People after the age of 65, do they give priority to still health preservation, or insist on exercising? Here comes the answer

In life, we can see that tortoises do not move, but they live very long. Therefore, many people think that it is necessary to keep still and not to exercise. In fact, there is no comparison between humans and turtles, because we are different species. The turtle has a long life span, which has nothing to do with exercise. It is mainly determined by its genes. Its cell division ability is twice that of humans. Therefore, although it sleeps most of the time, it can still live a long life.

Therefore, for human beings, it is untenable to say that static health can lead to longevity. The “Code of Conduct for Physical Activity and Sedentary” clearly recommends that people after the age of 65 should insist on appropriate exercise, preferably a variety of sports.

In fact, no matter what age people are, it is very helpful for health to exercise properly, reasonably and consistently. When a person is exercising, the metabolism in the body will be further accelerated, helping to expel toxins and metabolic wastes from the body as soon as possible, thereby enhancing immunity and enhancing physical fitness.

For the elderly, exercise can also control weight, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and diabetes and other chronic diseases. The risk of disease, to achieve the purpose of health preservation, disease prevention, and longevity.

Since it is said that exercise is good for health, however, the following two cases give people a warning.

Aunt Li, 68, insisted on exercising after retirement, and went to square dance with her friends every night. The effect, one jump is two hours. She felt that exercising so hard would definitely be more effective than walking. But recently he was hospitalized due to osteoporosis.

The 66-year-old Uncle Bu, because of the “three highs”, insists on exercising every day, and wants to control blood pressure, blood sugar and blood lipids through movement. All descended, so I walked 20,000 steps every day, and there was still a slope. However, his “three highs” were not effectively controlled by 20,000 steps a day, but his knees were severely worn.

Why does this happen? In fact, the above two cases are relatively representative, and also represent the mentality of some elderly people. Their common problem is excessive exercise. Exercise is indeed beneficial to health, but if it exceeds the body’s capacity, it will easily cause harm to the body and affect life expectancy.

Therefore, for the elderly after the age of 65, it is necessary to insist on moderate exercise, and do not overdraw the body because of exercise. backfires. The best way to keep healthy is the combination of movement and stillness, moving in the body and still in the mind.

However, for people after 65 years old, in order to live longer, in addition to proper exercise, there are several things that cannot be ignored.

eat more bland foods

after age 65 , The digestive function of the human body declines, so it is necessary to eat more light and nutrient-rich foods, which is more beneficial to prolong life.

Actually, many health problems are related to improper diet, such as overeating, like eating high-fat, high-calorie food. Therefore, in order to maintain health, you must eat a light and reasonable diet.

Go to bed early and get up early

Sleep is very important for health, early Going to bed early and not staying up late can give your body enough time to recover.

After the age of 65, most people will have an obvious feeling that the quality of sleep is not as good as before, and the quality of sleep becomes worse, the body cannot get enough rest, which will affect the function of organs and damage the health of the body.

Therefore, in addition to not staying up late, people after the age of 65 should also pay attention to improving the quality of sleep. They can drink a glass of warm milk before going to bed.

Finally, seniors should be reminded that regular checkups are very important. Many elderly people are afraid of being diagnosed with the disease, so they are more resistant to physical examinations. In fact, physical examination can detect problems in time, achieve early detection and early treatment, and prevent the disease from being detected in time and increasing the difficulty of treatment. Therefore, the elderly must have regular physical examinations, generally once every six months, and no more than once a year at most.

Note: The picture is from the Internet