Peking University study of 500,000 people: brushing teeth is related to the risk of death, brushing teeth frequently, people will live longer

Toothbrushing is our daily cleaning work. Only by conscientiously brushing our teeth can we achieve proper tooth cleaning and prevent the occurrence of oral diseases such as oral diseases.

Studies have shown that people with oral disease are more likely to develop cardiovascular disease Sex will also increase, which also reflects the importance of brushing your teeth from the side. However, there are still many people in life who do not realize this. Brushing their teeth every day is very perfunctory, and they will suffer the consequences after a long time.

Unhealthy Oral Health and Cardiovascular Health

A study was presented at the 2021 ESC Annual Meeting, this study comes from Sweden, Sweden Researchers have found a strong link between gum disease and cardiovascular risk, and during the course of their study, they found thatthe more severe the periodontitis, the less healthy the heart. The researchers collected data on 1,587 people who visited the dental office and continued to explore and track them for an average of 6.2 years.

205 deaths, heart attacks occurred during the follow-up , stroke, heart failure and other events, found that the more severe the gum disease, the greater the chance of these events. Oral problems have an increasing impact on health. To prevent gum disease, regular dental check-ups should be arranged. It is also crucial to brush your teeth properly and maintain good oral hygiene.

Are these diseases also related to oral health?

Oral problems will also delay our health, and oral health problems will increase the risk of disease and death. Brushing your teeth is an important way to maintain oral health. It is very important to brush your teeth twice a day in the morning and evening to ensure the health of your teeth.

Peking University Health Science Center School of Public Health led a study, The study of 500,000 Chinese people, followed for 10 years, explored the relationship between not brushing teeth and various diseases.

It was found that overall, 9.3% of the participants rarely or never brushed their teeth. People who brushed less often were 12% more likely to develop cardiovascular disease than people who brushed regularly. In addition,people who don’t brush their teeth have a higher risk of liver cirrhosis, cancer, chronic lung disease, and more, and a 25 percent increased risk of all-cause mortality.

The National Health Commission also showed the current situation of adult brushing, focusing on Stressed the importance of brushing teeth and called on everyone to develop good brushing habits in order to prevent the risk of disease.

How many times a day should I brush my teeth?

Some people think that brushing their teeth once a day is enough, and some people think that brushing their teeth twice a day is healthy. Previous studies on the relationship between oral hygiene and hypertension have mainly focused on high-income developed countries.

The research team in Guizhou conducted a related study on the population of Guizhou Province. To explore the relationship between dental hygiene and hypertension, and the relationship between oral hygiene and T2DM events, regular tooth brushing can reduce the incidence of type 2 diabetes and hypertension. If you want to achieve the purpose of health, it is more appropriate to brush your teeth twice a day. Brush your teeth once every morning after getting up and once at night before going to bed, which can make your mouth more hygienic and healthier.

How to brush your teeth properly?

1. Pay attention to the angle of brushing

When brushing, the bristles should be at a 45-degree angle to the teeth and gums , don’t brush your teeth like a saw, brush your teeth in small circles.

2. Brush to every corner

If you want to keep your teeth clean, brush to every corner when brushing your teeth, brush the outside of the incisors, the inside of the incisors, the occlusal surface, the inside of the teeth, and finally don’t forget the tongue surface.

3. Choose a toothbrush that suits you

The choice of toothbrush should be based on the individual choose a different toothbrush. Choose a toothbrush with moderate hardness as much as possible. Too soft toothbrush will have poor cleaning effect, and too hard toothbrush will damage tooth enamel.

Family Doctor Message from Jun

Although brushing your teeth is common, it is very important. Frequent brushing can reduce the incidence of various diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases. Brush your teeth carefully in your life, and master the practice of brushing your teeth. The correct method, don’t be perfunctory, brush your teeth carefully for three minutes each time.

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