A bowl of soup in spring without the help of a doctor! Collect these therapeutic recipes quickly, clearing away heat and detoxifying, soothing the throat and producing fluid!

Traditional Chinese medicine has five flavors: sour, bitter, sweet, pungent, and salty. So which “flavors” are suitable for spring? For this question, we invited a Chinese medicine gourmet who knows the “taste” of various medicines well – Chief Physician Wei Yun of the Oriental Hospital of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Director Wei suggested that acid-flavored medicines are very suitable for spring health. The yin fluid of the human body is the foundation of yang qi, and yang qi should be backed by yin qi. It is to nourish yin, and acid can nourish yin and produce body fluid.

Director Wei also introduced 2 kinds of sour herbs to us, and making them into delicious food can not only make life full of deliciousness, but also help nourish yin and lungs, quench thirst and promote fluid in spring.

1 “Plant Ruby”: Roselle

The first sour medicine brought by Director Wei was roselle. The liquid it brewed was red, so it was also called “plant ruby”.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that it has the effect of nourishing yin and moistening the lungs, which can relieve dry throat, thirst, itchy throat, and phlegm-free irritating dry cough in the throat. Modern research has found that it has a certain “lowering blood pressure” effect.

So how should roselle be eaten? We can mix it with other herbs to make a substitute for tea. Take 5 grams of roselle, 10 grams of Ophiopogon japonicus, and 15 grams of fresh reed root in boiled water, which has a better effect of nourishing yin and lungs; taking 5 grams of roselle and 10 grams of Rhodiola rosea in boiled water, it has better blood circulation.

In addition to the tea substitute, Director Wei recommends eating roselle and peanut butter in daily life.

【Practice】: Soak 200 grams of peanuts in boiling water twice, peeled, soak 50 grams of glutinous rice for 1 hour in advance, put it in a soymilk machine, add 1000 ml of water, use the function of whole grains, wait for it to cook; finally add the chopped Crushed roselle, osmanthus sauce.

[Note]: Eat as soon as possible, do not leave it for too long.

2 “Qingrejiedu fruit”: green fruit

In spring, evil qi will also grow, and the internal heat that has accumulated for a winter will be released in the spring. Many people will not only have itchy throat and cough, but also have sore throat, cough with phlegm, red tongue and yellow coating and other heart and lung heat. Performance.

In response to this situation, the second sour medicine brought by Director Wei, Qingguo (olive), can help relieve it well. Qingguo has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification, soothing the throat and promoting body fluid, which is stronger than that of roselle.

So how should we eat green fruits in our lives? Director Wei said: Green fruit can be directly contained, first sour and then sweet, soothing the throat and relieving cough; it can also be mixed with white radish and boiled water.

【Qinglong White Tiger Soup】

[How to do]: Crush 10 green fruits, slice 200 grams of white radish, cook the green fruits for 20 minutes if they are dry, and cook for 10 minutes if they are fresh.

[Note]: It is not suitable for people with spleen and stomach deficiency and easy diarrhea.

Today’s summary

Acid-flavored medicine is very suitable for spring health preservation, which is conducive to nourishing yin and promoting body fluid, and helping yang qi rise. In daily life, we can make two sour herbs, roselle and green fruit, into healthy food for consumption.

Today’s interactive topic

Are you also taking sour medicine to help your health in the spring? In addition, what other spring health coup? Welcome to leave a message to share with us.

(I am the official WeChat account of a big doctor)