It’s the number one thing women hate the most

If any woman can choose. /”Woman, Forty”

“Are you menopausal ?” – how many people have said this to women? Menopause symptoms are real and objective, but they are not faked by women, nor are they “made” by women.

My mother, Heart palpitations, palpitations, profuse sweating, heavy head, blurred vision, until I couldn’t open my eyes and lay on the table for a long time before I recovered.”< /span> Her second attack was more violent, suffocating so hard that she called an ambulance.

As soon as the ambulance arrived, her symptoms disappeared. However, just as the ambulance crew was about to leave, the apocalyptic feeling came back. .

In the end, she was taken to the hospital by ambulance, strange things happened again, she miraculously back to normal. Until her third seizure, the ambulance took her to the hospital emergency room. After several examinations, she was finally sure that she was healthy.

She entered menopause and began to feel at a loss.

This may be the most embarrassing aspect of menopause, and it is also the easiest way for people to form menopause Stereotype. However, a survey conducted by Professor Chen Rong, chief physician of gynecological endocrinology at Peking Union Medical College Hospital, and his team on menopausal women may change the society’s one-sided perception of menopause.

“I can finally go on a trip without worrying about the inconvenience of menstruation .”

“I don’t have to worry about pregnancy anymore.”

“I’m starting to enjoy married life.”

“These physical discomforts made my family pay more attention to me.”

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For menopause, it is very appropriate to use the two sides of a coin as a metaphor. In the words of Chen Rong’s new book “Better Menopause” , that “menopause is a gift from evolution to women, but this gift is not comfortable enough for women to accept”.

“As soon as you come, you will be safe”, which is what Chen Rong wants to say to her “girlfriends”. At the same time, she is also looking forward to the society to give menopausal women a trace of kindness and to tear off the dignified “burqa” imposed on them.

FWimw>600>width=”smeared” It’s time to rip off this dignified burqa. /Picture bug creative

no one has the patience to listen to them

Chen Rong prefers to refer to patients as “girlfriends”, which is the true feeling she consciously developed after seeing more patients’ privacy as a gynecological endocrinologist.

Especially in the face of menopausal women, this feeling is even stronger.

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Chen Rong saw the patients sitting in front of her more than once in the consultation room, her face was full of sorrow, and she heard many of them say “life is boring” and “life is boring”. It’s too painful.” Such depressing and desperate words.

Hanging up Chen Rong’s number, for many people who are deeply in menopause For women with the syndrome, it seems to have grabbed a life-saving straw.

Menopause has changed their lives, and in the After no organic lesions were detected, they were considered by the people around them to be imaginary, fussy, and unreasonable. However, hot flashes, sweating, nervousness, loss of control, muscle and joint pain, and even a sense of near-death were clearly real. The symptoms that happen to them.

The new book by Chen Rong and Xu Xiuhua is correct for menopausal women Name——The symptoms of menopause are real and objective, neither pretended by women nor “made” by women.Nearly 80% of women experience different degrees of symptoms during menopause. span>

I know that this is menopause, a stage that every woman must go through in her life, but this should be a neutral word In reality, it is always forcibly equated with “working” and “crazy”.

The medical concept that should be a neutral word, the three words “menopause” Forcibly equates with “make” and “crazy”. /”Golden Wedding”

Even a young girl, once she feels unacceptable At the same time, what often comes is an accusation of “are you menopausal?” Menopause seems to be synonymous with hysteria.

Is menopause a bad thing? Many people are beginning to be uncertain, usually menopause is closely related to privacy, and shame to admit or even seek medical care has become the norm.

In fact, menopausal syndrome is a typical physical and mental disease with specific pathological mechanisms. About half of women’s menopause symptoms are mild, and they can go through smoothly with self-regulation. The other half of women were not so lucky, and when menopause symptoms reached moderate to severe, they had to turn to a doctor.

When they sat in Chen Rong’s consultation room, they had already been tortured by the unbearable menopause symptoms. unbearable.

Chen Rong remembered that some patients were pale because of heavy menstrual bleeding, the hemoglobin dropped to only 3 grams; Some patients are itchy and dry in the genitals, which seriously affects the life and relationship of husband and wife; some patients suffer from leg pain, which makes it difficult to sleep at night; I feel wronged, want to cry, and even feel that life is better than death.

