening is still large. Coinciding with the Qingming holiday, people go out for outings, enjoy flowers in the spring, and have more ritual sweeping activities, which are likely to cause diseases such as respiratory tract and digestive tract. Experts from the Henan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention hereby remind the general public to pay attention to prevent the occurrence of new coronary pneumonia, mumps, norovirus infectious diarrhea and hand, foot and mouth disease this month. Highlights

I. Coronary Pneumonia

In March, the global new crown pneumonia epidemic was still in the pandemic stage, and the epidemic situation in neighboring countries and regions showed a trend of outbreaks. As of 24:00 on April 2, more than 487 million confirmed cases have been reported globally. The number of newly confirmed local cases and asymptomatic infections in my country has grown rapidly, and the epidemic has spread in many places, and the scope of the epidemic has further expanded, showing the characteristics of many points, wide areas and frequent occurrences. Community transmission in some areas has not been interrupted, and spillover cases have been reported. The prevention and control situation is severe and complicated. The majority of residents go out for outings, outings, and participate in sacrificial sweeping activities to remain vigilant, tighten the string of epidemic prevention and control, and take necessary protective measures.

Safeguards:1. Actively get vaccinated. Citizens who have not yet been vaccinated against the new crown vaccine, please complete the full course of vaccination as soon as possible. For citizens who have completed the full course of vaccination and are at least 6 months old, please receive the “booster shot” of the new crown vaccine as soon as possible. 2. Pay attention to personal protection. Residents should insist on wearing masks, minimize unnecessary gatherings, and maintain social distance during daily travel. Maintain good personal and environmental hygiene, wash hands frequently, ventilate often, pay attention to rest, pay attention to nutrition, and enhance physical fitness. 3. Do a good job of self-health monitoring. Pay attention to your own health. If you have symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, etc., please wear a mask and go to a nearby medical institution with a fever clinic in time, and take the initiative to report your illness and travel history to your doctor , contact history, easy diagnosis and treatment.   4. Arrange travel reasonably and report actively. People should make reasonable travel arrangements, and not to travel and travel to cities where medium and high risk areas are located unless necessary. If you really need to go, please be sure to report to your community (village) and work unit in advance, and take personal protection; those who have a history of living in other medium and high-risk areas in China and who have an intersection with the published trajectory of positive infections will return to Henan After that, you should take the initiative to report the relevant situation to the community (village) and work unit where you are located, and cooperate with various prevention and control measures.

< strong data-brushtype="text">II. Mumps

Mumps for short gills, commonly known as gills. It is popular in all seasons, most common in winter and spring. is a common respiratory infection in children and adolescents. It is an acute, systemic infection caused by the mumps virus, characterized by swelling and pain in the parotid gland, sometimes involving other salivary glands. Common complications are viral encephalitis, orchitis, pancreatitis and oophoritis.

Mumps patients are the source of infection of the disease, and direct contact, droplets, and inhalation of saliva are the main transmission routes. Onset occurs 2 to 3 weeks after contact with the patient. The diseased population in our province is mainly concentrated in children aged 3-15 years, and kindergartens and schools should be alert to the occurrence of outbreaks.

Safeguards:< span>1. Vaccination against mumps. Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent mumps. People who have never had mumps and who have not been vaccinated should receive the measles-rubella-mumps vaccine in time. 2. Practice good personal hygiene. Ventilate your living space as much as possible to keep the air clean and hygienic. Exercise regularly to improve the body’s resistance. 3. Prevention and control of key places. Collective epidemics are prone to occur in collective units such as kindergartens and schools. Morning inspections in these key places should be strengthened, patients should be identified and isolated in a timely manner, daily ventilation, cleaning, and disinfection should be done well, and in the event of an outbreak, it should be dealt with and reported in a timely manner.

< strong data-brushtype="text">III. Norovirus infectious diarrhea

It can occur all year round, and the incidence is high in winter and spring in my country. The disease is mostly concentrated in schools, childcare institutions, hospitals and other crowded places, and epidemics often occur in tour groups, cruise ships, and holiday centers.In recent years, my country has reported several domestic and foreign trips outbreaks in the group.

Infection usually occurs through:Eating or drinking food or water contaminated with norovirus, Putting fingers in mouth after touching virus-contaminated objects or surfaces, touching someone with virussharing food or utensils). Shellfish such as oysters and raw vegetables and fruits are also common foods that cause infections.

Norovirus-infected diarrhea is mainly mild, the most common The clinical symptoms were vomiting and diarrhea, followed by nausea, abdominal pain, headache, fever, chills and muscle aches.Most patients recovered after 2-3 days of symptoms. A small number of cases will develop into severe disease or even death. The high-risk groups of severe disease or death are the elderly and young children.


< span>1. Pay attention to dietary hygiene. Pay attention to washing hands frequently, especially before and after meals and before processing food; do not drink raw water; do not eat undercooked food and unpasteurized milk, oysters and other shellfish Seafood-like products should be eaten after deep processing; fruits and vegetables should be washed carefully before consumption, and unclean fruits and vegetables should not be eaten.

2. Pay attention to normalization. Do not come into contact with patients, patient vomit, excrement and its contaminated items, and the environment. Patients with norovirus enteritis should be isolated from the illness period to 3 days after recovery. Mild patients can be isolated at home or at the outbreak institution, and severe patients need to be sent to medical institutions for isolation treat. The environment or object surface contaminated by the patient’s vomit or excrement should be cleaned and disinfected by trained personnel with chlorine-containing disinfectant or other effective disinfectant, and the contaminated clothing or bed sheets should be taken off and cleaned immediately. Masks and rubber or disposable gloves should be worn, and hands should be carefully cleaned and disinfected after washing.

4. Hand, foot and mouth disease

hand, foot and mouth disease is a childhood It is a common infectious disease.The incidence is mainly children aged 5 and under. In our province, the epidemic usually begins to rise in 13-15 weeks each year, and the peak incidence is from April to June.

HFMD is mainly caused by close contact with the patient’s stool, herpes fluid, nasal Pharyngeal secretions, saliva and contact with contaminated hands, towels, handkerchiefs, dental cups, toys, tableware, feeding bottles, bedding and other items or the environment. HFMD is usually mild and self-limiting, with full recovery after 7-10 days of disease.


1. Pay attention to personal hygiene, especially hand hygiene. Apply water, hand sanitizer before touching nose and mouth, before meals, after defecation, before processing food, after contact with herpes/respiratory secretions, after changing diapers or handling fecal-contaminated items Wash your hands with soap or soap; cover your sneeze or cough with a handkerchief or tissue, then wrap the tissue in a covered trash can.

2. Do not share towels or other personal items with others ; Do not touch patients and their contaminated items, pollute the environment; do not swim or play in unsanitized swimming pools. During the epidemic of hand, foot and mouth disease, try to avoid taking your children to participate in group activities.

3. Frequently clean and disinfect frequently touched items or surfaces, such as toys, furniture, etc., wipe or soak with chlorine-containing disinfectant after cleaning, and after 30 minutes of action, wipe or rinse with water.

Source: Henan CDC p>

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