This exercise for middle-aged and elderly people can help control blood pressure and strengthen the body, but there are 3 points to keep in mind

Walking is a healthy exercise. Generally speaking, no matter what age group you are in, you can exercise by walking because it is not very intense. At the same time, it does not need to use any equipment, nor does it need to spend any money, and the requirements for the environment are relatively small.

For many middle-aged and elderly friends, regular walking is not only beneficial to control blood pressure, but also makes bones stronger, thus preventing osteoporosis. For middle-aged and elderly people with exercise needs, walking is the best choice.

Although walking can bring a lot of benefits to the body, middle-aged and elderly friends must keep the following 3 points in mind when walking, so that on the basis of not damaging the body, Make the body stronger.

1. Control the distance of the walk

Many people choose to go for a walk after eating, so that Not only can promote intestinal digestion and absorption, but also reduce the burden on the stomach and liver.

But it should be noted that in the process of walking after meals, the walking distance should be strictly controlled. Generally speaking, the distance of each walking should be kept at about 5000 steps. That is, once this distance is exceeded, it may cause muscle soreness and fatigue in the body, and in severe cases, the quality of sleep will be affected.

2. Pay attention to walking intensity

For middle-aged and elderly friends, if the walking time is too long or Walking too fast will cause the body to be overtired, which will make it difficult to fall asleep at night, which will directly affect the mental state the next day. In addition, if the amount of exercise is too large, it is easy to cause damage to the knee, and if the situation is more serious, it may also induce a series of joint diseases.

Therefore, when middle-aged and elderly people walk, they must do what they can, and pay attention to control the walking time and walking speed, so as to make the body healthier.

3. Don’t run wild

Running is a popular form of exercise, but it is not It is suitable for middle-aged and elderly friends. This is because the physical functions of middle-aged and elderly friends are often weak. If they run wildly, they may cause damage to various organs.

For middle-aged and elderly friends who suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease and other diseases, accidents may occur in the process of rampage. Therefore, the majority of middle-aged and elderly people should Go for a walk within your ability, and don’t run wild.

In fact, in addition to walking, middle-aged and elderly friends can also choose some other sports, such as square dancing, Tai Chi and cycling.

Generally speaking, square dance is suitable for the elderly who are more flexible. In the process of dancing square dance, not only can exercise, but also Play a role in cultivating sentiment.

On the other hand, Tai Chi requires less flexibility. It is a sport suitable for most people. Promotes blood circulation in the body, relieves symptoms of chronic diseases, and improves the respiratory function of the lungs, thereby making the lungs stronger.

Cycling is suitable for middle-aged friends with stronger bones. This exercise can not only exercise leg muscles, but also strengthen to a certain extent Heart and lung function.

[This article is exclusively produced by “Qianjinfang” new media, and the pictures are from the Internet. Author Yanqing, please do not reprint or copy without authorization]