The invisible pressure from family and society made them breathless. At that moment, all the depression in Rong’s heart burst out. Before, no one had the patience to listen to them.

img> width The inner pressures of menopausal women are rarely heard. /Figure Worm Creative

” Menopause is cured, not just patients The body, but also the mind; menopause cured, not only the patient, but also a female doctor”, which seems to be the portrayal of Chen Rong at this stage. In her opinion, what the doctor sees is one case after another, but behind it is a very different woman’s life.

is the second female renewal Youth

Talk about modern women’s thirst for menopause knowledge, the desire Not only among women who are about to or have entered menopause, but younger girls are also interested. Chen Rong was very pleasantly surprised, this undoubtedly added another force to get rid of the stigma of menopause.

The doctors of Peking Union Medical College Hospital are not only scientific and rigorous in medical science popularization, but also compassionate and compassionate. They are often evaluated as “a humanistic heart and a scientific brain” by the outside world. Chen Rong is the same.

“I was hesitant to introduce a lot of medical terms such as estrogen, progesterone, etc. , whether you can understand it is what I was worried about at first.”

Chen Rong finally put these The medical terms that generally only appear in the inspection report are explained one by one.

To remove the meaning of menopause that is distorted in the social context, we must first cross the gap between doctors and patients. The mountains between, although Chen Rong also understands that it will take time for the society to treat and accept menopause calmly and rationally, but she is willing to use her professional knowledge again and again to make more efforts for the arrival of this day.

Chen Rong started from the fertilized egg, and from the gender differentiation to the six or seven weeks of the fetus, the development of males and females diverged. Since then, the physiological changes of a girl’s life are like a big drama, which is quietly staged in the body, and the chief director of this drama is the female endocrine system. The main hormones in the female reproductive endocrine system are like little elves, “constituting a complex network regulation system that precisely schedules the periodic activities of the female reproductive system.”

One of the habitual expressions of people’s objectification of women is the excessive pursuit of youthful appearance and graceful beauty for women. The body of menopausal women is mocked as a half-old milf.

When people know a little about hormones, they will understand that young girls have fair skin and beautiful breasts and buttocks , to a large extent, thanks to estrogen; menopausal women are due to the decline of ovarian function, resulting in estrogen can not be maintained at a high level, but fluctuates up and down, and the volatility is reduced.

A society that places too much emphasis on youth, beauty and slenderness, ignoring normal physiological changes, can easily lead to Excessive cosmetic surgery and excessive use of health care products by women. On the one hand, it is not good for women’s health, and on the other hand, it will lead to mental discrimination against menopausal women.

A well-known professor of obstetrics and gynecology once described people’s concerns about menopause Misreading: “Menopause means old age, sickness, disgust in others… It’s almost ingrained in our culture. Women during this period seem superfluous, and it’s an insult to say someone is in menopause.”< /span>

And one of the pioneers and founders of modern obstetrics and gynecology in China, Academician Lin Qiaozhi, an obstetric expert at Peking Union Medical College Hospital It appears that menopause is the second puberty for women.

It is a node connecting the past and the future, connecting youth and twilight.

“We want to tell our readers that menopause is not a disease, but disease prevention should be calculated based on the average life expectancy of women in my country. , from the beginning of menopause to the end of life, there is still nearly one-third of life, and health management is done well at this time, and most of the elderly life is healthy and safe.” Chen Rong said.

At the same time, it is also a new starting point. At this time, women are attractive, experienced, and have minor physical problems. Little Pain reminds them to start really caring for themselves.

Of course, debunking misconceptions about the treatment of menopause is just as important as de-stigmatizing it.

Before, not many women really went to the doctor because of menopause , An important reason is that they believe that menopause cannot be cured, and they can only survive those few years by living.

Even if they seek medical attention, many people withdraw when they see menopausal hormone therapy. People’s extreme sensitivity and rejection of hormones are not the original sin of hormones themselves, but they are persuaded by the “black history” of abuse of some hormones and the failed exploration of hormone therapy at the trough.

“In fact, menopausal syndrome is treatable.”

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Chen Rong said that the discomfort of menopause is mostly caused by the decline of estrogen, which affects the whole body. In the book, she makes a vivid metaphor. She said that the way to stop this wave of ripples is to throw a small stone as smoothly as possible, and menopause hormone therapy takes on the responsibility of “squeezing the water”.

