Liaozhong District Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital: “epidemic” without turning back to keep you safe

Since the outbreak of the new round of epidemic, Liaozhong District Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, as the first echelon of medical units, has been sticking to the front line of this battle to eradicate the “epidemic” and welcome the spring. At the same time, according to the special prescription for the prevention of new coronary pneumonia, the “prescription” of traditional Chinese medicine was launched to contribute to the prevention and control of the epidemic.

“Don’t drink cold, eat less spicy” “Breakfast, drink a bag after dinner” TCM experts intimately instructed the staff on the front line of epidemic prevention. It is understood that on March 25, the leadership team of Liaozhong District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and senior traditional Chinese medicine experts fully considered the transmission characteristics of the Omicron variant and the climate characteristics of “cold spring”, and selected more than 1,000 authentic Chinese medicinal materials. Bags of decoction were sent to the Liaozhong Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the community health service center responsible for nucleic acid sampling. Unique advantages and roles in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19. The units that received the donation expressed their gratitude and highly recognized the traditional Chinese medicine.

“I have been in charge here for seven years. Since the outbreak of the epidemic in 2020, in order to minimize the risk of virus transmission, the detention center has implemented the “30-day+” closure policy, which means that if there are epidemic cases in Shenyang, the detention center will be closed for at least 30 days. Heaven. So 365 days a year, I spend most of the year in the detention center and can’t go home. My daughter-in-law is responsible for everything at home. Although I can’t bear it, I can’t help it. This year, due to the impact of the epidemic in Lengzibao Town, I have lived in the detention center in my childhood and in my new year. I feel that no matter what position I am in, I must do my best. Now I just hope that with my perseverance, I can make some contribution to the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine and help the whole district to fight the war. Contribute to the epidemic!” said Liu Huanhong, head of the infirmary of the Liaozhong District Detention Center. Such simple and unpretentious words, but what kind of sacrifices are behind them. With his practical actions, he demonstrates the work style and good character of a “Chinese hospital person” who is silently dedicated to an ordinary position, performing his duties, taking the initiative to take responsibility, and selfless dedication, reflecting the district. All the staff of the Chinese Medicine Hospital fulfill their responsibilities in fulfilling their mission by “giving up their homes and serving everyone”.

The epidemic is an order, and prevention and control is a responsibility. In this “epidemic” without gunpowder smoke, the old secretary of the district traditional Chinese medicine hospital in his 60s, the “post-90s” mother of two children, the re-employed experts and the colleagues who have just completed the operation, none of them faced the epidemic. Backed down, all the staff showed their responsibility as “people of traditional Chinese medicine” who have no turning back against the “epidemic” and keep you safe. They have gone deep into the front lines of epidemic prevention in schools, communities, and residential areas in all towns and streets in the district. They have left their full-strength figures in epidemic prevention checkpoints, nucleic acid testing points, and the testing room of the District People’s Hospital.

(China Daily Liaoning Reporter Station)