8 embarrassing moments that may be encountered during the physical examination, each of which makes it difficult to calm down!

It’s the annual medical examination season again

In the medical examination room, there are always some strange and embarrassing things happening

Urinating with one hand and foot while holding the urine cup and urine tube

Hold a small spoon and watch the shi in the urinal helpless

It feels like countless eyes are staring at your weight after weighing it up

Have you ever encountered these embarrassing toe-pulling situations?

Do you know the little health knowledge hidden in embarrassment?

Small Science Time

Not only children are afraid of injections and blood draws

Many adults are also full of fear in the face of needles and blood

The incidence of dizziness is 3.5%[1]

Dizziness, palpitation, sweating and fatigue

Even brief loss of consciousness or confusion

This is related to psychological, environmental, physical and other factors[2]

Excessive tension before blood collection

The vagus nerve, which manages the respiratory and digestive systems, is excited

Induces vascular syncope[3]

Blood collection rooms are often noisy and have poor airflow

Add physical fatigue, sleep deprivation, and excessive hunger

May also cause fainting of blood and needles

People with a history of fainting blood or needles

Sleep well and get enough sleep 1 day before blood collection

If requested on an empty stomach, bring water and a small snack with you

Tell the nurse before blood collection that you have a history of haemorrhage and needle halo

If necessary, lay half or flat for blood collection

Speak to the nurse or escort during the procedure

Do not get up immediately after the blood is drawn

Sit for a while or lie down for a while before getting up to avoid falling

Small Science Time

The process of measuring height and weight is comparable to public execution

Young men and women are full of tricks, such as—

Come on, many people have a question:

Who doesn’t have scales and rulers?

Spend so much money for a physical examination, why do you need to check your height and weight?

For more accurate body data

Doctors will use this to analyze whether you have underlying disease factors

For example, if the measurement is accurate

You are shorter than before, and your bones may be wrong

Can also calculate Body Mass Index (BMI)

Weight (kg) ÷ Height (m) 2

Over 28 is obese, over 24 is overweight[4]

for every 2 increase in BMI

Risk of coronary heart disease and stroke

Increased by 15.4% and 6.1% respectively[5]

So, don’t tiptoe or fake, let’s face it!

Small Science Time

During the physical examination, the longest queue is often the B-ultrasound room

Not because of how complicated the check is

The process of holding back urine is too long

Why do I have to hold back?

Because ultrasound is useful for solid, liquid, and gas-containing tissue

The resulting image is different

Full bladder

Images of uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, prostate, etc.

It’s more complete and clear[6]

In general, you need to drink 800~1000 ml of water before doing B ultrasound

That is 6~8 paper cups

If you want to hold back your urine quickly

You can drink coffee, tea, watermelon juice and other diuretic drinks

Sip small sips and walk while drinking

Of course, ask your doctor before drinking these drinks

See if it will affect the blood test

It should be noted that not all ultrasound examinations require urination

Liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, vaginal ultrasound, and rectal ultrasound can be directly checked

Don’t be nervous when undressing

Abdominal ultrasound only needs to lift the shirt

Pants are pulled up to the crotch and the belly is exposed

Small Science Time

Have you found it

You pee a different color every time

The Cleveland Clinic has launched a “urine color chart”

marked the question corresponding to the color of the urine

Normal urine is pale yellow

Drink too much water, and the color of urine becomes lighter

Drinking less water or liver problems can cause dark urine

Have kidney disease, urinary tract infection, prostate infection

Or eat red food, the urine will be red

Eat green food or bacterial infection

Can cause urine to turn blue or green[7]

Urine routine examination can reveal more problems

“-” on the report means normal, “±” means suspicious

“+” means there is a problem, the more “+” the more serious the problem is

pH, specific gravity, occult blood, protein abnormalities

These words may indicate renal impairment

Leukocyte, nitrite, color, and turbidity abnormalities

These words may indicate a urinary tract infection[8]

Of course, whether there is any problem depends on the final report

Small Science Time

During a chest X-ray, the doctor usually asks:

Are you trying to conceive?

