What is the reason for frequent diarrhea? Maybe you are these 3 kinds of constitution, Chinese medicine gives 3 conditioning programs

Most people are prone to diarrhea when they eat unclean food, get cold in the abdomen, or suffer from gastrointestinal diseases, but with proper adjustment, they can get better quickly and hardly affect their body functions. However, there are such a small number of people in life who often suffer from diarrhea for no reason and the disease recurs. What is going on? See how TCM explains it.

What causes frequent diarrhea?

In Chinese medicine, people with frequent diarrhea are mainly divided into the following three constitutions:

1. Weak spleen and stomach


People with weak spleen and stomach are prone to diarrhea, accompanied by indigestion, yellow color, no appetite, pale and tasteless mouth, bowel sounds and general weakness, eating a few I feel bloated after eating, so I have diarrhea after eating.

2, spleen and kidney yang deficiency

Diarrhea is a common manifestation of spleen-kidney yang deficiency, characterized by diarrhea, abdominal pain and bowel sounds before dawn. Bowel noise and abdominal pain will disappear after bowel movements, often accompanied by loose stools, abdominal chills, yellow complexion, indigestion, loss of appetite, lethargy, and easy physical fatigue.

3. Liver stagnation and spleen deficiency

The symptoms of liver stagnation and spleen deficiency are abdominal pain, Diarrhea, abdominal distension and loose stools, abdominal pain occurs before diarrhea, and pain relief or disappears after the diarrhea ends, often accompanied by belching, loss of appetite, increased farting, and chest and flank pain. As long as the spirit is nervous or excited, the above symptoms will be aggravated.

How to adjust these 3 types of constitution?

For the above three types of physical problems, Chinese medicine recommends these conditioning programs:

1. Weak spleen and stomach

Those with weak spleen and stomach can choose Sijunzi Decoction, which includes ginseng and Atractylodes. If the spleen deficiency and dampness are caused by spleen deficiency and dampness pouring into the large intestine, you should choose Shenling Baizhu San, which is based on Sijunzi Decoction. Treat diarrhea.

2. Deficiency of spleen and kidney yang

The principles of conditioning for those with spleen and kidney yang deficiency are: Warms the spleen and kidneys and strengthens the intestines, thereby relieving diarrhea.

3. Liver stagnation and spleen deficiency< /p>

For those with liver stagnation and spleen deficiency, the key is to regulate the liver, promote the recovery of the liver’s dredging function, and regulate the spleen and stomach qi mechanism, thereby relieving diarrhea. Tongxie prescription contains peony, which has astringent effect; AtractylodesIt is warm in nature and has the effect of tonifying qi and strengthening the spleen;tangerine peelcan regulate qi and dry dampness, as well as invigorate the spleen and stomach; prevent wind Lifting and dispersing Qi machine, together with the compatibility can adjust the liver and spleen.

Because such patients are accompanied by abdominal pain before diarrhea, it can be added or subtractedHejin Lingzi San , has the effect of activating qi and relieving pain. The main symptoms of liver qi invading the stomach are belching, acid reflux and bitterness in the mouth. Zuojin Pill should be added or subtracted to clear liver fire and relieve symptoms such as acid reflux and diarrhoea.

How to avoid diarrhea everyday?

1. Keep warm

Wear high-waisted trousers or underpants, and no navel-baring clothes. Cover the lower abdomen when sleeping to avoid the cold wind blowing directly on the abdomen. Frequent abdominal massage and hot compresses can have a thermal insulation effect.

2. Adjust the diet

eat more foods that nourish the spleen and stomach such as yam and barley And lotus seeds, etc., eat less or do not eat spicy spicy and cold food. Keep three meals a day, and pay attention to a light diet.

Message from the doctor

If acute diarrhea occurs, accompanied by body fever, severe abdominal pain, frequent vomiting, or dry mouth, headache, dizziness, palpitation, and oliguria , It should be treated with medicine as soon as possible to avoid serious diarrhea and dehydration of the body.

In addition, patients with acute diarrhea that did not relieve after 48 hours; diarrhea with melena or mucus and bloody stools; colorectal polyps, family history of colorectal cancer, cholecystectomy Patients with chronic diarrhea during surgery; patients with intractable constipation have recently developed diarrhea, and the above cases should go to the hospital as soon as possible without delay.

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