People with such long ears live longer, this time Chinese and Western medicine agree

As the saying goes, “Look at the ears to know the life expectancy, touch the ears to cure all diseases”.

Folks have always regarded large ears as a symbol of happiness and longevity. Is there any evidence in modern medicine that the ears are related to longevity?

“Life Times”(Search “LT0385” in WeChat to follow) Interview experts to answer your questions and teach you a set of ear massage techniques, Turn your ears into your own health tool.

Interviewed experts

Wang Tong, Professor, School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Yang Li, Professor, Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences

Wang Peng, Deputy Chief Physician, Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Dongzhimen Hospital, Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Characteristics of old birthday stars: big ears, long earlobes

What do scientists think about the relationship between ear size and life expectancy?

A survey by Nobuyoshi Hirose, a geriatric physician at the Keio University School of Medicine in Japan, found that centenarians have one thing in common: Either large ears or large earlobes long.

Ears are made of cartilage, which reduces friction between joints. Larger ears may mean more cartilage tissue synthesis, less risk of joint disease, and therefore longer life.

However, there are also different views that the human ear can continue to grow throughout life, with an average of 1.4 to 2.2 mm per 10 years. Therefore, it is not that people with big ears live longer, but that people who live longer have bigger ears.

Traditional Chinese medicine has two explanations for the relationship between the ear and life expectancy.


Multiple meridians converge in the ear

From the perspective of meridian science, many meridians in the human body are related to the ear. “The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine” once mentioned: “The ear is where the ancestral veins gather.” This means that many branches of the meridians pass through the ear.

Therefore, changes in the function and shape of the ear reflect the qi and blood of the meridians in the body to a certain extent, which in turn affects health and longevity.


Ears reflect viscera function

There is a saying in Chinese medicine theory that “kidney opens its orifices in the ear” and “heart sends its orifices in the ear”. Therefore, if there is a problem with the functions of the heart and kidneys, they can be reflected in the ears.

If the physiological functions of the heart and kidneys are normal, and the qi and blood are sufficient and unobstructed, the ear can perform the hearing function normally. The shape and size are generally 5-8 cm. The width is half the length, about 3 cm, and the ears are thick and moist in color.

The large ear is a symbol of sufficient kidney essence and abundant heart qi. The kidney is in charge of the growth, development and reproduction of the human body. A large ear is one of the symbols of longevity to a certain extent.

A ‘miniature’ of the human body on the ear

Traditional Chinese medicine “Holographic Theory” believes that the ear is also a microcosm of the human body’s physiological function activities. There are reaction points of the internal organs and various tissues and organs on the ear, and the arrangement of each reaction point is like an inversion fetus.

Earlobe reflects the condition of the head and face; Helix reflects the spine, including cervical, thoracic, lumbar, scapula, etc.; >The cochlea reflects the internal organs, the external auditory canal is the heart and lungs, and the inner part is the spleen, stomach, liver, gallbladder, etc.

If there is tenderness, redness and swelling at the reaction point, it indicates that there is a problem with the corresponding viscera and tissue.

Kidney deficiency

The earlobe, pinna, etc. will appear atrophied and shriveled, and the color will also turn black.

Get angry

The ear is red and swollen, mostly caused by “getting hot”, and there may also be pus and polyps.

Red dot

If the ear part is spot-like or flake-like flush, dark red, dark gray, etc., it may be gastritis, gastric ulcer and other digestive system diseases.

Bulging of blood vessels

The blood vessels on the back of the ear are too full, which may indicate abnormal cardiopulmonary function, such as coronary heart disease, asthma, etc.

Ears are related to longevity, but not absolute. Some people have relatively small ears, but if they can be actively maintained, they can live longer; some people have relatively large ears, but they may have the problem of “three highs”, and the body is accompanied by chronic diseases.

Traditional Chinese medicine teaches you a set of “ear exercises”

The ear, which gathers the meridians and connects the viscera, has 93 auricular points. Regularly rubbing and rubbing for 3 to 5 minutes can have unexpected health effects.

Roaring drums

Listening exercise

When you tap the back of your head with your fingers, you can hear a drum-like sound in your ears, hence the name “Booming Drums”.

Methods: Rub your palms to warm and cover your ears; place your index finger on your middle finger, and tap the back of your head with both fingers to make a sound.

Tapping 60~80 times a day can exercise the function of the ear and make the ear more sensitive. Insomnia patients can also try it.

rub the earlobe

Maintaining the five senses

The earlobe corresponds to the head and face of the human body, including the eyes, ears, teeth, tongue, tonsils and other organs. Toothache, sore mouth, sore throat, tinnitus and other symptoms can be relieved by rubbing the earlobe.

Tip: Massage the earlobe with the thumb and index finger of the left and right hands at the same time, first rub the earlobe to warm it, and then pull the earlobe down 15~20 times to make it slightly hot Can.

Massage the ear nails

Digestion and asthma

The acupuncture points corresponding to the internal organs are mainly distributed in the ear concha.

The upper concha boat corresponds to the abdominal cavity, and is often used to relieve diarrhea, constipation, prostatitis, cholecystitis, etc.

The lower concha cavity corresponds to the chest cavity and is often used to relieve cough, asthma, chest tightness, angina pectoris, etc.

The part where the concha and the concha cavity meet is the stomach. People with gastritis, gastric ulcer and indigestion can click here more.

Method: Use the thumb and index finger of the left and right hands to knead the concha on the inside and outside of the ear at the same time, about 20 times.

Press Trigone

Improve the reproductive system

Manual: Using the thumb and index finger of the left and right hands, knead the triangular fossa on the inside and outside of the ear at the same time.

Press the ear boat

Care for hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders

The ear navicular corresponds to the upper limbs of the human body, from top to bottom are the fingers, wrist, elbow, shoulder and clavicle.

People with upper limb discomfort such as frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, wrist pain, numbness of fingers, etc. often have pain points in the ear navicular.

Manipulation: You can find the pain response point in the navicular area, press and rub with the thumb and index finger, or directly press the inner and outer areas of the auricular navicular with the thumb and index finger .

Press the antihelix

Relieve lower back pain

The anti-helix corresponds to the body part of the human body. The upper 2/5 is the lumbosacral vertebra, the middle 2/5 is the thoracic vertebra, and the lower 1/5 is the cervical vertebra. Many people suffer from backache and neck pain. , you can double-click here.

There are also two bifurcations upwards from the antihelix, corresponding to the buttocks, sciatic nerve and lower limbs. People with sciatica, knee arthritis, heel pain, etc. can massage here more.

Manipulation: You can use your fingernails to gently pinch these parts, or look for the most painful parts near the acupoint area and pinch them.

The manipulation is from light to heavy, and the strength of pulling and pinching is limited to no pain. Finally, massage auricular acupoints does not have to be exact, the key point is to stimulate the corresponding acupuncture points in the ear and persist for a long time. ▲

Editor of this issue: Zhang Jie

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