And remind: It is best to have a baby six months after the chest X-ray

So, is chest X-ray dangerous?


Chest X-ray is like taking a photo, it’s over with a click

Chest X-ray is like taking a small video and needs to be observed dynamically in real time

Natural radiation is greater

X-ray radiation from human chest X-ray

11.92 times smaller than chest X-ray

The disease detection rate of chest X-ray is 5 times higher than that of chest X-ray[9]

It is recommended to use chest X-ray instead of chest X-ray

If the unit chose a chest X-ray for you

It is recommended to consider adding some money to replace it with a chest X-ray

A chest X-ray usually costs tens of yuan, and a chest X-ray is only about 100 yuan

(There are slight differences in different regions and hospitals of different grades)

Small Science Time

EKG electrodes should be sucked on the skin of the chest

Electrodes on wrist and ankle

Don’t wear dresses, jumpsuits, overalls, and stockings

Loose and comfortable clothing that is easy to put on and take off is preferred

The day before the EKG, it is best not to smoke

Do not drink alcohol, coffee, strong tea and other beverages that accelerate the heart rate

Keep your emotions steady and don’t do strenuous exercise

Get enough sleep the night before

Small Science Time

Surgical exams are a nightmare for many boys

The palpation of the thyroid, superficial lymph nodes, and breast is OK

To the genital examination and digital rectal examination

The feeling is indescribable

Many boys give up surgery, which is wrong

The doctor looks at the genitals to see how the penis is developing

And whether there are external genital deformities, etc.

By touch

Can detect cryptorchidism, varicocele, scrotal hernia, etc.

Anal diagnosis can detect hemorrhoids, anal fissures, anal fistulas, rectal prolapse, etc.

Also helps in early detection of rectal cancer

Don’t be a little embarrassed

and give up such an important inspection

Small Science Time

Itchy, everyone has it

When our ancestors faced harsh living conditions

Must keep onea state of high acuity

Evolves a sensitive nervous system

As long as something touches the body

The brain sends out alert signals

Body alarm disarms when no danger is realized

Defend by “giggling” or dodging

Axillary, soles of feet and other areas rich in nerve endings

will be more sensitive

Sensitivity decreases around age 40[10]

Just relax and trust the doctor during the checkup

What other embarrassing things did you have during the medical examination,

You can share with us in the comment section~


Luo Yifeng| Deputy Chief Physician, Health Management Center, The Third Affiliated Hospital of Southern Medical University

Zhao Shuqing|Deputy Chief Physician, Department of Neurology, Peking University Third Hospital


[1]Su Qiuling, Lei Yali. Application of supine position to patients with fainting blood and fainting needles for physical examination[J]. Chinese Journal of Medicine and Clinical Medicine, 2019, 019(009):1568- 1569.

[2] Li Yanhong. Analysis of causes and nursing interventions for dizziness and bleeding in venous blood collection subjects [J]. Electronic Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2017,4(87):17134-17135.

[3] Zhou Xiaodan, Shi Hong. The experience of successful venous blood collection in 259 healthy patients with a history of fainting from acupuncture and haemorrhage[J]. Chinese Journal of Practical Neurological Diseases, 2013, 16(018): 42-43.

[4] Chinese Nutrition Society. Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents [M]. Beijing: People’s Health Publishing House, 2016.

[5] Zhou Beifan. A prospective study on the cut-off point of suitable body mass index for adults in my country[J]. Chinese Journal of Epidemiology, 2002(06):431-434.

[6]Liu Min. Improvement of B-ultrasound examination method of holding back urine[J]. Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing: Early Edition, 2006, 022(002):51-52.


[8] Xiong Lifan, Liu Chengyu. The basis of clinical examination [M]. 4th edition. Beijing: People’s Health Publishing House, 2007



*The content of this article is for the popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment suggestion, nor can it replace the face-to-face consultation of a licensed physician, and is for reference only.

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