Notice by the National Health and Health Commission: Emergency stop this food, which contains harmful substances, and it will be poisoned if you eat too much

In recent years, in order to make some foods look more high-end and upscale, and sell them for a higher price, many businesses will try to put gold foil on food, such as gold foil chocolate, sushi and other foods. cake etc.

Recently, in response to this market situation, National Health Commission Jointly issued a notice with two other departments:Gold and silver foil and gold and silver powder are not within the scope of food additives and cannot be used in food production and operation strong>. This is mainly because gold foil and other elements contain metal elements, which cannot be absorbed by the human body and can easily cause physical damage.

Why is it harmful to eat gold leaf food?

Since the food with gold leaf is so expensive, is it good for the body to eat gold leaf? the answer is negative.

The previous standard for food-grade gold foil is heavy metal substances that cannot be poisoned. Although gold is a metal substance, it cannot be digested by stomach acid and cannot be absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. So it itself is not harmful to the human body.

The gold element contained in gold foil is not a list of nutrients required by the human body It can not only increase the nutrition of food, but also can not improve the flavor of food, but it will bring potential danger.

If you just eat a little gold leaf, it won’t do much harm, even if it’s not good. However, gold is a heavy metal, its chemical properties are not active, it is difficult to be digested by gastric acid, and it will not be absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, if people eat a large amount of gold leaf food, it will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract and cause indigestion. If the unqualified gold foil is used by unscrupulous merchants, it will be absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and cause adverse effects on the body.

Which foods also contain metal elements?

With the continuous improvement of living standards, people have higher and higher requirements for the taste and taste of food, but not all good tastes are natural, and some come from cheap chemical substances Or man-made, and eating too much is harmful to the human body. For example, the following foods contain metal substances that are harmful to the human body, so you should not eat more.

1. Sugar-fried chestnuts

Under normal circumstances, chestnut skins are dark brown. luster. The sugar-fried chestnuts were black and shiny, and some merchants explained that it was caused by smearing honey. It may be judged by touching it by hand. If the sugar-fried chestnuts are not sticky, clear and smooth, in all likelihood, industrial paraffin has been added. This kind of material has low cost and complex ingredients. Frequent consumption will damage the health of the body. Therefore, when buying chestnuts, you should choose chestnuts with natural colors and no openings.

2, puffed food< /p>

Potato chips and other common puffed foods may contain excessive aluminum. Most puffed foods are added with a bulking agent, which contains too much lead and aluminum, which can directly poison the nervous system. Aluminum entering the body is difficult to excrete through sweat and feces, and it is easy to accumulate in the body, causing aluminum poisoning over time.

3. Larger fish

Some fish contain mercury, especially Fish living in a highly polluted environment, coupled with the age and size of the fish, have higher mercury levels. Mercury can directly poison the central nervous system and reproductive system, causing male infertility and fetal malformations. Therefore, you can’t buy fish that are too large. Catfish, grass carp or carp are about 2 to 3 pounds.

4. Bundled vegetables< /p>

The survey shows that the vegetables packaged with tape contain formaldehyde, especially the leaves that come into contact with the tape contain the most formaldehyde. After entering the body, formaldehyde can poison the liver and kidneys, as well as the digestive system, and even damage the blood system, so you should buy vegetables that are not tied with tape.

5. White pumpkin seeds

Relevant surveys show that the color is relatively white The pumpkin seeds contain sulfur dioxide, and long-term consumption can disrupt intestinal function and damage the liver and digestive system. In order to attract consumers, some unscrupulous merchants will use sulfur fumigation in the production process, which can play the functions of bleaching and anti-corruption.

Message from the doctor

Compared to pursuing high-end food , for health, we should eat less processed food and junk foodFood, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, etc. However, note that before eating vegetables and fruits every day, they must be thoroughly washed or peeled before eating, which can remove pesticide residues to the greatest extent.

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