“You’ve grown up, I’m not old yet, that’s great! ”

When the child celebrated his 20th birthday, Chen Rong posted a circle of friends: “You have grown Big, I’m not old yet, so good! “Her mother then commented: “I can run, better.” ”

Chen Rong’s mother was nearly 80 years old. One day, the mother and daughter talked on the phone , the mother said, this is the best time of her life. Her children have already started a family and her grandchildren have successfully entered the university. She can finally do what she likes without distraction.

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Mother’s words surprised Chen Rong somewhat. She thought that after fulfilling her responsibilities as a parent, her mother would be able to enjoy her old age in peace. After I was admitted to the university one after another, a suspended heart was really relaxed.

And this is precisely the point Explains the importance of human grandmothers (grandmothers). Human grandmothers (grandmothers) lose their fertility due to the cessation of menopause, and they can help raise babies. You see, the social phenomenon and family tradition of carrying babies between generations are actually different. There is a close connection with menopause.

Menopause relieves women of the hard work of pregnancy and childbirth, and provides a better way to change from mother to child. The role of the grandmother (grandmother) has been physiologically prepared. Unlike other animals in nature, humans are “premature babies”, and small babies are too difficult to raise. They take up their mother’s time, and at the same time, the mother also To survive, the help of the grandmother (grandmother) is crucial, no wonder anthropologists say “grandmother(Editor’s note: including grandmother)is the core competition of human beings.

It can be said that every human ancestor is constantly exploring the world on the shoulders of his grandmother Looking back into the past, on a prehistoric night, a long-lived old woman always sat beside the bonfire to pass on the wisdom of mankind to her grandchildren, and the treasure house of mankind’s wisdom was also perfected in the accumulation of this night.

In this way, existence is reasonable, and this also applies to menopause to a certain extent. The results of life evolution give Women bring discomfort, but at the same time they take on new tasks and gain new emotional comfort.

Life evolution makes women uncomfortablewith new tasks , gained new emotional solace. /”The Great Leap Forward of Life”

As a gynecological endocrinologist, Chen Rong is more peaceful than the average person accept the arrival of menopause. Immediately entering the year of knowing destiny, she is in menopause just like those “best friends” who are in contact with each other in the clinic every day, but Chen Rong’s temperament is more peaceful than before. After the child goes to college, she can work overtime more calmly and do her own things more calmly.

“When life is only tired, but not aging, people try to define it from different angles every day. Only by reinventing yourself can you live a wonderful life.” Writer San Cup wrote this sentence in “Every Day of Life is an Adventure”, the first book of his “Life without Age” series, he is regarded as The initiator and advocate of “Ageless Sense” in China.

In an online live broadcast he participated in, his interpretation of the experience of “no age” There is no deep inspirational “chicken soup”, it seems to be closer to the emotion of life – every age is the best age, so every birthday should be happy; the clown in Florence, it doesn’t matter how you look at him, just Show your true self, laugh at people coming and going; if you are not tired, time will not get old…

< span>Chen Rong also encourages all “girlfriends” in the book to pursue a “ageless” life, even in the face of aging. Come, stay curious enough about everything, and try to make yourself better.”

still curious enough about everything Strive to be better,this may be the best time of your life. /vision in country

” just like my Mother, she is aging, but she is still optimistic, and before the epidemic, she liked to travel around with my father.”


This may be the best time of my life, Chen Rong agrees.

In an interview, she mentioned the astronauts who completed spaceflight: “Most of them were born in (20th century) In the 1960s and 1970s, wasn’t it just the age of forties and fifties? Isn’t it the age of the patients who visited the clinic?”

Those who find their own stage of life will not talk about aging lightly, nor will they be afraid of wrinkles and gray hair brought by the years.

Whether it is to expand the circle from a small family to a circle of friends, to live and learn, or to continue in business It’s never too late, so it looks like it’s never too late.

Although menopause can make women uncomfortable, aside from this, the physical strength at the moment is not bad, and the savings With a lot of wisdom in life and work, and the child has grown up, it seems that everything is fine.

✎Author | Wei YanOriginal title: “Not “crazy”, not “work”, stop stigmatizing menopause”< span>The cover is from the movie “Woman, Forty”Welcome to share it with friendsReprinting without permission is prohibitedAdvertising Please contact WeChat for cooperation: xzk96818This article is from issue 608This IssueLiu Shen Leilei: That Reading Young People of Jin Yong and Tang PoetryThis fashion blogger has not worn new clothes for three years