Harvard study: long-term not eating staple food, reduce life! How much staple food should be eaten to be healthier for the body?

Some time ago

Uncle Jiu saw a hot search:

『A male star for 6 years Don’t eat carbohydrates

40 years old still maintain a childlike appearance”

Low-carb diet

has been highly sought after by the people

it is the main promotion span>Less or no staple foods

to add to a high-protein diet

in place of regular meals

In balancing blood sugar and regulating insulin

Especially in weight loss and fitness

plays an active role


A new study in the medical journal Nutrition and Health finds< /p>

low-carb dietendocrine effects

even Reduce testosterone levels in men

cause dysfunction!

Some harsh truths about low-carb diets

This study recruits

27-year-old healthy adult men

for 2 days to 8 weeks of dietary intervention< /span>

and perform physical exercise simultaneously

to observe carbohydrates

< span>Effects on testosterone and cortisol in men

Experiment 1

Increase Cortisol levels after exercise

The experiment first analyzed

two different states Changes in cortisol levels under

It was found that

in the non-exercise state

Short-termlow-carb diets (≤3 weeks)

cortisol levels rise< /p>

but after 3 weeksreturn to normal line

(High-carb diet has no apparent effect)

while in motion

Cortisol levels in the low-carb group

Significantly higher than the high-carb group

especially 1 and 2 hours after exercise

Experiment 2

Lower testosterone levels

compared to a high-carb diet

< span>High protein, low carb dietsignificantly reduced testosterone levels

content decreased by 5.23 nmol/L

37% decrease

well known

Testosterone is an important embodiment of “manly”

A person with low testosterone levels

more likely to have problems with growth, development and sexuality


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Harvard The research team also showed that

long-term carbohydrate insufficiency

increases Risk of death

Picture: No carbs have the highest risk of death

< div>

If you want to lose weight or fitness

you can do it in the following ways span>

Scientific low-carb diet

for a long time

everyone loves to put carbohydrates

Associated with “gain fat”, “high blood sugar”, etc.

but in fact

Everyone needs to eat

a certain amount of carbohydrates every day

to replenish the body’s energy needed

Chinese Nutrition Society pointed out

Chinese adult male light and medium manual laborers span>

The daily energy requirement is 2400-2700kcal


Adult female light and medium manual laborers

The daily energy requirement is 2100-2300kcal

In total daily calories

Carbohydrates should be 50%-65% of total calories< /p>

For people with weight loss or high blood sugar

available at On the basis of the above

When reducing carbohydrate intake

Easter egg at the end of the article: a little trick to boost testicles – squats

Squats, known as Fitness’s “ace compound exercise”

not only works the core musclesspan>

It can also promote the secretion of testosterone

#Yao Zero Zero Plan#


[1]Whittaker J, Harris M. Low-carbohydrate diets and men’s cortisol and testosterone: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutrition and Health. March 2022. doi: 10.1177/02601060221083079

[2]Blind squats are not advisable for fitness enthusiasts You should master these 5 key points of squatting. People’s Daily Online. 2018-10-09

[3] Chinese Nutrition Society. Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents 2016 [M]. People’s Health Publishing House
