Unusual times: The key to your health is not water, not air, not exercise, but—

Hello, I am Dr. Mi

The epidemic has almost spread to the whole country

now this time

except for being afraid of the sun span>

The worst fear is to get sick at home

After all, we all know that

How precious are medical resources at present

Then why do people get sick?

The answer to this question

Chinese medicine has been summed up more than 2000 years ago

There are two reasons


means bumps, falls, insect bites, etc.

and one is six kinky. . . .

Six evils do not refer to cheating, cheating, pornography, gambling, drugs

, but the general term for six exogenous pathogens in traditional Chinese medicine↓< /span>

For example, when winter should be very cold and very warm, the flu comes


(prostitution means too much and immersion)

< span>For the invasion of external evils

We have many ways to prevent and control

such as reducing going out at home

For example, wearing a mask. . .

What is the hardest thing to control and prevent?

is an internal injury, an internal injury of seven emotions

is a human being mood

When a wish is fulfilled

feeling joy. . .

When the wish is repeatedly missed

will be disappointed or even angry. .

Yes, man is a superior animal

but to some extent< /span>

Humans are also emotional animals

We live all day in

EmotionsIn this vast ocean

When this ocean occasionally ripples

Not a problem

even healthy

What are you afraid of?

is sudden

is intense

is long term Persistent emotional stimulation

It’s soaring

It’s like a stormy wave, surging

At this time

people will even be engulfed by emotions. . .

In the Internal Classic of Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is stated very early:

anger is angryspan>

Headache, vomiting blood, fainting

Thoughts Gas knots

You will lose your appetite, your stomach will be full, and you will have loose stools

< /p>

Fright and turbulence

People will panic, palpitations, and convulsions


>This is enough to show that abnormal mood

can cause visceral lesions

This is in line with modern medicine that

more than 70% of people’s diseases are related to mood. . .

No conflict at all

Many people would say

I don’t want to get angry either

I am not a person who likes to get angry! ! !

Yes, where did the flicker of the bad mood come from?

Especially during the lockdown period p>

The above three are converging and entangled

The following scenario is all too familiar…

You want to yell at

husband who is sitting on the sofa and playing with his phone:

< img class="content_title" height="300" layout="responsive" sizes="(min-width: 320px) 320px, 100vw" src="https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/X0F9HHk8ZGABeMyxfkzrjvsCbCqvswC7MtWA4icnRdF8uLNugFUlNBupDP6yfuSbvIeibwssLic0w5JVIeibwssLic0w5Jw5JW" ="600">You want to yell at your boss

Ah, no, stop, you can’t yell< /span>

Because you suddenly found out

during the epidemic

The best thing for you is the boss

Because he still has to pay you wages. . .

During Home Lockdown

Our Body’s Journey Code

Bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, living room

No more than 1000 steps per day

but why every nightin bed

you feel like you Hollowing out

Will you feel more tired than commuting to work every day?

because our nerves

are always tense The

because our emotions

have been anxious, restless

Changes in the epidemic

people are all in a fight

or flee A state of stress

and this state will mobilize all the qi and blood of the human body

priority to serve these needs

This roller coaster of emotional ups and downs

cause us to appear

Bloating, nausea, stomach pain, flank pain

chest tightness, difficulty falling asleep, red tongue

< p>

span>Liver Mug Spleen Earth

Most typicaldifficulty falling asleep at night

not being able to sleep well

this is the disease caused by the seven emotions, liver qi Burning

and then disturbing the mind

and then not sleeping well or even a night of nightmares

How to adjust this time?

issmoothing the liver, clearing the liver, soothing the liver

Shugan——Bupleurum chinensis, neem, bergamot, rose Flowers

Cleanse the Liver——mulberry leaves, paeonol, gardenia, chrysanthemum

Shengan——Oyster, Cassia, Uncaria

Don’t think that you are locked down at home

not easy to get sick

I believe that there are many people suffering from insomnia, depression, palpitations, palpitations, chest tightness, shortness of breath, and constipation recently.

Because of people

Uneasy mood

< p>Emotional injustice

is the biggest overdraft to our body

is the biggest overdraft to our life span>

Students who stocked our liver-soothing tea before

must remember to eat

Because it can alleviate the above problems

More dangerous than the epidemic

panic about the epidemic

Change your mentality

waiting for unblocking

At this moment

The key to your health

not water, not air, not exercise span>

It’s your mood. . .

happy cup of tea

shunrenqi Smoother

Buy one get one free

*Users who buy 4 boxes of Happy Tea,the first 100 people will get 1 box of rose petals< /span>

*click The poster below is available for purchase

” /p>Su Ask “Sachets for Public Welfare”Keeping You Home< strong>April 4th – April 10th*Long press the poster below, scan the QR code to send the “Charity Sachet”, and you can participate in the event*

recommendedUnder the epidemic, this torture that is more “secret” than the new crown must be vigilant! Don’t miss this fruit in spring, which can nourish liver blood! It can also beautify the skin and create eyesight! The epidemic is ferocious: the National Health and Medical Commission has released the latest plan, which is closely related to everyone 「For more health consultation, please scan the code to enter the group」

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